Monday, April 12, 2010

The Sudanese Voted in Egypt

The Sudanese community in Egypt has participated in the current Sudanese elections yesterday in the Sudanese embassy , I hope they preserve this right ,it is very expensive one.

Why can't Egyptians abroad vote in their embassies where as Sudanese can !!??


  1. very nice blog sister
    appreciate your best presence
    Good luck

  2. Perhaps because our elections are a joke? why make it an expensive one? ^^

  3. Sudanese Observer4/15/2010 03:09:00 AM

    Sudanese expatriots can only vote for the office of President.
    The Sudanese in Sudan vote for (at least):
    The President
    The Governor of their State
    The representative of their local constituency
    The representative they would like to represent them in the federal parliament
    The party they would like to represent them in the national parliament
    The party they would like to represent them in the federal parliament
    Members of parliament from a women's quota list - which comprises 25% of the national parliament.

    For all the 'strong, organic, special' relations Sudan has with Egypt - the numbers of Sudanese expatriots in Egypt who registered to vote are a little over 5000 !
    This is miniscule when compared to the number of Sudanese expatriots in the Gulf who have registered to vote...

  4. @Hassan, thank you :)

    @anonymous :(

    @Sudanese Observer , at least they can choose their president


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