Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Heavy Rains hit the country : Welcome to Water world

A new heavy rain wave has hit the country and not only Alexandria drowned earlier today once again but also we got governorates like Matrouth , Kafr El-Sheikh , Behaira , Monufia , Gharbia and Giza as recently.
The heavy rains started after the thunderstorm that started on Tuesday.
It began like that.
An amazing shot for thunder in Alexandria by Disha Hisham
It was one hell of a thunderstorm, those photos below were taken in half hour only !!

And rains began.

Not less than 18 people were killed today across the country because of that rain wave.
Despite Alexandria is capturing all the media attention yet the situation in Behaira is far worse but there are no cameras to record what is happening there.

From Damanhur , the capital of Behaira today "Reyhan News"
There is a whole village “Ofuna that drowned as its houses made of old Egyptian mudbrick could not stand against the heavy rain that turn in to floods. Ofuna village reportedly lost 8 of its people.
Anba Bishoi church at the monastery
flooded with water
"Monica Hanna" 
The Prime minister order the army to evacuate the village immediately and he reportedly visited it.
Till this hour, the survivors see that that there are people who drowned and whose bodies are still in the village.
The search and rescue operations are still going on as far as I know fro the media.
Wadi Natrun had more its share with least 11 people killed in the villages there due to the heavy rain.
Some of the old monasteries in Wadi Natrun were affected badly.
The old Syrian Monastery was badly damaged.
MCN reports that the dome of an ancient church was damaged while another church “Anba Bishoi” was flooded. The main electricity generator was on fire during the past few hours and not less than 15 monks were stuck and needed help to be saved.
Local authorities saved them.

The heavy rain reached to October city and Sheikh Zeid and they are flooding.
At Tavoli Dome by
Rimon Nasralla
It seems that no one thought in October city or Sheikh Zeid upscale district to have rain drainage system as usually Egypt did not have rains like that.
Moving to the former Mediterranean mermaid, Alexandria once again drowned after a week of the floods they had.
This is one of the streets there.

غرق شارع ملك حفني من سيدي بشر للمندرة ! #Alextraffic #Bey2ollak #اسكندرية_بتغرق
Posted by Bey2ollak.Alex on Tuesday, November 3, 2015
A landslide at EGC school in Alexandria "Alex eyes"

The streets in Alexandria 

Victoria square by FB.AlexHabebti
The army and navy went to the streets to suck the water as usual.
The Cairo-Alexandria desert highway was flooded as well.
For hours, the desert highway was flooded "Ya5abar'
Needless to say, the best videos and photos came from Alexandria as usual.

The flood reached to Alexandria's famous soap and oil factory :) 

Here is the video of soap with water !!

A new means of transportation in Alexandria !!

A carte with poor donkey stuck in water.Electricity and sometimes water were cut in those areas affected by the heavy rain for hours.

It is worth to mention that Egypt’s Meteorological authority has been warning for days that heavy rain waves would hit the country from Tuesday to the end of the week.
The Meteorological experts in Egypt blame the global warming and the radical weather changes in the world in the past four years.
The Republicans in the United States won’t like to hear this.

According to the reports of the authority today, the size of the raindrop was unprecedented especially in Alexandria and Behaira.

Still the government did not take any precautions. The government gave a day off for school on Wednesday and Thursday in the areas affected by the heavy rain.
The thunderstorms and rains continued tonight and it is expected to expand to other parts of the country.
The poor will pay the price and they have already paid it heavily in Behaira. 

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