Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Follow Up : About DP and Tal

The sudden news of Tal's imprisonment at the Doma Prison and her charges in the DP news portal raised many questions about the relationship between the Syrian regime and the famous Syrian news portal.

 Syrian Damascus declaration website revealed the relation between DP's editor-in-chief and owner with the Syrian state security and how Tal's news specifically professionally was more than interesting as it turned out that that sort of case needs a judiciary order in Syria to be published, this news is based on some sources as it was stated in the beginning of the news !! 

These sources are capable of sending the journalist who wrote this news to hell in Syria because it is against the law to write security-related news based on "Some sources", strangely for some reason the news did not send whoever wrote it to jail because it simply whoever wrote this news is not actually a journalist or reporter but a State security officer !!

I follow DP and honestly, as an Egyptian, I know very well the websites sponsored by the Arab regimes and what the security leaks and fabrications look like this is why I did not need Damascus declaration to confirm my doubts because everybody knows that you can't have a website like that in Syria except by the approval of the State security.
By the way, I am more than surprised to know that Tal's grandfather Mohamed Diaa Mallohi was a minister who served as the state minister of the people's assembly's affairs during Hafiz Al Assad's cabinet.
Bothinia Kamel wrote about Tal today in the weekly issue of the Al Dostor newspaper in Egypt.

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