Just from few minutes I watched the great interview of his excellency the head of the Lebanese Parliament and the head of Amal Shiite movement in Lebanon , Mr. Nabih Barry who is also the official delegate of Hizbullah in any negotiation what so ever.I saw the interview on Al-jazeera Barry made many interviews on many TV channels since his cold meeting with Condoleeza Rice in Beirut at Ain El-Tina last week whether on Al-Arabya or LBC TV ,I didn't watch the Al-Arabya but I watched parts from the LBC Tv interview and knew why Barry met Condi like the way he did , well there was 3 kisses on Condi's Cheek like the Seniora's kisses instead a cold meeting
First I would like to mention Nabih Barry's demands from the international community and these demands by the way are Hizbullah's :
- Immediate Ceasing of Fire

- The Return of the South People who are reached now to 800,000 evacuees
- The exchange of the P.O.W
Fair demands , but of course the Israelis and American don't like them and so Condi came with demands everyone in the media of course the Pro-American ones call it ideas , these idea got two main interesting points contradict with Barry's demands
- No ceasing for Fire what so ever Israel got the right to defend itself
- There is no exact time for the return of the evacuees 'let them stay where they are now who will give a damn for those Shiite supporters of Hizbullah' !! She did n't even mention them at all
There is no argument about the first American condition that it is unfair ,illogic at all ,in fact it is the reason behind the failure of Rome's meeting , Europe and the Arabs requesting an immediate ceasing for Fire while America said "No" . The second condition it was explained by Barry in fact he is the first to explain the dangers of neglecting the evacuees in all international proposals
It is danger on Lebanon to leave the evacuees like this , they must return back to their homes in the South , this can jeopardise the Unity of Lebanon
OK here is the thing I understand the man , you don't have to be a Lebanese to understand it , We got a country a fragile one every ten year her neighbour comes and hits the crab of her for no good reason , this time the hit is too heavy ,a complete infrastructure through the country whether bridges,roads ,communications centres , no to mention the main airport and there is no way out or in because there is a complete blockade by the naughty neighbour , this country the sieged one lives on tourism and thankfully it is destroyed because of the war and because of the pollution of the wonderful beaches ,because the naughty neighbour Warship throws its oil there ,nasty neighbour ,because of this war 800,000 and the number exceeding and can reach to a million evacuees of the south , which also is a poor area compared to the north and middle were evacuated
to the North and Middle of the country creating another burden a tough one , yes the people of the country are united but this can create a disastrous situation in a country that its economy already beginning paralysed , the financial losses of Lebanon in the first week reached to 300 billion dollars only .No one thinks in this problem except this southern man because he cares about this country and this people
Mr.Barry made a great attack on the Arab leaders from presidents and kings especially El grand hombre Du ma Pais , our big man was insulted politely and it is enough to say that Barry said that When Ghassan Ban Gaddo the Al-jazeera asked him about his opinion about Mubarak's statements of not going to war against Israel for Lebanon
We know what Egypt gave from Sacrifices and we respect it and it always be Egypt ,the great sister of Lebanon , and I know that Mr. Mubarak is great leader who had long experience in rule but he shouldn't have said these words,Egypt could at least helped he should say that there must be a ceasing for fire immediately
Ben Gaddo then said
But we know that the Egyptian People got different stand
Barry replied
We know that the Egyptian people is another thing
Barry was a free man as my grand mom said ,she was watching with me and all I can hear from her that this is man , he is a man , good words . He didn't stop here he gave example on how the Lebanese people all reacted in the Algerian revolution ,how they all supported the freedom of Algeria , now Lebanon and Lebanese people are abandoned .In this Interview Barry said that he will put a side all the protocol and political hypocrisy because this is his country and his country beginning slaughtered and everyone is watching silently
When will there be a summit meeting for the Arab countries if it is not held for what is happening in Lebanon ,Palestine and Iraq? when ? when we are berried !! Sorry we won't , we won't die
He is sad for this Arabic shameful silent because those who are dying are Arabs , yes they are Arabs and he mentioned the famous historical facts some like to ignore that most of the people's origin in Syria and Lebanon goes back to the Arabic tribes that lived in Yemen during the Ma'arb historical dam ,they departed to Syria and Lebanon because of the destruction of that Dam .
He is right about the Arab identity of this great people of South of Lebanon
He turned then to the Resistance
We are the origin of the Resistance in Amal , Amal and Hizbullah came out from the same origin of shekih Moses El-Sadr
To Iran and Syria then
This is a conspiracy by Israel with American support to target both Syria and Lebanon
To the Lebanese Dignity
A lady who lost her arm was giving the opportunity to go to Jordan for treatment ,she said in front of the Lebanese and Jordanian health ministers and media that she wouldn't go ,her husband and her son were already killed and there was no need to her arm now ,all what she wanted now is to go back home to read El-Fatah "a pray" on them , all the three Jordanian aid air planes returned back home with no patient , all Lebanese injured refused to live their country for treatment
This a real Arabian dignity , there are not Arabs ,they are the masters of Arabs whether this great Lady or those great injured
To the secret of Success
We got no anti-air fighters missile launchers , We got no tanks but we got faith
Here is the interview from Al-jazeera"p.s : needs windows media player"
The written summary is here Arabic - English
Technorati : Al-jazzera Tv, Amal, Army, Condoleeza Rice, Egypt, Government, Hezbullah, Hizbullah, Iran, Israel, Israeli, Jordan, Lebanese, Lebanon, Middle East, Nabih Barry, Parilament, Politics, Resistance, Rome, Saudi Arabia, Shiite, South Lebanon, Syria, U.S, Weapons