Friday, March 9, 2007

israelinsider: Briefs: Egypt forbids thousands of Christian pilgrims from visiting Israel

You know this is the sort of news that is written ignoring a very important fact

I don't think those 2000 Egyptian Christian Pilgrims follow the Egyptian  Coptic Orthodox Church that led by Pope shounda as the article makes you believe so.

Simply because Pope Shounda was against the Peace with Israel and this was from the primary reason why he and El-Sadaat didn't have any good relations at all.

Plus and this is much more important Pope Shounda issued an order forbidding the Coptic people from visiting Israel for visiting the holy land in Jerusalem as long as it is under the occupation and as long as The "sultan" Monastery problem is there .

That is well known for all Egyptians , already another tiny piece of information ,the Egyptian Church still blames the Jews for what they believe happened to Jesus "PBUH" , this is from a Christian Orthodox friend.

Already I do believe that this news can be correct in one part that Egypt forbids the pilgrims from visiting Israel , but those Pilgrims are not Copts but from the other churches that don't follow Pope Shounda like the Catholic or the Protestant Church , already my neighbors are Catholic and visited the holy land from 10 years ago

This is just an important clarification my duty is to explain it

Link to israelinsider: Briefs: Egypt forbids thousands of Christian pilgrims from visiting Israel

The Original News in Ynet News


  1. "That is well known for all Egyptians , already another tiny piece of information ,the Egyptian Church still blames the Jews for what they believe happened to Jesus "PBUH" , this is from a Christian Orthodox friend."

    This my friend is the exact reasoning Israel uses to cry anti-semitism. What happened to Jesus (pbuh) happened thousands of years ago. As history clearly shows, the Jews in Isreal are not the same Jews back in Jesus's days. Todays Jews are converts and most of the original intermarried so much that they cannot be traced to the people at that time.

    Also to continue the blame after all this time is quite ridiculous and does more harm than good.

    The Pope is not infallible and as such as statements are not law for he is not Allah. If other Christian are allowed to go, then the Copts should too.

    We Arabs should stop trying to micromanage eachother's lives. Give ourselves a break and get out of the chains we impose on eachother. Crying for freedom, yet we are the ones who imprision us.

  2. I do believe that the Jews shouldn't now be punished for something happened from 2000 years ago in the same way I do believe that shiites should do what they are doing in Karballa
    about the other thing about going to the holy land for the copts
    that order also is made to respect the Egyptian Muslim feelings , and the respect of the palestian cause ,it is not as simple as you think


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