Friday, August 6, 2010

Define that Source Please : Official Or Not Official

There is a new update in that officers against hereditary statement at SEF story, some alleged army officer has left a comment in the website denying that statement !!
The comment is even more bizarre than the statement to the level that made me wonder why the website highlighted it in the first place as it is not an official statement from the army nor from its official spokesperson whom we do not know actually nor it is an official statement from the military intelligence or its official spokesperson as well ; it is only from an alleged army officer "Major in the special forces as he claimed" speaking on behalf of himself not on behalf of the army as he claims !!!
Rejection and denial
He claims that he speaks on behalf of the army and on behalf of the MI despite both of them do not need to send an officer to leave a comment on such statement , they can simply block the SEF altogether !!!
The comment is as pathetic as the statement as it claims according to sources in the army that the statement was false and there is no such group in the army !!?? this is a supposedly underground group , will this alleged group announce itself in the army for God sake !!? Not to mention what are these sources : official or unofficial cafeteria's talk !!??
Of course the comment assures the allegiance to commander in chief Hosni Mubarak which does not justify at the same time the allegiance to any hereditary project that is against the constitution which the army has to obey and to protect in the same way !!!
I believe that this comment is from a hypocrite officer who wants to get promoted as soon as possible , he left his full name and where he served in the army already to let his superiors know " if it is truly there is a major in our army with that name and it is not smart pants NDP LE 1500 internet kid"
Anyhow after that interesting comment we find another comment by unnamed army officer claiming to support the NFC and that he and his colleagues have signed it as well !!??
Another alleged officer
I am following this story because that statement is causing a lot of talk online for two days now whether in Facebook or forums or blogs.Of course mainstream media does not comment from near or far on this , the army  is a taboo and something like this is the holy of holies of taboos !!


  1. i have no doubt that hundreds of armed forces officers have already signed, and thousands others would sign if they had the opportunity.
    i was in my military service last year, and i know exactly how to mood is there even between high rank officers.
    and btw, when officer signs a statement or agree with, that's not related to coup d'états by any mean, nor to military rule; they are just Egyptian citizens who express their situations, just as individuals. may be the constitution prevent them from voting, but that's different.

  2. They are from the people in the end , they are from the villages with no water access , they got brothers and sisters with no jobs, they see how Egypt has reached to in the Mubarak era.


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