Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Syria Lebanon- Lebanon Syria

When we were children we used to play this silly old game "Egypt-Syria" ,two person stand on a straight line and move forward to reach to the other person first and step on his foot ,the two person will be Egypt and Syria ,to see which country is better step over the other country ,silly stupid game ,I traced its origin and I found it goes back to the time when Syria canceled and ended the union with Egypt in 1960 ,every stupid game simply because who will start walking first who will win !! I don't know why I remember this game while following the latest Syrian-Lebanese news

Already there is a talk in the UN and Security Council that there is sudden video tape will be aired soon provided by some Arabic country "X" proves the alleged involvement of the Syrian President and high members of the regime "his brother in Law and brother" in the assassination of late PM Rafik El-Hariri, I don't know which Arabic country intelligence got this video tape but my guessing it may be Saudi Arabia or Jordan ,in some other time I would put Egypt in the list but our old man said in the Army meeting his famous words that Egypt can't abandon Syria and Syria wouldn't do so also ,the same romantic media talk plus Egypt is busy in the coming days with much important stuff "soooooooooon I will speak about", so as you see they want to make Syria the responsible for Hariri's death.

I don't clear the Syrian regime from the guilt,El-Assad threatened El-Hariri once but this doesn't mean he would do it, plus look to the consequences ,if Syria wanted to punish the Lebanese opposition then it turned over its head ,now Syria more than anytime is on the break, its armies left Lebanon,it got no power what so ever in Lebanon right except if you consider their allies and they are consider the minority

I don't know why they creating this enmity between Syria and Lebanon !! I am sorry but it wasn't Syria who killed and bombed Lebanese Civilians. I know very well what the Syrian regime did in Lebanon from crimes just like in Syria , but this create this hate between the Syrian people and Lebanese people,the people themselves. Syrian people themselves ,not the regime,the regular average Syrian Joe "El-Zalma" doesn't like this treatment, in the end it is not Syrian Baath regime that is punished alone but it is the Syrian people and Syria ,and they will pay more then the regime in the end ,in fact they will pay the whole bell ,and the Iraqi experience proved that ,come on in the end all the Syrian Baath regime got accounts in Swiss and Bahamas banks and will escape from Syria and live happily ever after in far away countries leaving the poor Syrian people pay for their mistakes as usual of course supporting Hezbollah is not the mistake ,it may be one of the few things the Syrian regime did right in its miserable bloody history !!

Another  question ; what if this video tape came out and proved that El-Assad ordered his intelligence to get rid from El-Hariri may God bless his soul , what will happen?? will the United Nation issue an order to arrest El-Assad?? Will the Security Council issue sanctions on Syria ?? El-Assad is a president of a country and sanctions will not harm Syria at all because its economy is centralized based one , and those countries are least to be harmed with the sanctions ,come for how long now North Korea got this economic siege and sanction and its regime didn't give up !!??

I am sorry but I won't accept that El-Assad to be punished only because of El-Hariri , El-Assad dynasty must be punished first for they did to the Syrian People, but to use El-Hariri terrible assassination for personal agendas and constructing the new middle East,I am sorry even the late PM minister won't accept it.

Wake up 14th of March your so-called independence will bring invasion to another country

Wake up before you will be cursed in the history books


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1 comment:

  1. BISSAT EL REEH..<-The Magic Carpet BEE TAHSAL FI AHSAN AL AAILAT, such disputes could happen in the best of families?..both nations always had mutual misunderstandings since their independence from France in early 1940s...but after 1947/8 and as other NEW agendas opened their pages in the region..things..deteriorated since then/NO=body could guess in 1958 if Lebanon joined the Un.Arab Rep, with both Syria & Egypt that would have effected minorities, LATE Pres.GAMAL.A.NASSER was NOT.. i repeat>was NOT going to throw the Christians or other minorities in the Mediterranean sea as it was rumored by HIS enemies,and why will HE do that,what will HE gain...,HIS beliefs were Secular,but if the ARAB world lost the one and only president,,A MARONITE in LEBANON as its constitution decreed..the whole thing will turn into SOUR GRAPES for all the others in the region..as Lebanon was renowned then as the only democracy in the M-East?? mostly in free trade and banking,among many other aspects?..UN-fortunately that UNITY lasted for just 3 years, i said UN ,meaning that this outcome THE SEPARATION benefited and was fortunate for others around, but they were short-sighted then and real losers from this all??? Even though all this never effected that spiritual unity which kept 2 nations ,apart Geographically, but one as ARAB Brothers & Sisters,,and as they say BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER,,in Arabic OMR EL DAMM MA YESBAHSHI..MAY-YA?? Also as we consider EGYPT mother of all Arab nations, that connection or as its better known & called THE A-Cord will never set them apart!!/// To Egypt with LOVE/Is.Barsoumian/..from London



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