Sunday, March 16, 2025

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2025 : The Tale of Fatima, Halima and Karima “” EP.17

Ramadan Kareem

Tonight we will know what will happen to Reema in the realm of Jinn after meeting their Sultan Golan, “Correct spelling” after he claimed to be an apple seller. 

So without further delay, here is the 689th episode of our Arabian Nights Egyptian radio show—or the 17th night in this year’s tale, The Tale of Fatima, Halima, and Karima

Episode 17: Rima saves the Sultan of Jinn

And so, on the six hundred and eighty-ninth night, when the new evening arrived, King Shahryar took his seat as he had the night before. No sooner had he settled than Scheherazade entered, greeted him, and took her place before him. She then resumed her tale and continued with the story.

Scheherazade spoke:

*"It has been told to me, O wise and fortunate king, that Rima returned to her old habit of stealing stories, claiming Kareema’s tale as her own and recounting it to the Sultan as if it had happened to her. But at that moment, King Golan revealed his true identity. Without hesitation, he seized Rima and flew with her to the land of the jinn, hiding her from all his servants to catch the Sultan off guard and expose the betrayal. Thus, he remained firm in his plan, concealing her in his chamber until nightfall.

When evening came, the dinner table was set, and the Sultaness dismissed all the servants. She sat alone with the Sultan, and what happened next is what we now witness..."*

Sultan Golan: "So, tell me, my Sultaness, where do we go from here?"

Sultaness Marjana: "Oh, my lord, why not just enjoy the meal?"

The Sultan: "Are you going to force me to eat?"

Marjana (playfully): "May I be damned if I do!"

The Sultan (smirking): "And why must you feed me with your own hands?"

Marjana: "Eat, my love."

The Sultan (extending his hand): "Very well, give it to me."

Marjana (holding back the morsel): "No, let me feed you myself. Eat, my love."

The Sultan paused for a moment, watching her closely.

The Sultan: "But you are not eating, my Sultaness."

Marjana (softly): "Seeing you eat is enough to satisfy me, my lord."

The Sultan tilted his head.

The Sultan: "Why not allow the servants and musicians to remain here with us? They could serve us as we eat."

Marjana: "For two reasons, my lord."

The Sultan: "First?"

Marjana: "So that I may serve you myself."

The Sultan (mockingly): "How touching."

Marjana: "So that I may be your servant, your slave, and your handmaid."

The Sultan: "And the second?"

Marjana: "So that we may speak freely."

The Sultan (nodding): "Fair enough."

Marjana: "With others around, our words are limited, my lord… But with just us—"

The Sultan (cutting her off): "Enough food. I’ve had my fill."

Marjana (concerned): "But, my lord, you have barely eaten!"

The Sultan: "Remove the food now. Instead, bring me a basin of water before I sleep."

Marjana: "As you wish, my lord. Go ahead and rest—I will bring the water right away."

The Sultan: "Do not be long."

Marjana: "I’ll only be a moment."

As she prepared the basin of water, Marjana spoke to herself in a whisper,

"This water… I shall mix a little of our special powder into it."

And with that, she carefully sprinkled something unseen into the water…

The Sultan’s Deception

Sultan Mandia: "Sultaness?"

Marjana (from a distance): "Coming, my lord!"

From her hiding place, Rima whispered urgently:

Rima (to the Sultan): "Did she put a sedative in the water?"

The Sultan (firmly): "Silence, mortal!"

Rima: "But I saw her!"

The Sultan: "Then stay quiet if you know what’s good for you."

Just then, Marjana entered, carrying a basin of water.

Marjana: "Here is your water, my lord."

The Sultan (reaching for it): "Give it to me, Sultaness."

Marjana (sweetly): "As you wish, King of the Jinn."

The Sultan: "And hand me that snuffbox as well."

Marjana: "Here, my lord."

The Sultan pretended to examine the snuffbox and suddenly hesitated.

The Sultan: "Wait, where did I put my other snuffbox?"

Marjana (quickly): "I left it on the table. I’ll fetch it for you."

The Sultan: "Be quick, Sultaness!"

Marjana: "At once, my lord."

As soon as she left the room, Rima gasped.

Rima: "She’s gone!"

The Sultan acted swiftly. He poured out the sedative-laced water and replaced it with clean water.

The Sultan (hushed): "Stay put. I will pretend to drink it."

Rima: "You’re going to tell her you drank it?"

The Sultan (sharply): "Silence, mortal!"

Just then, Marjana returned, snuffbox in hand.

Marjana: "Here is your snuffbox, my lord."

The Sultan (smiling): "Thank you, Sultaness."

Marjana: "But first, my lord, drink the water I gave you. Did the taste alarm you? Oh… you already drank it? Praise be! May it bring you health and strength!"

She watched him closely, her eyes gleaming.

Marjana: "Shall I stay by your side, my lord? Keep you company until sleep takes you?"

The Sultan (feigning drowsiness): "Oh, such kindness… such charm…"

Marjana (melodramatically): "Even if I set my ten fingers alight, I could never repay you!"

The Sultan: "May the heavens reward you."

Marjana (with deep emotion): "I cannot express enough how much I cherish you. I was once merely a servant in your palace, but when my mistress passed, you made me your wife. Such honor—I could never repay."

