Thursday, January 24, 2008

The best photo and comment in 2007

This photo and the comment title are the best photo and comment I have seen in Egypt about the national Events in year 2007


The terror that is waiting us

Gamal Mubarak in the NDP annual conference

Published in Daily El-Dostor

The title was the title for a very strong essay article by Abd El-Halim Kandeel

BY the way where is Gamal ??


  1. I don't understand why the people of Egypt should be frightened, or worse, terrified by those thugs.

    However, these kinds of photos, published by a major opposition newspaper, indicate how week and pathetic the Egyptian people had become. They are wasting their lives chatting on mobile phones, looking for the best foreign-named hole to buy their coffee, burgers, or pizzas, and watching soaps about a dead and a womanizer former king hoping he comes back to life to rule their country. And when he ruled them with the help of the British, they filled the streets shouting, and they burned Cairo demonstrating what he and his cronies were doing to Egypt.

    Those thugs who currently rule Egypt, their benefactors, and the muscled men they hire to intimidate its people, should be the ones who go to sleep frightened, even terrorized, if and when the Egyptian people wake up from their deep misery.

  2. @Amr yes the people should not be frieghtened from those thugs , but do not forget thugs make people fear because they can harm the people !!
    By these kinds of photos and comments show that the people still have a powerful spirit , I do not think that these photos and comments fear the people on the contrary the thugs are the one who fear it and mad because of it

  3. thank you for blogging in English - it helps to have a better view:)

  4. there's merit in both your arguments, not in entirety, but still some.

  5. أدعوك لقراءة مدونتي
    i invite you to my blog

  6. @Ewa ,you welcome dear


  7. @abdelmoaty,thanks for the invitation Doc , it is great ,it is to the point ,thanks again for the invitation


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