Monday, May 17, 2010

Ask And ElBaradei Will Answer

Now you can ask ElBaradei whatever in your mind , yes you read it right.

Starting from today the 17th of May 2010 till the 26th of May ,you will be able to ask DR.ElBaradei through Google moderator whatever in your mind regarding the future of the country and his future plans and also to choose the best questions so he could answer based on the popularity of these questions.

DR.ElBaradei will answer the questions and will publish his answers in the different websites that follow him and also in his facebook group.

I asked him two questions :

  1. How can we return back the state and the people money and rights back if we will be able to change the constitution ?? Do you agree on the accountability of all those who committed mistakes against Egypt and its people !!?? "actually they are two questions"
  2. How can we liberate the people from the fear they have been living in for whole five decades ??

Here is a link to my questions , I may think of more questions soon.

Most questions as far as I notice is about his plans and ideas if he is elected as a President , which should not be asked in this stage because we have not won our battle so anyone would run for the big position , the people are treating him as the next President without realizing that the man does not care for presidency but rather he cares for change.

By the way Hats off for whoever thought about this brilliant idea.


  1. I agree that this is a brilliant idea. I really respect and admire how Mr. Baradei is making use of social networking tools to communicate with people directly. At the same time this enables anyone who so desires to share and express their ideas. Thank you Zeinobia for your blog.


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