Monday, October 12, 2020

Coronavirus on the Nile: Egypt’s COVID-19 September numbers in Graph

This is the time of our monthly post about the coronavirus pandemic and its numbers in graphs.

Here is our August post based on the official numbers released daily by the Egyptian Health Ministry.

First of all, this month witnessed the beginning of not only autumn but also the beginning of the ordinary of the seasonal flu and cold despite the weather was hot.

Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed "SIS"
Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed "SIS"

Second of all, I have been away for a week in the North Coast and the message I got that nobody followed the face mask and social distancing rules.

The same thing when I returned to Cairo and to work at the office, it was like that we are back to February 2020.

It seems that very few that still cares.

I believe that people began to neglect those basic rules because the official numbers of coronavirus infection patients in Egypt released by the Health Ministry continue to be stable not exceeding 200 per day.

On the other hand, you still hear about people dying because of coronavirus including doctors.

Here are September’s daily infection numbers in the graph.

To the good news, the daily number of full recovered patients.

For some reason, it started high but it declined by the end of the month.

I can’t find the reason why we had 400 full recovered patients on 30 September after we had 899 on 1 September while we had a stable number of patients infected not exceeding 200 per day throughout the month.

Moving to the daily fatalities

The daily number of fatalities did not exceed 21 per day and sometimes it went as low as 11.

According to the health ministry, most of the victims suffer either suffer from chronic diseases or arrive at the hospitals late to get treatment.

Sometimes, it is both.

Those are the number of September, till we meet next month inshallah.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as if Sisi is following trump with the "Herd immunity" nonsense! We will be expecting at least one million deaths in US by the time trump is gone.


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