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What happens if we leave |
A shocking effect the cover will create ,no one can't tolerate a picture of a young girl with chopped nose but unfortunately when you read the title of the cover story , you will be angry on how the US army Eagles are trying to justify their invasion to Afghanistan using the Women's human rights !!
"What happens if we leave Afghanistan !!??" honestly I do not know what had happened when the coalition forces stayed in Afghanistan all that time. If you look to it , I do not see a huge improvement in the country , yes Taliban was downed in certain areas , yes women had retrieved some of their basic rights back in certain areas but let's remember that :
- Thousand Afghani civilians including women and children have been killed by coalition forces
- Afghanistan has returned to be the major exporter of Opium worldwide
- The spread of the Bacha boys under the eyes of coalition forces , I do not know where are the human rights especially I read that some sick soldiers and officers are engaging in that practices themselves.
The timing of this report comes after the decision of the American congress to ratify the Obama escalation of war in Afghanistan as if it were justifying this decision to the American people who are in need all those billions to create jobs instead of bombs.
Obama has got now one year to leave form Afghan swamp according to what he claimed , neither Alexander the great nor British forces in their golden ages managed to control this nation , this is a fact that the American army hawks should understand this because they are not greater than Alexander the great nor the British empire which technically ruled countries larger than the United States for two centuries in two different continents.
It is not about war on terrorism to the rest of this talk , the CIA made Taliban along with all other these groups , it is about the game of interest , America is on the black sea , Iran from one side and Russia , mostly important Russia from another side and please do not forget the trillion wealth hidden underneath the rocky environment of the poorest country in the world ; the American army can't leave the next Saudi Arabia of lithium so easily so I just wish that they leave that human rights alone because no one buys this like in the past.
Back to the time magazine cover , I compare it to the iconic cover of national geographic and I wonder if it is going to live and to be remembered in the same way especially it has not been long time and everybody is speaking on how the time magazine or rather the American army hawks are using the Afghani women human rights to their interest.
The Afghani women will not receive their rights in two or three years , we are speaking about hard core tribal traditions and customs that will change through education , it will take generation or two or three or even four to have a real change in Afghanistan without the help of invasion forces and in order to stand against the radical ideas of Taliban.
Technorati Tags: Citizen Journalism,America,Afghanistan,Photos,women,media,Economy,War,human rights,time Magazine
ReplyDeleteThis site explains the chronology of the Afghanistan story from the beginning.
It is titled "It's all about Oil'
Human rights, saving Afghanistan,fighting terrorists, eliminating the Taliban, etc is all BULL and a cover up for minerals and oil.
An alternative cover for Time could be to show some photos of the babies being born with horrible disfigurations caused by the Depleted Uranium being shot all over the country by the occupying forces. The accompanying caption could be:
ReplyDeleteWhat Happened When We Attacked Afghanistan?
@Zeinobia, With respect, between some of your statements and those of your anonymous commenters there is confusion on display. This is not your finest post. I'll just pick the lowest-hanging fruit:
ReplyDelete"the US army Eagles are trying to justify their invasion to Afghanistan using the Women's human rights !!" No they aren't. You didn't read carefully enough. Indeed, no justification for invading Afghanistan beyond the fact that Osama Bin Laden was Mullah Omar's guest was ever required morally. The article pointed out a completely unrelated truth, which is that when the coalition leaves the Taliban will cut more women's noses. Maybe that's nothing to you: Egypt leads the world in female genital mutilation, and may value noses even less. (I don't like Hosni but Suzanne has my deepest respect for her position on FGM.)
"Thousand Afghani civilians including women and children have been killed by coalition forces" That happens in war, and is why war should be avoided if possible. Innocent people die. (I assume you aren't saying the Coalition kills civilians intentionally.) The Coalition's rules of engagement are intended to save civilian lives even at the expense of the lives of Coalition soldiers, but the Taliban violate the Geneva convention, e.g., by not wearing uniforms and by hiding among civilians, and that results in civilian deaths. Entirely the Taliban's fault, not the Coalition's whatsoever.
