Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2021 : Tale of King Mahorab “Searching for the girls ” Ep.9

Here we are on the ninth night of our Radio Arabian Nights this year.
We will continue our tale for this year, the tale of King Mahorab
First of all, You can refresh your mind with what happened last night here.

It is the ninth episode in our tale and the 531st night in the nights of our Egyptian Radio show.

You can listen to the episode after the break.

King Mahorab is in control now. It has been months and yes, he still remembers and the statues of those girls he fell in love with.

By Olga Dugina
He does not understand how come he loves the three when he has only one heart.

He speaks with the Vizier and he asks him about High Priest Harut and he tells him that Harut was already alive in the time of the father of his grandfather.

Harut comes and Mahorab asks him about the girls.

The old priest tells Mahorab to follow his destiny and seeks them because they are his fate.

Thus, Mahorab decides to go and search for the girls but before going on his quest, he delegates the Vizier to become his deputy in his absence.

Tomorrow inshallah we know what happens in Mahorab’s quest to find his three princesses

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