Dr.Huda Jamal Abd El-Nasar made a dangerous accusation to Late president Anwar El-Sadaat ,she is accusing him of killing her father late President and Egypt Dictator Nasser ,not that only but also she accused that he was working for the C.I.A ,this was all mentioned in Ahram El-arabi in from two weeks ago I guess
I wanted to write about this but I forgot it then I remembered it yesterday when I watched the interview of the eldest daughter to President El-Sadaat Rokia in Dream 2 with Mona Shazely 'well I am daily watcher for it and I am already missing it in Ramadan '
I hate this Nasser-Sadaat thing ,for one good thing ,Sadaat was better by stages from Nasser yes I am biased as I think that Sadaat is better than Nasser at least we returned back more land and returned back the dignity to the Armed Forces ,By the way I am from the lucky generation who lived Mubarak golden Era ,I didn't attend wither Nasser nor Sadaat but I read ,ask and see
I notice something whenever the 6th of October just come closer , the attack on El-Sadaat increases
First it was The Midan newspaper showing the dead body of late president and share Mrs.Rokia wonder on how did the tabloid El-Midan get this classified photo?
I know that this photo should be and it is already classified in the files of the assassination in either the Egyptian Intelligence or the investigation of National security as it should be
in fact I believe this photo was shown by higher orders and this photo was delivered on purpose
They couldn't just find it in the street as Mrs.Rokia said
Now return again to Dr.Huda and her accusation saying that she got American documents ,what American docemunts you are using Doc?
first of all the Classified documents in the United States and the United Kingdom are revealed to public after 50 years of its occurring ,after the approval of the National security boards
Now Daddy Nasser died in 1971 and we are in 2005 so where is the half century period ?
another thing if Nasser was being killed ,Sadaat was not only the accused one ,there are many ,because as you all know the man got enemies from west to Israel to Arab Kings to Shah Reza of Iran , in bottom line he got many enemies.
I don't think that Murdering him was far idea as I read that the man who used to give him the Massage was caught after Nasser Death for spying to Israel ,may be used some kind of Creams that poisoned the guy on long term
Nasser made a lot of his life that he deserved to be be killed for the jails and torture to bitter defeat till now we suffer from to destroying the economy and to to to the list doesn't finish
Another I notice and we are just 48 hours from the glorious anniversary of 6th October war
why all the credit goes to the Air strike and the commander of the Air force despite the fact he wasn't the one who planned it in the first place , he couldn't give the order by himself alone ,it came as orders from above him ?
People read the military history and you will know that the Commander of the Air forces was under the command of other great commanders who didn't have the much the respect like him
anyway back to the sadaat
Rokia gave some hard enigmatic words yesterday , in the assassination she said that it was shameful that he wasn't killed in Israel and was killed by his Army !!!???? And that torsion was behind his murder
I am among the people after reading the assassination in 1981 believe that there are still to be revealed and surely there is something missing
El-sadaat wasn't that traitor who made Peace with Israel like El-Gadfi once said in the Arab Summit at least he had some courage to deal with Iseral above the table not beneath it
Many respect late King Hussien of Jordan and Hassan of Morocco despite their very old relation with Iseral especially the later
The traitors are those who destroy their countries for their benefit
Mrs.Rokia spoke bitterly on how she found out there is no street called after her father and how his wooden cottage in El-raah valley in South Sinai was left carelessly and I agree with her
Sometime I feel there is some kind conspiracy against El-Sadaat ,after we are the nation of mighty pharaohs who come to erase other pharoahs achievement to put theirs even if theirs were nothing to compare with the other old pharaoh
and ........Ramadan Karim
Sadat was a different man, he was a man of actions beside his talk, he was able to turn what he say into reality and here come the difference!!
ReplyDeletethere is a lot of missing facts about the october war, i will try to supply them part by part in posts on my blog