Friday, February 2, 2007

Cuban, Venezuelan Intel Say 911 Was An Inside job

You know every day turns out that another intelligence service knew about 911 attacks and inform the United States about it and the States didn't do anything to stop it  

Link to Cuban, Venezuelan Intel Say 911 Was An Inside job

Now it is the Cuban and the Venezuelan Intelligence , the Latinos are added to a list of intelligence service like the M.I.5,the Egyptian intelligence and other intelligence services as reported in Thierry Meyssan's Big Lie.

You know more and more everyday I believe that 9/11 regardless of all the theories and the facts we know about ,nothing real in it except that 3000 innocent people were killed and since then death toll of people who died in wars led by the States are increasing to reach over 1/2 million like a country in Iraq !!

I feel sad for those 3000 like the 1/2 million because both were killed for reasons of greed and domination!!

1 comment:

  1. Of course!


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