Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mosireen Presents : Why Riot ??

Mosireen presents : Why Riot ?
A 5 minutes clip that may explain why some people in Egypt , many people in Egypt are angry. It has got English Subtitles.


  1. Wow, Egypt seldom gets first billing on Drudge Report, but at the moment the lead headline (with big pic of protestors) is MURSI 'ON VERGE' OF ACTION TO 'PROTECT NATION' from Reuters.

  2. The video is helpful, but if you do have it with English subtitles please post it so that I could distribute it to persons who do not understand Arabic.

    1. The subtitles are available of its Youtube page :)

  3. could not find the subtitles button at bottom right of screen. not on utube either. too bad!

    1. It's the CC button. That stands for "closed caption" i.e., subtitles.

  4. Very good video and it explains it all and the truth is Morsi and his gang have to go and good riddance. He is even worse than Mobarak

    Two years ago I thought that Egypt will be divided between the Copts and the Muslims but now it is clear as it can be that Egypt is divided along the lines of urban v. rural and educated v not educated and middle and upper classes v the lower classes and enlightened Egyptians v those that still believe that Mohamed Morsi must have a phone line connection with Allah

    No the Jan 25 revolution has not ended and it is still evolving


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