Friday, August 3, 2012

#Ramadan Arabian Nights #2012 : Hagar, Sahar and Egrama-15

Here is our 417th night of our Radio Arabian night but first you can refresh your memory and remember what happened last night here.

Scheherazade and Shahryar

Scheherazade and Shahryar

Second , here is the 15th episode of our tale , the tale of Hagar , Sahar and Egrama.

Seksek Hamdon meets with the Indian fortune teller and Dervish at his court , he asked him for two favors : To restore his youth and to make Sahar love him. The Indian Dervish presents to him so charm that will work within 7 days thus the wicked Seksek orders the detention of the dervish for the 7 days.
Now Sahar will have to accompany the old Seksek in the garden but she does not have to be worried because Ethiopian Hanoma told her that they will assassinate the old cruel king there. All what Sahar has to do is to drag to the where three archers are waiting from him.
So does Sahar and the old Seksek fell in to the trap. The old tyranny believes that the magic of the dervish worked and decided to release and award him.

Till we meet tomorrow night inshallah   


  1. I need some help from Arabic speakers.
    فى البداية احب ان ابعث بسلامى لكل الاعضاء
    انا عندى 31 سنة متزوج ببحث عن انسانة تكون ظروفها مناسبة لاقامة علاقة صداقة و سكس فى الوقت نفسة وان انت الصداقه الاول لان فى اعتقداتى اذا كان العلاقه بين الطريفه مجرد سكس و بس فعتقدا انها علاقه غير سوية ومريضه اشبه بان الاشخص بياخر واحد يمارس معاها او وحده جابت راجل بتاخد منه اللى هى عاوزه لكن فى النهاية بعد السكس ميخلص خلاص محدش بيبص فى وش التانى . علشان كده ببحث عن صديقة بجد وان امكن ممكن نمارس السكس . انا يميلى ارجو التواصل مع الجادات وشكر للموقع و القائمون عليه وللكل الاعضاء مع تحياتى للكل Scorpion
    The author specifies that he wants a relationship with friendship and then sex; not just sex right away, which he says would be abnormal and sick. Please tell me if have got it wrong. Thanks.

    1. Well it is sick for sure dear Jason , really sick


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