Saturday, April 16, 2022

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2022: Tale of Al-Ashkeef “A golden palace” Ep.16

Ramadan Kareem

Here is our 16th night of Ramadan Arabian nights.

A golden palace from 1989 TV series "Laila and Al-Ashkeef" by Gamal Kotb
A golden palace from the 1989 TV series "Laila and Al-Ashkeef" by Gamal Kotb 

Now, you can refresh your memory and listen to last night’s episode.

Here is the 16th episode of our tale tonight. It was episode no.598 of our favourite show.

Sabah allows to Al-Ashkeef aka Krawan to enter her quarter. She apologizes to him. She asks him a couple of questions about how he got to their kingdom, and he gives contradicting answers.

Fake Krawan tells her the great news: They will get married next Friday according to her father. She does not have a lot of time, but everything is in the plan. She invites her to drink wine with her but suddenly he says he will leave because he can’t drink after eating. He will meet her again.

At his residence, Krawan aka Ashkeef tells his aide that he thinks the princess knows something. He then summons the Djinn of the Solomon Seal ordering him to turn his residence into a palace made of gold to dazzle everyone.

Back at her palace, Princess Sabah and her maid Fatom are a bit worried after that move. Nevertheless, in times of stress, Abu El-Yoser appears to the princess. She tells him everything is as planned, but she needs to know the story and origin of Al-Ashkeef. He will tell her the story alone.

Here is the 16th episode of the tale televised.

Tomorrow inshallah we will know how the princess' plan will go.

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