"The spread of the Bacha boys under the eyes of coalition forces" Really, Zeinobia, you should be ashamed of blaming the Coalition for this disgusting indigenous perversion. That's some sort of tribalism or ugly anti-Western nativism on your part.
"please do not forget the trillion wealth hidden underneath the rocky environment" Afghanistan's lithium is completely unimportant.
"An alternative cover for Time could be to show some photos of the babies being born with horrible disfigurations caused by the Depleted Uranium being shot all over the country by the occupying forces." Your anonymous commenter is a gullible dupe for poor-quality propaganda. From Wikipedia: DU ammunition has no measurable detrimental health effects... No evidence is documented in the literature of cancer or any other negative health effect related to the radiation received from exposure to depleted or natural uranium, whether inhaled or ingested, even at very high doses... the present scientific consensus is that DU exposure to humans, in locations where DU ammunition was deployed, is very unlikely to give rise to cancer induction... the existing medical consensus is clear. The hazard from depleted uranium is both very limited, and limited to very specific circumstances... There is a consensus now that DU does not represent a health threat... based on credible scientific evidence, there is no proven link between DU exposure and increases in human cancers or other significant health or environmental impacts... The IAEA concluded that while depleted uranium is a potential carcinogen, there is no evidence that it has been carcinogenic in humans... the reports of cancer risks from DU exposure are not supported by veteran medical statistics.
Americans are war criminals. Time Magazine is just propaganda for the fascist war criminals.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 10:35 AM, "Americans are war criminals. Time Magazine is just propaganda for the fascist war criminals." Thank you for your erudite support of rhinectomy. Do Afghanstan's girls have any other body parts you'd prefer they didn't?
ReplyDeleteWith respect to all your commentators including Jason who may have missed my comment to go to
http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/oil.html?q=oil.html You have all missed the root cause of this war which started in 1998, Dick Cheney, ex. US vice-president but then chief executive of a major oil services company, remarked: "I cannot think of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian." But the oil and gas there is worthless until it is moved. The only route which makes both political and economic sense is through Afghanistan. [Guardian]
Note: Karzai was a UNICAL executive IN 1998.
The mineral wealth estimated worth at trillions of dollars was discovered in 2001.
This war is a front to justify and tap other countries natural resources.
At the end of of the day, this war like many other is not fought for a better life to Afghanis or even to the welfare of the Americans. This war much like the war in Iraq were meant to serve the interests of those always making money out wars and they are not us the citizens of MENA or the citizens of the US. I hope we can at least agree on that point and be able to frankly discuss how mess up the World has become bec we clearly arent in control of those drawing up policies and that includes those in so-called democratic countries as well as those like us in Egypt who have become bystanders while discussions about who will inherit them are going on.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 2:31 AM and again at 1:57 PM, I did read the article, and I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just, as I said, going after the lowest-hanging fruit. But I'll respond to the elaborate conspiracy theory you linked to about Dick Cheney and Unocal being the real reason for the war in Afghanistan. Because that's what it is, an idiotic conspiracy theory. There's an easy way to tell: No mention is made of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon killing three thousand of my countrymen; No mention is made of Osama Bin Laden claiming credit for the attacks, or indeed of Osama Bin Laden in any context at all; and no mention is made of Taliban leader Mullah Omar's refusal to avoid war by handing over Osama Bin Laden.
ReplyDeleteMENA residents are suckers for conspiracy theories. You're not stupid, but you suffer from mass delusions promulgated in all your media, whether government or opposition. It's sad. You just don't know any better. That is why, in an earlier post I asked, in the interest of sanity checking, a question that went unanswered. I'll ask it again:
Of what religion and ethnicity were the planners of the 9/11 attacks, and what motivated them?
Jason, you wrote: "Indeed, no justification for invading Afghanistan beyond the fact that Osama Bin Laden was Mullah Omar's guest was ever required morally."
ReplyDeleteReally? No moral justification at all required?
Your comments like these and your condescending responses to the commenters here says more about you than the justification for the invasion.
