Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ahmed Fouad Nagam and the IR in Iran

Ahmed Fouad Nagam AKA The Fagomi "Idiot" used to be one of the greatest Fans for the Islamic revolution in Tehran to the degree that he wrote several poems supporting the IR , I do not know if you knew that it would turn to be against Freedoms

Still it is interesting , I read those poems yesterday in the Egyptian Daily newspaper El-Dostor, they are so supportive to the IR. From reading them I think he supported the IR without any knowledge of its ideologies , only based on the fact that it overthrow a dictatorship capitalistic monarchy and was against the United States.

He called the Shah Names as usual , he Called Jimmy Carter names as usual "despite the fact Carter turned to be our real friend after all" and of course the Egyptian regime and President who went to Tel Aviv and met Golda took the lion share from attacks and names.

From the artistic point of view ,they are so beautiful and simple ,the usual big easy style of Fagomi who did not graduate from any school except Life's.

These poems by the way were banned in Egypt as usual as the rest of the Fogomi's poems, already I think he was in jail then.

Another interesting fact Fagomi ex-wife Safinaz Kadem also supported the IR , in fact she sent a solidarity telegram to Khomeini , guess from where , from Iraq , where she was staying then !! Till now Safinaz supports the Islamic Republic of Iran, I do not know about the Fagomi but I know that when he went to Lebanon from couple of years El-Cid Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah received warmly in person with big open arms.


  1. Despite of Negm's undeniable courage, he is so much ill-informed on economic, political and staregic issues. His views are to be taken with a grain of salt, if any.

    However, his support of Iran's revolution is natural. Since all the Trotyskits and the people communists and libertines led by the windbag Noam chomosky view in the the Iranian gangs occupying Iraq in collaboration with Americans, a people chaeotic revolution against the established class order. They the Iran intelligence brigades ( Al-Quds) working with the militias ruling the streets and uprooting all the scinetific and civilisationary pillars of modern Iraq a step towards a classless staleless communal anarchic society.

    In that regard Negm likewise many "local" Marxists have totally failed to grasp the fact that Marxism is basically a western ideology, and for it to be extrapolated into Arab context, structural adjustments to its ideological and dogmatic underpinnings are deemed mandatory.

    Simply, because the minority monoplising means of production in Arabia are organically linked to the post modern colonials.

    Arab liberation and revolution is bound by relentless external pressure; hence the revolution against the established order requires the breeding of ultra-nationalist scientific and technolgical elite ( the North Korea or Iraq style) that could deter the vandalism of colnialism and enable the alientaed masses access to their vast cultural and material wealth

  2. قرأت بصفتي الدستور أمس كالعادة وفعلاٌ رغم أنني منذ قديم الأزل أتابع ما ينشر من أشعار العامية للفاجومي سواء المنشورة او المتداولة سراٌ والتي ستنشر في عهد لاحق أتمنى ان احضره ... ولكنني بالفعل فوجئت بما نشرتة الدستور في الصفحة الأخيرة التي خصصتها لفؤاد نجم من أشعار تأيداٌ لثورة الخميني ... وأتفق معك أنه ربما بل من المؤكد انه كتبها دون تأييد حقيقي لها أو معرفة بدوافعها وأفكارها ... بل ربما كتبها نكاية في السادات نظراٌ لما لاقاه هو والشيخ أمام منه في تلك الأيام .أو ربما كما قلت نكاية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية .
    عموماٌ من مباديء في الحياة أنه يمكنني أن أجد نقطة توافق مع أي شخص في الدنيا - فيما عدا البعض - وفي حالتنا هنا أتفق مع الفاجومي في حبه الذي لا شك فيه لتراب مصر
    من ساعة ما نزلتي إعلان سجاير نفرتيتي وأنا عايز اشكرك علية ومش عايز أقولك انا أتفرجت علية بعد ما حملته على جهازي كام مرة .
    خالص الود والتحية لمولاتنا زنوبيا

  3. @anonymous, just before starting the attack on Noam Chomosky you must know that these poems were written from 30 years ago , Nagam did not know then Chomosky
    This has nothing to do with Iran

    @مولانا افندينا
    شكرا جزيلا على تشريفكم المدونة
    بالفعل انا اشعر انه كتب القصائد دى نكاية فى السادات و امريكا
    و بعض من القصائد المنشورة بالفعل كان معروفة من قبل زى بقرة حاحا
    كان نفسى ينشره قصيدة البتاع الى بالفعا ممنوعة م 1981
    الفاجومى ربما نختلف معه لكننا نتفق معه على حب مصر


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