First of all the media in Egypt began to discuss "I love You ! Man " insult to President Sadat , especially that it came right after the compensation Huda Abdel Nasser "Daughter of Gamal Abdel Nasser" had to pay to Ruqaya El-Sadat "eldest daughter of Sadat" for accusing him of assassinating her father "going to speak about this later" 
The Sadat Family began to react , Ruqaya as usual is defending her father fiercely, her lawyer sent an immediate objection memo to the American Ambassador and has filed a lawsuit in front of the court in Cairo to stop the screening of the film in Egypt and to confiscate all the of the film's copies in the Egyptian territories.
Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat JR , the nephew of President also said that the family does not accept this and demanded an apology , of course I am waiting to hear Talaat El-Sadat and what he is going to do.
I believe Sakina El-Sadat , the young sister of the late president will attack the film and Hollywood next week in her column in the Maussawar magazine.
There is nothing from Jehan El-Sadat and her clan from her side, already this time the insult is not from inside but from outside and it is huge , I wonder if her silence will continue or not.
Publicly up till now all those I met in the street are shocked and so angry especially those who saw the clip itself , even those who do not like El-Sadat felt that it was a huge insult.
Ali Abu Shady had to defend himself , people are extremely angry to find out that the film was shown in Egypt.
Shady swore that the two insulting scenes were cut off the film when it arrived to his desk, he is swearing that they were not there and that he would have banned the film if they were included. If Shady is true and probably he is then DreamWorks understands very well the implications of these scenes and that they would cause anger in the Arab region especially in Egypt. They seem to think that we live in a faraway oasis with no access to internet to see the original film
Now some people of Egypt especially those from Sadat opponents from the Nasserites ,the leftists and those who hate the man in general find it ok to insult him like this and to describe him as a dog in a silly comedy in another foreign country.
Well I ask them one question
What if He were President Nasser ??
From the political point of view it is completely wrong to mock a president like Sadat with his achievements not to mention the fact that he is an Egyptian icon whether we like it or not , he is part of our history whether like it or not.
From the social point of view I think it is unacceptable and rude to describe people as animals in Egypt especailly as dogs.
From the religious point of view I think it is totally wrong too.
Why would we accept to see our icons to be humiliated like this simply because we do not approve that or this president's policy. I swear I was angry when I saw that disgusting Israeli video mocking Mubarak despite all my opposition to his regime yet I do not accept it at all. Yes as Egyptians we mock our presidents ; I know by heart all the jokes that some people may find offensive against our presidents yet I can't tolerate someone mocking my presidents in this way and tell me : "it is ok , it is a cultural thing , you are too sensitive, it is not an insult in our country" or even worse : "He deserve it."
I just want to hear a clear answer :
What if he were Nasser ??
I also want to know :
Till When we will be the mock of the world ?? Till when people will laugh on our expense ??
How would it be if an Egyptian film included a scene comparing Menachem Begin or Obama as a dog ??
Now concerning the Huda-Ruqaya feud in retrospective Huda accused Sadat of killing her father based on an article in the Washington Post nothing more ,nothing less. Huda had repeated the accusation and is still repeating it. Ruqaya sued her , at first she lost the cases then she won and the court ruled for her a compensation equal to L.E 150,000. Ruqaya paid L.E 50,000 to her lawyer while she donated the rest to charity on behalf of her father.
Technorati Tags: Citizen Journalism, I Love You ! Man, News, Politics, Egyptians, Egypt, Sadat, National, America, Ruqaya El Sadat, Jehan El Sadat, Mideast, Middle East, Films, Culture, Arts
The Sadat Family began to react , Ruqaya as usual is defending her father fiercely, her lawyer sent an immediate objection memo to the American Ambassador and has filed a lawsuit in front of the court in Cairo to stop the screening of the film in Egypt and to confiscate all the of the film's copies in the Egyptian territories.
Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat JR , the nephew of President also said that the family does not accept this and demanded an apology , of course I am waiting to hear Talaat El-Sadat and what he is going to do.
I believe Sakina El-Sadat , the young sister of the late president will attack the film and Hollywood next week in her column in the Maussawar magazine.
There is nothing from Jehan El-Sadat and her clan from her side, already this time the insult is not from inside but from outside and it is huge , I wonder if her silence will continue or not.
Publicly up till now all those I met in the street are shocked and so angry especially those who saw the clip itself , even those who do not like El-Sadat felt that it was a huge insult.
Ali Abu Shady had to defend himself , people are extremely angry to find out that the film was shown in Egypt.
Shady swore that the two insulting scenes were cut off the film when it arrived to his desk, he is swearing that they were not there and that he would have banned the film if they were included. If Shady is true and probably he is then DreamWorks understands very well the implications of these scenes and that they would cause anger in the Arab region especially in Egypt. They seem to think that we live in a faraway oasis with no access to internet to see the original film
Now some people of Egypt especially those from Sadat opponents from the Nasserites ,the leftists and those who hate the man in general find it ok to insult him like this and to describe him as a dog in a silly comedy in another foreign country.
Well I ask them one question
What if He were President Nasser ??