Bin Laden claimed credit for the attacks on 9/11 ? Gee, i must have missed that. Do you have any evidence of that? No, I didn't think so.
I think it is yourself who is misinformed.
Did Bin Laden also organise the demolition of WTC 7 ?
How did he do that I wonder? I guess Larry Silverstein was wrong when he said it was he who made that decision.
@ Jason 5:18
ReplyDeleteAs a Canadian I do not believe the US (Bush and his neoconservatives) BS re 9/11. There is a lot of skepticism about those events as indicated by a worldwide survey (see below site)
Our young men and women are dying so that the corporate world line up their pockets.
You opinion is typical of red neck Americans who believe their government blindly. I have a lot of American friends who think like I do. You probably voted for John McCain and will support Sara Palin during the next election.
@Jason: those who rule out conspiracy completely are also suckers. You do know there are still so many unexplained things about 9/11 which some like you would like to believe its all clear. You know that several American experts questioned how the buildings went down and its clear that the official story doesnt have scientific merits. Not saying Bin Laden didnt have any thing to do with it but saying Americans were so stupid not to question their gov about some basic points.
ReplyDeleteWhat motivated them? well according to the official story El Quada was behind it and according to facts those leading El Quada, much like Saddam were friends of the US, the US supplied them with arms, trained them and was happy with them as long as they served their intended purposes. So, the motivation was that the monster turned against its masters but before it did so, it cost us in MENA so many lives but no one used to care unless a Western life was lost.
If you check the history of Western involvement in MENA youll find so many conspiracies so, no wonder some of us feel this way. I recommend you watch Syriana, written by a former CIA, and bears so much resemblance to reality.
ReplyDelete"Israel Did 9-11" - U.S. Military Expert."What we need to stand up and say is that not only did they attack the USS Liberty, they did 9/11. They did it. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period . . ." Dr. Alan N. Sabrosky.
Alan Sabrosky is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad.
Read more:
First, Zeinobia, thank you for hosting this discussion. It won't change anyone's mind but it's interesting and I did learn some things from the links that participants provided.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 7:10 PM
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not a troll, and hold your opinions earnestly, which is sad, but there it is.
"Really? No moral justification at all required?" Bin Laden murdered 3000 innocent Americans. That's all the moral justification we needed to attack the country that harbored him.
"Bin Laden claimed credit for the attacks on 9/11 ? Gee, i must have missed that. Do you have any evidence of that? No, I didn't think so." See the Bin Laden article in Wikipedia: After initial denial, in 2004 Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States... The Federal Bureau of Investigation has stated that classified evidence linking Al-Qaeda and bin Laden to the attacks of September 11 is clear and irrefutable... he stated he had personally directed the nineteen hijackers... There is much, much more, all fully referenced. I feel like I'm doing your homework for you. Any reputable source you consulted would say the same thing. But at some level you must know that, because you are forced to support your case with a link to a kooky conspiracy site.
"Did Bin Laden also organise the demolition of WTC 7 ?" Wonderful! More responses like this please. This is exactly the kind of crazy-pearl I was hunting for when I set my 9/11 lunatic bait question.
@Anonymous 8:39 PM
Thank you for the link you provided! It makes my point exactly. Look at the bar graph. On the matter of who did 9/11, Egypt is insane: Only 16% blame Al Qaida, the actual perpetrators. 55% blame the US government or Israel. This is clear evidence of mass psychosis or delusion in Egypt. We Americans of course know who did it because we were the victims and made it our business to find out who was responsible so that we could bitch-slap them. The World Trade Center, Pentagon, plane wrecks, and all the other evidence is located in the United States and available to our forensic experts. So we Americans, unlike the poor Egyptians who must rely on their unanimous but ludicrous media, actually know who did it. How embarrassing to have to point that out to you.
@Anonymous 10:36 PM
I agree that sometimes there are actual conspiracies. I haven't seen Syriana but I will keep my eyes open for it.
