Monday, November 9, 2009

Beyonce in Egypt

Beyonce in Pyramids

This is the only photo I could find for her highness in Egypt ,the photos of her concert have not been released yet. I do not know what she was wearing exactly. Those who have attended the concert were very happy , those who did not and want to are interested to know what happened and waiting for some Egyptian channel to air the concert exclusively , I think OTV will have this honor. The buzz is over ,it was just one night only.

   By the way was not it great that our supreme council of antiquities' chief  came by himself and explained to her highness Beyonce the grandeur of our pyramids plateau ?? I know this is the usual reception of highly international distinguished guests there whether they are politicians like Barack Obama or entertainers like Beyonce or Sean Paul who bragged that he smoked marijuana in our great pyramid.This is our renowned hospitality still I hope that Zahi Hawas gives little attention and care to our antiquities like the great attention and care he gives to Egypt’s guests in front of the cameras.

There are two wonderful palaces from the Royal era in Mansoura following the supreme council of antiquities which are left to neglect and thugs to camp in despite their beauty , they won’t take too much time from his busy schedule if he only revises their conditions and orders their immediate restorations. These Palaces are the famous Red Palace of Alexander Pasha and the El-Shenawy Pasha Palace. “You can see them from left to right respectively below”

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  • The Red Palace was owned first by Alfred Dabour who sold it to Alexander Pasha Al-Ahamar and since then it was named after him “Al Ahamar in Arabic=The Red in English”. Strangely according to the people in Al Mansoura this palace was better before its registration in the supreme council of antiquities’ records !!?? Now it is occupied by thugs :(
  • El-Shenawy Pasha Palace was donated by its heiress Thorya El-Shenawy to the ministry of Culture so it could be turned in to a museum , the ministry decided to turn it in to the national museum in Al Mansoura governorate in 2005 , now we are in late 2009 and there is no museum  at all. Here is a slide show for the palace from outside and inside , Mrs. El-Shenawy is truly a fine lady but she should have known better ; may be she feared that it could be demolished and that’s why she donated it to the ministry of culture !!

These palaces are landmarks in Al Mansoura and the people there are extremely angry and sad to see them suffer in such way. Al Mansoura is very beautiful city.

And yes I used Beyonce’s concert to force you in to reading about those two wonderful palaces :p

Most photos of the El-Shenawy Palace were taken from this blog.


  1. كانو مبسوطين عشان هيا عملت شو كده المفروض دخان كتير ع المسرح وهيا بتغير ملابسها فيه

  2. Lol akeed she changed her clothes backstage! I was there so stop those rumors =P

    Z, I've captured gr8 photos of her during the concert so tell me if u need any! =)

  3. انا مش بقول الكلام من دماغى

    المصرى اليوم الى كاتبه كده

  4. وارتدت بيونسيه عدداً كبيراً من الملابس واستبدلتها وهى على خشبة المسرح مستخدمة طرق الإبهار بالإضاءات والدخان.
    Lol my god! u translated it literally! the author meant that she changed her clothes a lot PLUS she fascinated the audiences with the great light system!

    People just want to believe what they want to believe ;)

    You weren't there to know, so I don't think u've the right to say what u r saying! =)

  5. بخصوص قصر الشناوي باشا بالمنصورة

    لم يتم التبرع بالقصر لوجه الله ولكن قامت وزارة الثقافة بتسجيل القصر كمبنى أثري وعليه قامت بدفع تعويض للورثة بلغ حوالي 40 مليون جنيه. وتقلص إلى حوالي 32 مليون جنيه بعد مصاريف القضية وبعض الرشات الجريئة داخل وزارة الثقافة حتى يتم إصدار شيك التعويض

    وكانت هذه الخطوة هي الحل للمشكة التي جابهت الورثة الذين زاد عددهم لمرور عدة أجيال بعد وفاة صاحب القصر الأصلي

    حسام عطاالله


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