From the political point of view it is completely wrong to mock a president like Sadat with his achievements not to mention the fact that he is an Egyptian icon whether we like it or not , he is part of our history whether like it or not.
From the social point of view I think it is unacceptable and rude to describe people as animals in Egypt especailly as dogs.
From the religious point of view I think it is totally wrong too.
Why would we accept to see our icons to be humiliated like this simply because we do not approve that or this president's policy. I swear I was angry when I saw that disgusting Israeli video mocking Mubarak despite all my opposition to his regime yet I do not accept it at all. Yes as Egyptians we mock our presidents ; I know by heart all the jokes that some people may find offensive against our presidents yet I can't tolerate someone mocking my presidents in this way and tell me : "it is ok , it is a cultural thing , you are too sensitive, it is not an insult in our country" or even worse : "He deserve it."
I just want to hear a clear answer :
What if he were Nasser ??
I also want to know :
Till When we will be the mock of the world ?? Till when people will laugh on our expense ??
How would it be if an Egyptian film included a scene comparing Menachem Begin or Obama as a dog ??
Now concerning the Huda-Ruqaya feud in retrospective Huda accused Sadat of killing her father based on an article in the Washington Post nothing more ,nothing less. Huda had repeated the accusation and is still repeating it. Ruqaya sued her , at first she lost the cases then she won and the court ruled for her a compensation equal to L.E 150,000. Ruqaya paid L.E 50,000 to her lawyer while she donated the rest to charity on behalf of her father.
Technorati Tags: Citizen Journalism, I Love You ! Man, News, Politics, Egyptians, Egypt, Sadat, National, America, Ruqaya El Sadat, Jehan El Sadat, Mideast, Middle East, Films, Culture, Arts
Sadat was a dictator, so why we are angry the Americans named the dog after him?, it's dogs which supposed to be angry for this insult.
ReplyDeleteIt is the same for Sadat as Nasser, and I will go farther when I say, even Mubarak. This absolutely not acceptable behavior!!!
ReplyDeletePlease stop it! It makes me realy sad that always when something is published or shown in western media which is against an Egyptian, an Arab, a Muslim even the Prophet himself effected such heavy reactions in Egypt (and even in other Arab countries). Do you really think, that western people will take you serious if you always react like this? Sometimes it makes sense to keep silent and to IGNORE stupid comments or insults! And by the way - would you also be outraged if someone named his dog after Sharon or Begin?
ReplyDeleteI like Sadat, and I think he was brilliant to make peace with Israel. But I don't have a problem with having a dog called after him, or even a pig. He is a public figure, a very public figure, and these kinds of jokes are normal. The same thing applies to religious figures, whether it is Mohammed, Jesus, or Buddha. I don't see a problem at all in seeing an animal with the name of a president, a religious figure, or even my own full name.
ReplyDeletePeople need to relax and find interesting things to occupy themselves with, that is what a psychiatrist will say.
I never even heard of the movie until I read about it on your site. So much for "blockbuster" movies. President Sadat and Jehan were very good leaders and I admired them. I suspect that President Sadat would laugh at the uproar you have caused. The last anonymous makes a very good point.
ReplyDeleteYou should focus focus on really important matters.
@The count of mount cristo , well I do not consider Sadat was that dictator , in fact many people share me the same view. Sadat does not deserve this nor does Nasser nor Mubarak whom are even worse dictators in my point of view
ReplyDelete@Ahmed Salem, I agree
@anonymous, we have been silence for a very long time more than you think
regarding Sharon or Begin , well believe it or not I feel sad in the same way because we should not be like that , we should not act in this way
@anonymous#2, I have to disagree with you ,first of all please do not mix religious and holy figures with political figure , second it is a cultural thing ,it is unacceptable and rude act in Egypt and the Arab world
@Misrcribe, knowing President Sadat from what I read , saw and heard about him I know very well that he is not laughing but rather extremely angry
Zannoba, please don't forget that Egyptians have long used jokes in general and political jokes in particular as a way of expressing their anger, frustration and to just make fun of themselves (like jokes about people from upper Egypt).
ReplyDeletePresident Sadat was keen about reading jokes depicting him as measure of the public opinion about his policies.
Please watch Ahmad Zaki movie "Days of Sadat" when his son Gamal came up to him very upset. Sadat asked him what happened? Gamal answered "one of my classmates said a joke about you,a man driving a donkey cart stopped in the middle of the road and when the policeman asked him why he stopped, the man answered because of the fog.The policeman said but there is no fog, the man answered ask the donkey" ( based on a very famous declaration by Sadat I believe in 1971 explaining why he didn't launch a war against Israel and it was called the year of fog).
According to the movie, Sadat laughed.
Another thing Zannoba, this movie is made in America and intended primarily for American audience who love dogs and consider them part of their families.
Living in America, I can assure you that Americans might not like a lot of Arabs, but they LOVE Sadat and consider him a hero.
Here is a translation of an Egyptian joke about our beloved presidents of Egypt
"If you have never been in prison during Nasser era, you will never be in prison in your life time,
If you have never made money during Sadat era, you will never make money in your life time, and
If you have never been a beggar during Mubarek era, you will never be a beggar in your life time. lol sorry for the Americans who can't understand the joke