@Anonymous 12:39 AM
"Israel Did 9-11... it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period..." Hahaha a rain of crazy-pearls! A deluge from heaven! See, this is exactly why I asked the "who did 9/11" question. Your link is to one of the funniest conspiracy sites I have ever seen, and I have seen a few.
@Jason: I wish you didnt go down the line of mocking others with a different point of view. I also wish you speak with others not from MENA and you will discover there is a lot of confusion about 9/11.
ReplyDeleteSadly, you Americans "think" or have been "told" about what happened but if you have been following related stories closely you will know there are several American experts and witnesses who pointed out to how scientifically its impossible for the buildings to have collapsed and for the pentagon building to have been partially destroyed according to the official story. You know that those who made the buildings expressed confusion about how the buildings came down. You know there are witnesses who were in the basement levels who talked about explosives going down. You know that demolition experts talked about the building 7 way of collapsing is identical to how a demolition operation would have a building look like when being taken down. You know that the mystery of how the plane that knocked the pentagon has vanished is still unsolved. You know that several of those announced names as the 9/11 hijackers actually showed up alive and proved there were in their home countries at the time, if I remember correctly there is about 7 of them.
The victims of the attack are those who lost their lives or got injured not all of the Americans. Attacking an entire country for the actions of some, ironically a group mainly made up of foreign fighters who used to be allies of the US, is not only illegal but also mass punishment and achieves nothing as it is becoming evident by the day. Im no fan of any system that imposes radical visions of religion especially when that religion is my religion, Islam, which according to what Ive been taught is actually against extremism about any thing. I do realize however, that the situation in Afghanstan will only change when a good % of ppl decide they want something else and the crazy American war only makes the Taliban look like victims facing the super crazy power and makes ppl more sympathetic to them at least in their own country.
Last but not least, the Americans need to have the guts to face up the fact that they havent been told the truth about the dirty role their own entities played in making up Bin Laden and some others, they need to demand proper investigation and punishment for the black and dirty way their own entities have been operating around the World. I thought we were the only ones feeling this until I heard the same stories repeated by friends from South America and Africa. The US always partners with the dictators, always plots against any figure who seems to have the potential of really serving his ppl properly.
Also, since you guys supposedly elect those drawing up your country's policy you need to understand, while most of you do not care much for the foreign policies of your country when deciding whom to elect, in the eyes of the rest of the World you are responsible. My English friends told me they want to make sure this gov that dared to take them to War against the wish of the majority of the ppl is thrown out so that to learn never to do such a huge thing against the will of the majority of the ppl and they did. Now, for the Americans after plaguing us with Bush, we get the sweet talker Obama. When will you guys learn that not caring for what policies your country are taking against other countries, while claiming to have a democratic system means you are responsible for such actions vis a vis others?!
I hope you take my points as an explanation of how others might see you and think of you and instead of mocking what others have shared take the time to think and reflect a little bit.
ReplyDeleteLaughing and crying "crazy-pearls" does nothing to support your argument. You are simply ignoring all the evidence before you. Do your own 'homework' as you put it.
Shouldn't we have invaded Saudi Arabia? Many of the so-called "hijackers" were Saudis. By the way, some of them are still alive and well. Did they survive the crash and then return home safely? No. Obviously, stolen IDs were used.
WTC 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. The 'owner' of the building Larry Silverstien stated on national TV that he decided to pull the building down. So how did the explosives get installed into the building so quickly? Why is it that the 911 Commission not come up with any explanation of why the building fell down?
Your simplistic outburst of "crazy-pearls" is all you can come up with?
ReplyDeleteHearings about the intelligence failure began on Capitol Hill several months after 9/11. A Congressional Committee was formed to investigate just what happened and why. The focus was to be on what U.S. intelligence agencies knew - or should have known - prior to the bombings.
The much anticipated 800 page report was released in the summer of 2003.
Most of the attention has been focused on 28 pages that have been ordered classified and blacked-out to the public.
I wonder why?
@Jason from the Canadian.
