Friday, September 24, 2010

License To Blog in KSA

The Tech world is speaking about the crazy Saudi official plan to register and license blogs and forums and they have to , it is the craziest thing I have ever heard , license and register blogs !!!??
Technically speaking this sounds crazy and can’t be implemented in the real world , does it apply on blogs written by Saudi bloggers who live outside !!?? Does it apply on blogs and forums hosted abroad !!?
It is plain crazy and I just fear to find some regime hypocrites in Egypt calling for the same thing.
Saudi Arabia has denied officially the news despite the minister of information said that they encourage bloggers to register !!


  1. you missed another question, does it apply on blogs written from Saudi Arabia by other nationlaties bloggers ??

  2. It could be worse.

    IRAN: Persian 'blogfather' Hossein Derakhshan faces death sentence

    "It is plain crazy and I just fear to find some regime hypocrites in Egypt calling for the same thing."

    Mubarak tongue bather Mohamed El Naschie wants Egypt to have a government-run Internet filter like China, to "protect young people" and silence "Internet criminals" who "defame" him. He has not yet called for individual licensing for bloggers.

    Zeinobia, by the way, Alexandria University was recently rated 4th in the world in research impact due to El Naschie's citation fraud scheme. I have several recent posts about that on El Naschie Watch. See for example My email to Alexandria University.


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