Monday, July 19, 2010

Only In Egypt : The NDP Approves other parties Presidential candidates!! !!??

So even If the official parties in Egypt have fulfilled the impossible requirements of article no.76 and can run for presidential elections , they will still face a big challenge : The approval of the parties committee on their  presidential candidates !!??

So after all these conditions , the official parties can't have their presidential candidates run for presidency if the committee headed by a veteran and hardcore NDPian like Safwat El-Sharif rejects these candidates for any set of reasons !!??

Seriously we need to know if this is legal or constitutional or -more important-true !!??

Ayman Nour shared this information on his twitter yesterday after his candidacy's papers were rejected by the committee. Of course Nour's case can be justified that according to law he can't run for any public position except after a specific number of years. Nour was not acquitted , he was released for health related reasons.


  1. Useful to note that the NDP also controls whether or not new parties can be approved... the Committee recently rejected a new party called the Reform & Development Party

  2. yes it is well known thing , this is outrageous , whom they are fooling !!??


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