Wednesday, July 1, 2009

45 Years in Jail are too much

Yesterday was another exceptional day in Egyptian courts ,forget about the execution penalties which became a regular news lately with the increase rate of murder in the Egyptian society . Yesterday the court sentenced the so-called Maadi Serial killer "who did not kill anyone actually" 45 years in jail !!!
45 years in jail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not know why I feel that this young man is innocent may be because I do not trust the police that much and the incidents themselves in Maadi were strange not to mention how the media enlarged the whole incident turning whoever used to attack those girls in their asses in to a new Karmoz Serial killer*!!!
There will be an appeal of course , already the attorney of Mahmoud, the Convicted is  famous ex-Police General Fady Habshi , he is a good attorney for sure. I hope he will save his client for that doomed future in jail by winning the appeal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
*Karmoz Serial Killer was an infamous serial killer caught in Alex in late 1950s.


  1. 45 years in jail? what if he killed someone then?

  2. I agree, Zeinobia, 45 years is FAR too long. A much shorter sentence, if he s really guilty, but with hard labor, would be more fiitng, in my opinion.


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