The Sultan: "Do you truly feel this way?"

Marjana: "Your generosity is my guiding light. Your love is my sustenance. And your children—our noble princes—they are my masters. I would lay down my life for them!"

The Sultan (murmuring): "You know something, my Sultaness…"

Marjana: "Yes, my lord?"

The Sultan let out a deep sigh, pretending to fall asleep.

Marjana (softly): "Sleep, my king… sleep, my love…"

She waited for a moment, ensuring he was motionless, then slipped away.

Marjana hurried from the chamber, whispering to herself,

"Now to gather all the food and bring it to Bahloul… Let him feast on this banquet!"

She left, carrying the trays of untouched food.

Once she was gone, Rima emerged from hiding.

Rima (whispering urgently): "My lord! She’s gone to deliver the food to the ghoul!"

The Sultan: "Patience, mortal."

Marjana (muttering to herself as she walked): "Now to the cave, where Bahloul awaits. I shall sit with my lord of the ghouls while the Sultan slumbers."

The Sultan, now fully alert, turned to Rima.

The Sultan: "I will take my sword. Follow me—but from a distance. She must not suspect us."

Rima (anxiously): "Heavens protect us… Let’s go."

They reached the darkened cave, hidden deep in the forest.

Rima (whispering nervously): "Why has she stopped?"

The Sultan (watching closely): "Do you not know the entrance?"

Rima: "I… I don’t."

The Sultan gestured for silence.

The Sultan (whispering): "This is the ghoul’s lair. And now… it is time for a visit."

Marjana stood before the cave entrance and called out:

Marjana: "Open, Bahloul! Bahloul! Bahloul!"

From within, a deep, guttural voice answered:

Bahloul (grinning): "Ah, you have returned, Mistress of Shadows."

Marjana (smiling slyly): "And I bring you a feast, my mighty ghoul. Eat, eat to your heart’s content!"

And deep inside the cave, something stirred…

The Third Part of the Episode: Translated and Copyedited

Behloul: What news do you bring of the King of the Jinn?

Marjana: Sultan Golan? He’s sleeping, drunk and unaware. But why are you standing there in silence? I told you—we can’t finish him off tonight.

Behloul: Why not?

Marjana: Are you afraid of his sons?

Behloul: And where are the Sultan’s sons? Prince Karwan is ill and asleep. And the other one—what’s his name? Zaharan?

Marjana: Prince Zaharan is missing. That’s the only thing that troubles me. Is he truly gone, or is he hiding from me?

Behloul: And what if he surprises us?

Marjana: Are you trying to frighten me?

Behloul: Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid. King Golan won’t live. He won’t live!

At that moment, King Golan charges at them, sword in hand.

King Golan: I’ve got you, enemy of God!

Behloul (startled): The Sultan!

King Golan: Yes, the Sultan—the one you thought was sleeping, drunk and unaware! But now, let’s see if you can beg for mercy. Mercy is only for the merciful!

Then he turns to Marjana, the traitor.

King Golan: To the depths of hell with you, wretched woman!

Marjana: Mercy! Mercy!

King Golan: Traitors and criminals belong in the lowest of the low!

Reema: May your hand never falter, my Lord!

King Golan: Ah, ah… You have done a great deed, O human woman. A deed greater than you know.

Reema: I did something, my Lord?

King Golan : come with me.

In the royal court of Sultan Golan, the human woman, Reema, was introduced to the gathered noblemen of the kingdom.

King Golan: Her name is Reema.

The Vizier: Yes, yes. Her name is Reema!

King Golan: And she is the one who uncovered the crime!

The Vizier: She is one of great virtue, a woman of great kindness.

Another Minister: We could never repay her, my Lord.

King Golan: I shall summon her and grant her any reward she desires.

Royal Announcer: My Lord, O Sultan! Glad tidings, my Lord!

King Golan: What? What is it?

Royal Announcer: Good news, my Lord!

King Golan: May God bless you with goodness, Abdul Khair. Speak!

Royal Announcer: Prince Zaharan… Zaharan! Prince Zaharan has returned!

King Golan: My son, Zaharan! My son, Zaharan!

Prince Zaharan: You were angry with me, you kept me away.

King Golan: Ah, my son… I know you were upset, and your brother was sick as well.

Prince Zaharan: Thank God the truth was revealed before it was too late.

King Golan: So, you know what happened, my son?

Prince Zaharan: How else would I have come? The traitor you married after my mother’s death—

King Golan: But what of the human woman? Where is she? You arrived just in time, Matouq! Bring forth the human woman.

Matouq (to Reema): Step forward, human woman. The Sultan wishes to see you.

Shahrazad: And so, Reema entered, welcomed with honor and reverence. King Golan, Prince Zaharan, and the gathered Jinn surrounded her in admiration. Then, at the Sultan’s signal…

And here, Scheherazade realized the dawn had come, and she fell silent, leaving the tale untold.

Here is the 17th episode of our tale televised

Till next night inshallah

You can check previous Ramadan Arabian Nights here.

In the spirit of Ramadan, I invite you to support UNICEF’s relief efforts in Gaza and Sudan as well as other places in the globe. Every pound, dollar, or euro can make a difference.

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