Earlier this week a group of Al-Masry Al Youm “AMAY” Daily newspaper’s journalists were referred to investigation at Egypt’s State security Prosecution for publishing a special report in the Newspaper on Monday about the ministry of interior and its violations.
The 5 journalists are : Mahmoud Mossalam , Mostafa Makhlouf, Yousry El-Badry , Ibrahim El-Kara’a and Hassan Ahmed Hussein.
The story started when AMAY published a full 7-pages special reports about its violations as well heroic acts of its martyrs who were killed in the past 2 years.
The special report’s catchy headlines on AMAY’s Front page included “The police’s martyrs , 9 sins and holes in the police uniform” , “31 court rulings send police officers behind bars , the prosecution investigates 32 violations and 5-stars prison cells for jailed officers” , “The mission is to protect the citizen and the charge : fraud, theft , bribery, rape and kidnap” , “ Citizens : it is worst than the days of Mubarak”.
The report lists the Pros and cons of the MOI now stating in number and names the good and the bad , the martyrs and criminals of MOI.
Here is the English translation for one the reports by AMAY’s Egypt Independent.
Now this special report comes in a series of special reports by AMAY according to my insider info. That MOI special file is supervised by Yousry El-Badry , the head of the Crime Section who is actually regarded as a journalist close to the MOI due to his position.
This is the first special report about the ministry of interior and its violations since July 2013 in a major newspaper if I am correct.
Following that report , the Ministry of interior went mad and issued a statement slamming the newspaper and its journalists announcing that it would take a legal action against those insults.
That statement of the MOI also claimed that the reporters who worked on that special report were being investigated currently for false news in front of the prosecution.
Next day we found out that the journalists are summoned to State security prosecution for investigation !! I do not an investigation for what considering the fact that they just mentioned documented cases and facts with numbers , names and dates !!
This is not the first time the MOI goes after journalists who criticize its violations and conduct.
Just from several weeks ago Pro-Regime newspaper “Dostour” attacked the MOI in series of reports and it was the strangest thing ever considering that this is the Dostour.
Anyhow the MOI arrested journalist Hussein Abdel Halim, the head of Crime page in the paper over a set of charges including thuggery and weapons possession.
The MOI added that he was not a journalist and is a fugitive in the first place.
Last week Al-Dostour newspaper revealed that journalist Hussein Abdel Halim was recommended by the MOI itself to work in the newspaper as the head of crime section !!!!!!!!
This tells you a lot about the relation between the MOI and Al-Dostour newspaper now !! The whole affair is shady when it comes to this newspaper.
Back to the AMAY.
Now AMAY is being attacked by the Pro-regime supporters as well Pro-regime media madly accusing it of having an agenda to the end of those accusations.
As the attackers launched “Boycott AMAY” , the Social media team of AMAY launched successfully “#Holes in the Police Uniform” which is being used to document violations of police officers.
Ironically and strangely when Al-Masry Al Youm published the special report , many people suspected and wondered how come it attacks the MOI in that way except that there is some kind fight between different security apparatuses or to be precise the army and police a usual. Recently there was another fight between army officers and police officers in some Nile Delta governorate and some suspected that the special report about MOI violations is related to that fight.
The fact that the current AMAY’s CEO is a famous Pro-Mubarak regime journalist “Abdel Moneim Saeed” and its current editor-in-chief is military correspondent and close to Abbas Kamel’s office “Mahmoud Mossalam” made many Pro-revolutionaries suspect the intentions of Al-Masry Al-Youm because of that.
Egypt's MOI is its own worst enemy as long as there are no true radical reforms in the ministry as a civilian security institution in the first and last place owned by the people of Egypt.
I just do not know what to say more. Again the press is not the MOI’s worst enemy , the police state mentality is the MOI’s worst enemy. The police state mentality is the biggest black hole in the MOI and it can destroy it. Black holes do this according to the laws of physics.
The 5 journalists are : Mahmoud Mossalam , Mostafa Makhlouf, Yousry El-Badry , Ibrahim El-Kara’a and Hassan Ahmed Hussein.
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A copy from the order of state security prosecution |
The police's martyrs and the 9 sins |
The front page |
Here is the English translation for one the reports by AMAY’s Egypt Independent.
Now this special report comes in a series of special reports by AMAY according to my insider info. That MOI special file is supervised by Yousry El-Badry , the head of the Crime Section who is actually regarded as a journalist close to the MOI due to his position.
This is the first special report about the ministry of interior and its violations since July 2013 in a major newspaper if I am correct.
Following that report , the Ministry of interior went mad and issued a statement slamming the newspaper and its journalists announcing that it would take a legal action against those insults.
That statement of the MOI also claimed that the reporters who worked on that special report were being investigated currently for false news in front of the prosecution.
صرح مسئول مركز الإعلام الأمنى بوزارة الداخلية أنه على خلفية ما نشرته صحيفة "المصرى اليوم" بتاريخ 19 إبريل الجارى تحت ع...
Posted by الصفحة الرسمية لوزارة الداخلية on Sunday, April 19, 2015
Next day we found out that the journalists are summoned to State security prosecution for investigation !! I do not an investigation for what considering the fact that they just mentioned documented cases and facts with numbers , names and dates !!
This is not the first time the MOI goes after journalists who criticize its violations and conduct.
Just from several weeks ago Pro-Regime newspaper “Dostour” attacked the MOI in series of reports and it was the strangest thing ever considering that this is the Dostour.
Anyhow the MOI arrested journalist Hussein Abdel Halim, the head of Crime page in the paper over a set of charges including thuggery and weapons possession.
The MOI added that he was not a journalist and is a fugitive in the first place.
إستمراراً لجهود الإدارة العامة لمباحث تنفيذ الأحكام بقطاع مصلحة الأمن العام فى مجال ضبط الهاربين وتنفيذ الأحكام القضائية...
Posted by الصفحة الرسمية لوزارة الداخلية on Sunday, April 12, 2015
Last week Al-Dostour newspaper revealed that journalist Hussein Abdel Halim was recommended by the MOI itself to work in the newspaper as the head of crime section !!!!!!!!
This tells you a lot about the relation between the MOI and Al-Dostour newspaper now !! The whole affair is shady when it comes to this newspaper.
Back to the AMAY.
Now AMAY is being attacked by the Pro-regime supporters as well Pro-regime media madly accusing it of having an agenda to the end of those accusations.
As the attackers launched “Boycott AMAY” , the Social media team of AMAY launched successfully “#Holes in the Police Uniform” which is being used to document violations of police officers.
Ironically and strangely when Al-Masry Al Youm published the special report , many people suspected and wondered how come it attacks the MOI in that way except that there is some kind fight between different security apparatuses or to be precise the army and police a usual. Recently there was another fight between army officers and police officers in some Nile Delta governorate and some suspected that the special report about MOI violations is related to that fight.
The fact that the current AMAY’s CEO is a famous Pro-Mubarak regime journalist “Abdel Moneim Saeed” and its current editor-in-chief is military correspondent and close to Abbas Kamel’s office “Mahmoud Mossalam” made many Pro-revolutionaries suspect the intentions of Al-Masry Al-Youm because of that.
Egypt's MOI is its own worst enemy as long as there are no true radical reforms in the ministry as a civilian security institution in the first and last place owned by the people of Egypt.
I just do not know what to say more. Again the press is not the MOI’s worst enemy , the police state mentality is the MOI’s worst enemy. The police state mentality is the biggest black hole in the MOI and it can destroy it. Black holes do this according to the laws of physics.
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