Wednesday, December 5, 2007

But No Egyptian among them :(

It is insulting when a painting including the most famous and great people in this world does not include a single Egyptian and includes men with history like Sharon,Osama Ben Laden,Arafat and Saddam !!??

Click on the image

Those are the names and faces I recognized from the painting

If you can identify more faces please share your knowledge with us :)

    Does anyone know who painted this painting ?? I know I saw similar stuff but I do not know the correct name of the painter


  1. Cool. That was an interesting painting.

  2. Where did this photo (of a painting?) come from? it's so small there would be no way to recognize anyone! I'm curious as to it's origins, interesting backdrop to the painting.

    This painting strikes me as "popular culture" and very slanted to western culture. There is an old painting of famous scientists, philosophers, i can't remember it's origin but included ALL the great minds known to man. yes islam is very well presented.

    I think charlie chaplin was a great artist but the fact that he and jacques Chirac are included is a joke.

  3. Consider it a good thing that there is no Egyptian among them. Who would want to be on a list with Bush, Bin Laden and that old bag, the Queen of England. The pyramids are in the background but frankly Zeinobia it's one ugly painting/pic and it's probably by someone no one has really heard of or cares about.

  4. @anonymous, you got a point here , really good point but still there is Gandhi and people like him
    well at least the pyramids are in the background
    You know it is not that bad from the idea itself and how he gathered all these faces and people in one painting

  5. @Janna , yes it is :)

    @Sam , me too , Iam curious to know who did it
    well it is only about Chirac and Chaplin who made like a joke , you forget Bin Laden and Bush !!

  6. The idea of grouping them is a geniune initiative but personnaly I would prefer to meet each one seperately ...

    You will like my posting on the "English Language" .. One of the best artcles ...

    Izzat Sajdi

  7. @Space ,grouping them like this is much more creative in my opinion especially if group enemies like Castro,Bin Laden ,BUsh ,Saddam all in one paiting

    and insh Allah I will read your post :)

  8. Jamal Abdel Nasser should be in there!

  9. @fadfadation,both Nasser and Sadaat should be included

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  11. @Al-Hussein ,may be Nasser and Sadat are pyramids but I do not think that Mubarak is a Pyramid

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Al-Hussein , never mind dear ,i got it
    I will be honored if you link back to me and already I did the same to you :)

  14. I thought you said Arafat was in there. If so then he is at least half Egyptian on his mothers side.

  15. @ anonymous, this is the first time i know that Arafaat's mom was Egyptian


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