Saturday, April 3, 2010

Would You Eat This Meat MR.Minister !!??

Minister Amin Abaza believes it is ok to eat that disgusting Indian meat with worms as these worms die while cooking !! May I dare and ask minister Abaza one simple question :

Would you eat a piece of meat which you know was full of worms before cooking !!?

I know he will not answer for reasons you and I know very well.

Scientifically the Sarcocystis worm dies in heat but why the people have to buy a Sarcocystis infected meat in the first place !!? Already I am not a scientist but searching online I found out that Sarcocystis can be transferred to humans as intermediate hosts which is disgusting and alarming. Who wants to host a worm or parasite or whatever in his or her body for God sake !!??

It is not only the Indian meat but also the meat coming from South America thanks to the minister of finance brother in law Lebanese Dany Chamoun “not related to infamous Dany Chamoun of Lebanon as far as I know” . The involvement of Chamoun in the importation of meat not for human use is an old thing the press has tackled since last year but of course nobody listens or speaks

The scary thing is that this meat as we all know won’t be executed but it will find its way to the market to the restaurants.

By the way the meat crisis is still on and Abaza does not want to calm down the people on the contrary :

People should know the meat price will reach to LE 200 per kilo !!

Of course he did not tell us why exactly the meat price will go up like that !! Reading these statements make you believe the regime is vegan and wants us to be vegan too.

Already for certain classes in Egypt especially the low working classes meat has become a rare commodity just like fruits but for the middle class this is a new blow dragging them to below. The rise in meat prices will lead to an increase in fish and poultry prices too as we do not have a real food supply ministry to control the market .


  1. What is being done to control the bad meat? Is it inspected?

  2. Sudanese Optimist4/04/2010 02:54:00 AM

    This particular Finance Minister's great, great uncle deceitfully oversaw the laying of claims for the extension of Egyptian claims to Halayeb.

    Keep importing red meat and poultry from South America...

    In Sudan we just started exporting beef to Malaysia.

    Sudan has more livestock per capita than Argentina, and the markets of the Gulf are reliable and business is good.

  3. @Boxer , accordng to the official reports it is being inspected and kept away but we can't be so sure of that

    @Sudanese Optimist , well who told you that we do not import meat from Sudan , Citadel Capital has bought thousands of acres to raise livestock for the Egyptian market for two years now but of course as you can see there is a mafia standing against seeking any other alternative in the market.

  4. Sudanese Optimist4/05/2010 12:14:00 PM

    If there's a mafia in Egypt that does not want to import meat from Sudan for its narrow economic interests, there are large swathes of the Sudanese population that do not wish to do business with Egypt because they feel that Egypt does not have Sudan's interests at heart.

    Maybe it would be better to have an objective academic debate on the history and to have Egyptian troops that illegally occupy Halayeb withdrawn before putting into effect the import of Sudanese meat into the Egyptian market.

  5. all this because the Egyptians people just accept what the regime's offer them. I am shocked to see how people could just sit back and swallow anything from this regime!! I have respect for the old Egyptian people who used to stand up and fight for their rights to have a decent life.


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