Friday, March 2, 2012

Syrian Revolution : Another Friday , Another Massacre“Another +18 Graphic post”

And today is another Friday in Syria , another round of protests through out villages and cities across the country against El Assad regime despite the extreme cold weather in the country.
Today is another Friday in Syria and the Syrians participating in the protests are demanding the world to provide the Free Syrian army with arms proper enough to stand against Syrian Arab army.
Here is a protest earlier this morning from Aleppo , from El Bab area.
Aleppo : 2 March protests
Reef Dimshaq : 2 March Protests
Idlib : 2 March Protests
Today is another Friday in Syria , another massacres are committed against the civilians. The top massacre of the day is in the city of El Rastan in Homs , a terrible massacre against the protesters in the city. Horrible footage is emerging from there , I do not know what kind of weapons used but this like mortars !! “+18 Very graphic footage”
Rastan : The massacre of Rastan
Rastan : The massacre of Rastan
Rastan : The Massacre of Rastan
Rastan : The massacre of Rastan
According to The Local Coordination Committees in Syria the number of Syrian martyrs has reached 56 including a child and 2 women woman, 14 martyrs were executed in the field in Baba Amr, 16 martyrs from Rastan32 martyrs in Homs, 11 martyrs from Idlib including two martyrs in Saraqeb, 4 martyrs from Aleppo,5 martyrs in Deir Ezzor, 2 martyrs in Douma and a martyr each in , Hama and Lattakia
Today Egyptians protested in solidarity with Syria in both Cairo , Alexandria and Suez . The protesters in Cairo protested in front of the Iranian commission.
In Suez 
in Alexandria 
In Cairo 


  1. the last video was extrem, i can only question my self "how can this be possible"... :(
    power to the people, i hope this ends on best way for siria....

    1. Civil war began in 2011 by Syrian revolutionary forces and guerrillas fighting for freedom justice democracy unity & reconciliation against tyranny and repression after 14 years was overthrown by revolutionary forces and guerrillas since 12-8-2024 now a full fledgling liberated nation in the Middle East after Assad in world history.


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