Hearings about the intelligence failure began on Capitol Hill several months after 9/11. A Congressional Committee was formed to investigate just what happened and why. The focus was to be on what U.S. intelligence agencies knew - or should have known - prior to the bombings.
The much anticipated 800 page report was released in the summer of 2003. (go to the web site for the report)
Most of the attention has been focused on 28 pages that have been ordered classified and blacked-out to the public.
Your government has treated your people like mushrooms....enjoy.
The arguments being made here about war for natural resources are old and silly. The simple reality is that the U.S. has been in Afghanistan (and Iraq) for years and hasn't taken a drop of oil or anything else for its use. That is a fact--no one has claimed otherwise. The more you complain about something that does not exist (and the more links you post to websites that support such ideas) the stupider you appear.
ReplyDeleteAs of July 2010, more than 1,200 architects and engineers have joined the call by AE911Truth for a new investigation, faulting the official reports and documenting the explosive evidence for the destruction of the 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11.
ReplyDeleteArchitects and Engineers for 911 truth:
@Anon 10:17
ReplyDeleteHhahah, very funny, they even stole stuff from the palaces and the museums not to mention the contracts worth billions of dollars for US companies operating there now. The truth is that the US's policy is to attempt control over oil resources and when its not possible to do so through a client gov they invade the place. The other truth is that the US isnt after MENA for resources only but also for control of the region an important and rich one. Do some research on when, how and why the policies of the US in MENA are backfiring on the Americans themselves and ask who are you govs really serving?
@ Annon 10:17
ReplyDeleteCould you please explain why the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan?
To All Misinformed Americans.
ReplyDeleteIt is a well known fact that 47% of US citizens do not trust their congressmen because they believe that they are corrupt and working for Wall Street and multi-national corporations instead of working for Main Street Americans.
Main Street Americans are turning away from both political parties and are looking for an alternative fresh start. More and more are calling themselves 'Independent' because they do not like what Washington has become. Americans are well aware that the Wall Street crooks who caused the Sub prime housing crisis, economic meltdown and loss of jobs are still employed by Washington today.
Your young men and women are dying in foreign lands so that oil companies, Haliburton, Wall Street and the Arms industry can get richer and and spread their control as their aim is to "Globalize".
Michael Moore (a true American patriot) wrote and made several revealing documentaries on US Capitalism, US Health Care, 9/11,etc. Please look them up and broaden your knowledge.
@Anonymous 2:19 AM
ReplyDeleteYour response is thoughtful and temperate in tone, but is full of crazy-pearls.
"I wish you didnt go down the line of mocking others with a different point of view." Not all points of view are created equal. Some points of view, for example denying that bin Laden and Al Qaeda did 9/11, are so silly that ridicule or ignoring are the only appropriate responses.
"Sadly, you Americans "think" or have been "told" about what happened" No. We determined what happened by methodical scientific criminal investigation techniques. The crime scenes were on American soil. So we did not have to rely, as Egypt did, on illiterate Zionist-obsessed taxi-cab and tea-house gossip to reach an ill-informed conclusion as to the identity of the culprits (whose leader confessed in any case).
@Anonymous 2:39 AM
"WTC 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition." No, it was brought down by structural damage and fires caused by the collapse of the twin towers. You can do your own homework: Automatic twenty points off for relying on conspiracy sites, and twenty points off for taking crazy-pearls seriously.
@Anonymous 3:35 AM and again at 3:46 AM
"THE 9/11 CONGRESSIONAL REPORT... THE MISSING PAGES... classified and blacked-out... I wonder why?" I imagine you wandering around and babbling like a mentally ill homeless Canadian indigent. Really, get back on your meds.
@Anonymous 10:17 AM
"The simple reality is that the U.S. has been in Afghanistan (and Iraq) for years and hasn't taken a drop of oil or anything else for its use." Finally, a voice of reason in a wilderness of lunacy!
@Anonymous 12:03 PM
"Architects and Engineers for 911 truth: http://www.ae911truth.org/" Crazy-pearls galore! Thank you.
