Friday, February 23, 2007

The Pirates of the Game Valley

For four or five years ago , Egypt didn't know the Game Valley company , Computer and Console Games were imported from abroad in their big boxes with big price labels , I know that for sure because My Pharaoh Building Set from Pharaoh ,Cleopatra and Caesar I bought for big number from Compume with a wonderful big box with a big book and wonderful CD box that unfortunately a little piece of it was broken accidentally and made me sad till now

Then with the invasion of the playstations and PCs in Egypt a need came from the latest Games , there are two ways ,either you pay big sum of money or you download from the Internet ,back then the broadband in Egypt wasn't that cheap so from some it was hard to find a good game

Till the Game Valley company opened its stores , selling Console and PC games in prices , high middle class and high class can afford it ,the rest of the class still use the most famous way around the world , download from the Internet ,burn and sell for 5 pounds maximum just like in China

You know everyone in Egypt believes that this company sells the Original games , yet after dealing with them several times I began to have doubts that they just like the PC copiers , in fact they are the pirates of the Game Valley

You see I bought games from them and it shocked to me find that these games are not installed like other games ,they are extracted ,yes extracted with Winrar and WinZip !!

Well if you find this strange will wait for the second shock

Have you ever bought a game with a cracked patch in it ?? oh yes the main .exe of the game must be replaced by a cracked patch !!

You know I would n't write this post if the prices of these games were in their right range 5 E.P not 80 and 85 E.P !!

The problem is that Game Valley in Egypt monopolized the market ,and here I mean the official market , not pirates one ,I am from the people who are willing to pay for original game if it is worth it


  1. Zienab! you and all your Arab vistors as well as non-Arabs who are sympathetic with Arabs have been tagged

  2. dear zeinab , you seem so young , that you have played with the wrong guy , this is a 200million egyptian pounds valley , the empror is willing to do anything to defend his kingdom, he is well organized & very friendly with the top controlling authorities officials & ,i heard he has eliminated the official importer of other companies by winning a case claiming his products are original against claims from them it is copies . so i think he was right cause he got the sentence in his favor which means his friendly authorities official found his copies to be original after all .

    also they are here in the market since at least 1998 "as far as i know " back then they used to sell the suspected copies "which are approved original by law" for 150egp .

    with very little knowledge if you look clearly to the fotos silk screened on the cds & the cheap package & compare prices to the international prices , you would for sure think it is copies , but by egyptian law it is not copies cause it has acquired official liscence from his friendly egyptian authorities .

  3. I checked this issue , found that in fact those copy games cost no more than 0.3$ , there are huge profits for those pirates , i assume they run one of the biggest scams in Egypt today claiming they have original versions ,

  4. Anonymous no.1 , I understand you and i wish to know who is that emporer, any how a small email to big games company like Sierra or EA can end this kingdom and his friends can't do anything , Egypt signed the international anti-piracy agreements

    Anonymous no.2 what makes me angry that they sell the cd and dvds for big prices , I mean imagine the profit he got , the cost is cheap while the revenue is so great to create a huge profit

  5. For Zeinobia pls can u send me ur email...

  6. To Zeinobia pls can u send me ur email... My mail ( thx.


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