Monday, April 11, 2022

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2022: Tale of Al-Ashkeef “Prince charming Arrives” Ep.11

Ramadan Kareem

Here is our eleventh night of Ramadan Arabian nights.

A little note for our episode tonight, Krawan in Arabic means Curlews bird

First, you can refresh your memory and listen to last night’s episode.

Illustration for an Arabian knight from the 19th century
Illustration for an Arabian knight from the 19th century 

Now, here is the eleventh episode of our tale tonight. It was episode no.593 of our favorite show.

The prophecy of the old Darvish turns the life of Princess Sabah upside down. 

For months she refuses rich and powerful suitors because they are not that rich kind prince that will kill the Ashkeef.

She fell in love with that prince without even seeing him.

King Yasmine is furious as he fails to convince her otherwise. He decides to force her to marry the first suitor to show up.

As the King is angry discussing his daughter’s issue with his sons, he hears a noise and crowed outside his palace. He asks about the reason, and he is told that it is caused by one of his daughter’s suitors who came in a big procession. The new suitor is kind and generous who gives money to the poor.

His name is Prince Krawan and he is handsome too.

King Yasmine meets Prince Krawan who tells him that he is the son of King Golan of Al-Morgan Kingdom

Krawan meets the Princess’ brothers and presents a small gift to the King and the princes. That gift is a box made of gold full of jewels. King Yasmine wonders about the whereabouts of Al-Morgan Kingdom and Krawan tells him it is years away and then both King Yasmine and Prince Negm El-Din are perplexed.

“Is it years away or three years away?” The King wonders and Krawan tells him three years away. Both King Yasmine and his son Negm El-Din now believe that Krawan is the Prince the Dervish spoke about in his prophecy and the Princess awaits anxiously.

Yasmine tells Krawan about the prophecy. King Yasmine will introduce Krawan to Princess Sabah.

Here is the eleventh episode of the tale televised.

Tomorrow inshallah we will know whether Sabah accepts the new suitor or not.

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