@Anonymous 12:41 PM
"they even stole stuff from the palaces and the museums... the US's policy is to attempt control over oil resources and when its not possible to do so through a client gov they invade the place." The US invariably helps defeated countries develop resources and get them on the global market. The country earns the profits. The US is powerful enough to simply take the resources by force, but they don't do that. The museum looting was done by Iraqis.
@Anonymous 2:18 PM
"To All Misinformed Americans." America has a free press and a 99% literacy rate. Egypt is a dictatorship with a 71% literacy rate. (Among females it's 60%.) America has $45,200 per capita GDP. Egypt $2,030. Now, what was the wisdom you were offering to dispense?
This guy called Jason does not realise FUSA (the Former USA) is Broke and Defeated, hated by everyone in the free world. His ilk has killed millions, and his leaders will have their noses cut off.
ReplyDeletePoor chap, Jason is living in cookooland. Brain dead, I would say.
@Jason: and yet with all that literacy and so called free press and media, Americans are known for being ignorant not only about the World but also about their own country. You guys are at war with countries the majority of your population can not even point out on a map. There are still loads of Americans including in the army who think they are in Iraq bec of 9/11!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere are still loads of Americans who believe that MENA citizens are only Muslims, except for Israel which no one has yet properly explained why the Americans seem to be inslaved into serving it. There are still loads of Americans who do not realize Muslims are not only in MENA and come in all colors, races ect.
The US army as an occupying power had the responsibility to protect the museum but they didnt, instead they were busy damaging as many buildings as possible so that particular American companies could win contracts to rebuild them, paid out from Iraqi money.
"While this tragic destruction was taking place in what archaeologists call “the cradle of civilisation”, a sinister-sounding organisation calling itself the American Council for Cultural Policy (ACCP) – a coalition of antiquities collectors and arts lawyers (now there’s a venal concatenation of interests) – was lobbying for a relaxation of Iraq’s export legislation. It is antiquities collectors who provide the incentive for looters in the first place. No modern museum worth its reputation would even consider purchasing antiquities without documented provenance, but auction houses and dealers continue to offer objects of uncertain origin, while wealthy collectors remain the end users, fuelling the supply chain. Websites such as eBay unwittingly provide cover for the traffic in illicitly-acquired artefacts, but the entire process, from tomb-robber and museum-looter to dealer and collector, needs policing. Failing to do so will result in the dispersal of the world’s cultural heritage."
and these are opinions of some experts about what was stolen and how its difficult to comprehend how these items could be taken out w/o the soldiers noticing
and it wasnt only the soldiers nor was it only the museum but palaces too
"The US invariably helps defeated countries develop resources and get them on the global market. The country earns the profits. The US is powerful enough to simply take the resources by force, but they don't do that. The museum looting was done by Iraqis."
You mean countries defeated by it in unjust, unbalanced and uncalled for wars?!!! Well, that was actually what the US did when it failed to secure SC approval for its war in Iraq. Also, no matter how powerful the US might be military wise, your army certainly can not take over several countries so, nope you are not strong enough to use force every where u'd like to control, hence the friendship with the World's dictators.
The museum looting is legally the responsibility of your army, and we arent the only ones pointing the fingers to the American army.
So, the US is in Afghanstan to help the ppl, even though the US was the one responsible for plaguing them with Bin Laden but well never too late right. They are also in Iraq for the same reasons, despite the fact that it was them that helped in buffing up Saddam. Is that helping hand the explanation to all the Wars the US has launched left and right? Is it also the same explanation for the blind support to Israels crimes and turning a blind eye to the fact that no peace will be reached since Israel has chosen so?!! Did you ever try to put your self in the place of those from the countries and regions were your country has gotten involved?
I never wrote Bin Laden didnt do 9/11 I simply stated a "fact" there are so many gaps and missing points in the story and those who refuse to see that and think about it and those who respond to others by mockery are idiots.
ReplyDeleteYou still haven't answered my question about the 28 missing pages.
You are still in a jobless recession, we are enjoying an economic boom while US home foreclosures are putting families on the street.
