Friday, December 16, 2011

#Tahrir : Back to the bloody Fridays “Graphic”

And I thought we would be enjoying a quiet Friday after tiring week of elections , but what you know we are back to the bloody Fridays !!
Starting from last night clashes started between the military police and protesters at the cabinet street resulting in a violent dispersion for the #Occupycabinet sit in after a verbal fight between an Ultras member and a military police officer.According from what I understand from different versions , the MP officer and his conscripts after the verbal fight detained the young member and beat the crap out of him then released him. The boy is fine and he is still alive by the way at the hospital contrary to the rumors. Of course the incident made the protesters at the sit in angrier and many more protesters joined them especially from the Ultras. In the morning hell broke loose as the military police personnel took the rooftops of the buildings and began to throw rocks , ceramic pieces and even pieces of furniture at the angry protesters.On the ground the military police to attacked the protesters in a brutal way with batons and sticks including old ladies.Photos and video clips showing terrible attacks of girls being dragged and beaten by merciless military personnel.
Of course I know in advance SCAF members will come and say that it is a Photoshop !!
According to the latest ministry of health reports 99 civilians are injured including injuries with live ammunition.There are currently two field hospitals operating once again in Tahrir square. One at Omar Makram mosque and the other at Kasr Al Dobra church. There are many head injuries as well eye injuries , people yet again have lost their eyes including teenagers.
Several activists were detained and beaten by military personnel before they were released like Mona And Sanaa Seif as well Nour Ayman Nour .
The advisory council will have an urgent meeting at 7 PM according to activist and businessman Ziad Ali. Moatez Abdel Fatah , Ahmed Khairy and Nadia Mustafa have resigned from the advisory Council objecting the brutal attack on the protesters.
MP Ziad El Alimy and MP Ziad Bahaa El Din as well MP Amr Hamzawy have filed a report in the public prosecution office against Tantawy and the cabinet. El Alimy was already attacked and beaten by military police personnel who did not give a damn that he was a member of parliament.
According to Minister Fazia Abu El Naga's twitter account "We are not sure that it is official thought" PM Ganzoury finished his work at 2 PM and left from the temporary HQ of the cabinet. Allegedly Abu El Naga claimed that Ganzoury knew about the attack since 11 am and did nothing because it is an army issue. It is worth to mention that Ganzoury got presidential powers except when it comes to army issue and judiciary issues. Nevertheless I feel there is something about Abu El Naga's tweet.
Mohamed Elbaradei attacked the brutal dispersion of protests On twitter as well Ayman Nour and Hamdeen Sabhi.
One thing for sure the police and the MOI is away from the scene and they are happy that the army is now the bad guy.
MY own explanation for what's happening right now in Tahrir as I see it is it a pathetic attempt to stop the elections especially after the advance of the Islamists.Other than I can not find a reason because simply the army could stop the clashes right away. Still I can not get over the mixed signals we got from SCAF because simply if they want to cancel the elections they would have adjourned or cancelled right after the Mohamed Mahmoud battles !!! Is SCAF divided and we are having some sort internal coup ?? I do not know but I am sure that the 1954 scenario can not be dismissed.
I am already sick and suffering from the usual low blood pressure ,I can not move my head from the headache. All what I can do is praying for my country and people.

@10:46 Cairo Local time :

According to the ministry of health report : 222 are injured and there are 5 dead cases.

Among those who were killed and joined our martyrs this year : Sheikh Emad Effat may Allah bless soul , Effat was the grand  Mufti’s chief of staff. Sheikh Ali Gomaa has arrived to the Kasr El Aini hospital. Late Sheikh Effat had a gunshot in his heart. Here is a graphic shot show late Sheikh Effat after he was shot.

“The photo is by Khaled El Baramawy who is the cousin of Sheikh Emad’s widow Nasha Abdel El Tawab who works in Ahram Weekly”

Sheikh Effat was among the progressive Sheikhs from what I hear and he joined the protests in Tahrir since day one in January. For 4 days ago he joined the sit in at the cabinet according to Fadel Soliman.

Late Sheikh Effat in late July sit in.

There is also later Dr.Alaa Abdel Hady who was killed also today by a gunshot. Young Abdel Hady was a student in the fifth year in the university and he was among the doctors of Tahrir square in the field hospital.

He should be in his way to Aswan in a vacation today and instead he was shot dead.

Here are photos from the clashes by Sarah Carr

Here are photos from the clashes by Maggie Osama who was injured in the clashes.

Lilian Wagdy has published couple of photos as well in her account but had not organized them in a set.

Here is a video showing the Ultras boy who is being said to be the man behind the clashes. one thing for sure , they beat the crap out of him !!

Cairo : Aboudi speaks about he faced

SCAF issued a short statement on TV claiming that the clashes started when the protesters attacked an officer in duty !!

On the other hand the cabinet will hold a meeting to discuss tomorrow what is taking place today. PM Ganzoury tweeted on his official new account that he feels sorry for the victims presenting his condolences to the families of the martyrs.

Here is a photo shown the marks of sticks on the body of Nour Ayman Nour.

Here is an interesting eye witness’ account about the past two days clashes.

Here is a video showing the clashes between 5 PM and 6 PM

Tahrir square : Clashes between 5 and 6 PM

The clashes are still on and that there is fire in the one of the old buildings following the ministry of transportation.


  1. salem je suis triste pour ce pays la révolutions est pas terminé les jeunes pourquoi le chemin sera long '
    il faut pas que vous perdez espoirs
    l'armée est le gardien de la nations est pour la sécurité national ya eu des élections les islamiste son gagnant et la il faut que le tourisme reviens mais c est pas rassurant
    devoir les manifestants a la place tahrir et moi je voyage beaucoup en égypte je suis musulmans et nous avons acheté 2 appartements a la stations balnéaire je suis très inquiète de voir vendre les appartements il faut pas oublié que ce son les islamistes qui on gagné et devoir plus allez en égypte je vis en france
    et ya des rumeurs que ya des hôtel ne sers pas d alcool est pas de bikini a la plage cars les frère musulmans son divisé sur ce sujet mais moi je boit pas d alcool mais je porte pas le voile mes bras et mes jambe son couvert
    je laisse un ans de voir ce qui ce passe la bas
    cars la tunisie est maroc il son rassurant '''''''''''''''''''''''''allah a le destin de l'égypte

  2. I was disturbed to turn on Livestream and hear reports that the military is using live bullets.
    I can only wonder when the human rights violations around the world will end.
    We seem to be not far behind you here in the U.S. with the new "anti terror" law passed. We can now be arrested for no reason and sent to prison forever with no trial or charges.

  3. these people should stop disrupting a whole country with their pseudoprotests, they are not peaceful, they are obstructing the functioning of the government. no sympathy for these clowns, they are a minority.

  4. Ta7ya Masr! Allah yir7am kol annas ile maato lel7oreya besabeelillah

  5. I agree with anonymous.

    These protesters should be called the 'No Party'. Nothing will make them satisfied.
    A few hundred stupid fools with no real solutions except to say 'No'.
    The country is collapsing and these ignorant fools are dragging it down further and further. I saw children hurling stones. I wonder what party they support and what their political views are!!!!
    Just thugs and Ultras and I am sure the soldiers are sick of them as I am.
    It's time the public spoke out and supported the army and police now. If not we are headed for complete disater.

  6. @Z
    Thank you for your excellent reporting of these sad events.
    Do you think the majority of Egyptians perceive the SCAF as their protectors or oppressors?
    I see them as the machine that produced 3 dictators since 1952 and will continue to do so if it is not regulated by Parliament.


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