Thursday, March 29, 2007

President Khatami in Egypt

Shall we spread the floor with sands for Cairo's fine guest ??

"Spreading the floor with sands" is a sign of a great respect to the guest in the common classes in Egypt

The fine Guest is the Iranian ex-president Mohamed Khatami who after many decades his wish to visit Egypt was fulfilled and he came to the heart of both the Arab and Sunni world

I respect this man so so so much , in fact he is my favorite in Iran in the modern age and my admiration about Iran started with his presidency and it made me read more and more about Iran ,its history and civilization and because I come from a great country with a great ancient history and civilization I respected the Iran

To be honest I can be biased because my grand father was from the active members of the Egyptian- Iranian friendship society whether in the time of the shah or after the revolution and I know how he worked very hard to bring back the relation on the people's level back again till the last the day of his life , because he believed the most powerful Islamic triangle was Egypt,Turkey and Iran ,already I think if he had been alive now , he would have met President Khatami in Cairo ,May Allah bless his soul

Last night in an exclusive interview that can be considered as a scoop President Khatami appeared in the "10 PM" on Dream TV screen yesterday with my favorite and wonderful "Mona El-Shazely" whom I wish to be like her some day

For Two hours he spoke and I just listened to what he was saying with complete admiration

From Politics , mostly politics about the current situation , many ignore the fact that the Iranian Nuclear program started in his presidential period.

Then he spoke for a short time about Religion and philosophy , I want to read his books because they seemed very interesting.

President Khatami is the best example of the real Muslim leader who combines the wisdom ,religion,philosophy and time , he is a realistic and open minded

The only thing I wished he would talk about is how he saw Egypt and Cairo , the people and the place

As an Egyptian I tell you sir it has been very long time since Cairo received a guest like you , a respectful one sir :)


  1. i think we should spit on the dog

  2. I think it is a good idea for the Sunni world to be talking to the leader of the Shia world as there are things of extreme importance that can only be dealt with by mutual cooperation between the power players in the Middle East; i.e., like Palestine, the influence of Hezbollah in the region and, of course, Iraq.

  3. @amre,I think with my all respect you should shut up , he is not a dog,read what William is saying

    @William,I agree even more , if you are a western think in this way ,you can even imagine me the eastern Muslim and how I think

  4. The iranians are terrorist criminals who are commiting crimes in Iraq. The are the enemies of the Arabs.

    they are just playing the palestine card to gain some footage over the us and delude some naive Arabs.

    They are not Arabs they are terrorists whose hands are dipped i the blood of the innocent.

    they have got nothing to do with this region. khatamy is worse than a dog he is cockroash


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