Please continue taking the brown sugar coated pills dispensed by your government before you go to sleep under a Seattle highway.
From Canada with love.
N.B. Please come over if you need a hot meal.
@Jason 4:05 PM
ReplyDeletere.tour response to "To All Misinformed Americans."
Your response to my comment is typical of an insecure looser.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to inform you that you can put an end to this posting because Jason
is soundly asleep after he ate the free hot meal in Canada and took his brown
sugar coated pill in the US.
The Canadian.
How odd that I'm the only commenter not hiding cravenly behind anonymity.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 4:46 PM
"FUSA (the Former USA) is Broke and Defeated, hated by everyone in the free world." Haters gonna hate.
"his leaders will have their noses cut off" Oh, my. Seriously though, we don't cut off noses of MENA tyrants. Instead, we dress them in baggy underwear and put them on tabloid covers. Then we allow the liberated populace to hang them.
@Anonymous 5:16 PM
"Israel which no one has yet properly explained why the Americans seem to be inslaved into serving it" Crazy-pearls! They keep coming! ROTFLMAO
"There are still loads of Americans who do not realize Muslims are not only in MENA and come in all colors, races ect." You are as ill-informed about what Americans know and don't know, as you are about who did 9/11.
"The US army as an occupying power had the responsibility to protect the museum" No they didn't. "Museum security guard" is not an American army job. If they have nothing more urgent to do, like killing Uday and Qusay, fine, they can lend a hand. But the museum contents are the property of Iraq, and it is Iraq's responsibility to guard them.
@Anonymous 6:56 PM
"Your response to my comment is typical of an insecure looser." Looser than what?
@Anonymous 7:50 PM
"Jason is soundly asleep after he ate the free hot meal in Canada" No, I have a stomach ache. The poutine was a bit off.
ReplyDeleteI thought you froze and died in your sleep under the highway underpass.
The Canadian.
@Jason: I recommend you educate yourself about the duties of an occupying force. What happened in Iraq could amount to a war crime BTW
ReplyDeleteI understand that U feel u need to defend your country and some issues need so much courage to face but that doesnt mean that doesnt mean u try and justify every thing that has been done.
Jason needs psychiatric help, don't bother about his comments.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 3:49 PM
ReplyDelete"I recommend you educate yourself about the duties of an occupying force. What happened in Iraq could amount to a war crime BTW. I understand that U feel u need to defend your country and some issues need so much courage to face but that doesnt mean that doesnt mean u try and justify every thing that has been done. "
It's very sad about the missing Iraqi antiquities. I read the Anonymous 5:16 PM links, and while some of it is just anti-American bloviation, the fate of the antiquities is indeed sad. It may be the case that the American commanders were indifferent to the security of Iraq's antiquities, and some blame should be attached to them. But the fraction of blame must be recognized as tiny. Iraq had plenty of time to ship the antiquities to Syria in advance of the invasion, but chose not to. Not America's fault. Iraq could have organized a local citizen's group to watch the museum, but didn't. Not America's fault. The lion's share of the blame goes to Iraq. The looters were Iraqis. According to this New York Times article New Concern Over Fate of Iraqi Antiquities, the Iraqi antiquities were in good hands under secular Sunni control, but the religious Shia who are now in charge don't give a rat's ass about anything pre-Islamic. Muslim dysfunction is not America's fault. What blinders you must be wearing not to see this. And it's a Muslim problem, not a Sunni or Shia problem. You'd love to blame America for destroying the Bamyan Buddhas, but inconveniently for you, devout Sunni Muslims used them for target practice before the Coalition entered Afghanistan. So stop whining about America and Zionists, and do something about the execrable state of Dar al-Islam. It's your back yard that's full of sh*t, so you clean it up.
By no means do I justify everything America has done. Every country's history is bursting with ennoblement and shame. We Americans have our own devils to deal with, and we don't appreciate being saddled with yours.
ReplyDeletethis blog very good
David Thompson has an excellent discussion of this in his post Some Guardian Nuance.