At last I found an official website for the great Egyptian Musician and the artist of the people Sayed Darwish
This website which is unfortunately in Arabic is owned by Sayed Darwish's own grand son engineer Hassan El-Bahr Darwish , the brother of the Egyptian singer Eman El-Bahr Darwish
I do not know how and from where I can speak about this great artist who lived in the early of the 20th century , may be I can say that he was the revival of the Arabic music and in his quest to liberate Egypt from the British occupation he liberated the Arabic music from the Turkish influence
That man made things till now no one could make it from music that still expresses the essence of the Egyptian people , already our national anthem is composed by him , yes it was remixed by Abd El-Wahab , by it was his original music , the words of course was for the Egyptian leader Mustafa Pasha Kamal
Darwish was really the artist of the people ,do you know that he made songs for almost all the sectors of the Egyptian people , mainly the working classes ,he made songs for different professions like waiters ,water transporters ,road name ,you just name it
there were short songs for different places in Egypt from the Upper Egypt to the Delta to his great Love to his home town in Alexandria
He made even songs about the different ethnics in Egypt back then like the Sudanese ,Greeks Turks
Not to mention his musical plays and Operettas
If you know Arabic,you visit this wonderful treasure website and get lost for hours between the huge information , the songs ,the lyrics history and even the musical notes too.
A great history for a great man
This site must be translated to English
Just on the victory's eve
By the way here is the full national Egyptian Anthem "Biladi Biladi" from the Egyptian Radio in 1950s , the complete version before Abd El-Wahab remixed it in the 1979 to become our national anthem ,it was sang by the beautiful voice "Karm Mahmoud"
Here are the original lyrics it was based upon "Mustafa Pasha Kamal" Speech Sayed Darwish had heard when he was a little boy attending a speech for the Pasha in a club in Alexandria
that is great ! but the link of sayed ' s darweesh site doesnt work!!!! i m really disappointed
ReplyDeleteI am sorry Sally ,it used to work fine in the past , may be it is down only and insh Allah it will return so soon