Tuesday, November 10, 2009

7 Years For Rape … In The Court

Today a very small news was published in the official newspapers , it is so small that you can miss it.

The news said that a court has sentenced a police cadet 7 years in jail for raping a woman in the court !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes for raping a woman in the court !! The woman was convicted in some case along with her husband and that police cadet had raped her in the bathroom of the court !!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 years !!!?? Is it because she was convicted in a crime ?? Well she is a human by the end of the day !!?? 

I do not know what to say , I am surprised that this crime was not featured in the media when it happened , what is difference between it and the murder of late Dr. Marwa in that court in Germany !!??

I know for sure that it was not published for fear the public anger ,the natural public anger !!?? Rape in court’s bathroom !!??

P.S I can’t find the url from Al Messa as it seemed to be removed.


  1. only 7 years !!!!!! how come ?!

  2. 7 years!!!! r u kidding me! this is a crime and according to Islam is the death penalty!!! Police suppose to protect and enforce law but not breaking the law! if the police attacking the citizen, who can trust the police and who is going to protect the citizen either they are innocent or criminal! moreover in the court house of justice!!! this is very shameful and shame for the regime or the government to hide such a crime from public!

  3. I am so saddened by things like this. There could be no answer for why this is...disgusting. That Police was/is a predator, he has probably done this or tried it before.

  4. I hate to say it but I guess this case didn't get its due media coverage because it has the wrong type of offender (a police cadet) and the wrong type of victim (a convict)


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