Sunday, April 5, 2009

Follow UP : H5N1 Human infection No. 63

This is too fast , the time interval is too close with the last human infection !!

Today the ministry of health announced 6 years old Ali Mahmoud Ali as the H5N1 human infection No.63 . Ali is from Shubra El-Khemia, Qalyubia .

Interesting enough Ali began to have the symptoms on the 22nd of March and he entered Ain Shams hospital in Cairo on the 28th of March , he was given Tamflu. I hope that he will be cured insh Allah , already he is suffering for time now.

It is worth to mention that Qalyubia Governorate was the center Governorate for poultry raising industry in Egypt , it was a multi billion industry there before being hit by the epidemic.


  1. It is too fast. The kids are way too young. There does not seem to be a commmon thread or area. In other places an area has been hit and the infection came either from household chickens or a wet market where chickens and ducks are killed.

    Here plans, preparation and then fine tuning the plans will help. People need tobe prepared not scared. The source of the infection must stop.

    Please write more.

  2. Dear Kobie, part of the problem is economic, people in those areas raise domestic poultry either to sell them or to feed on them I believe.
    People do not trust the government easily now and this is the bigger part of the problem


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