Now after 19 days of denying and manipulating, Saudi Arabia admits that renowned journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and never came out of it alive.
Early Friday “Midnight actually”,
Saudi News agency “SPA” and the official state-owned news channel
“Al-ekhbariya TV” announced suddenly that Saudi public prosecutor has issued a statement about the case of “Citizen Jamal Khashoggi”
very short and vague statement of Saudi public prosecutor stated that preliminary investigations into the case of “Citizen Jamal Khashoggi showed his death.
The statement adding that there are 18 suspects involved in that case who are all Saudi nationals.
Preliminary investigations carried out by the Public Prosecution into the disappearance case of the citizen Jamal bin Ahmad Khashoggi revealed that the discussions that took place between him and the persons who met him during his attendance in the Kingdom's consulate in Istanbul led to a quarrel and a brawl with the citizen /Jamal Khashoggi, resulted in his death !!
The statement did not share any more details about the identity of those suspects nor more importantly, it did not answer one logic question:
Where is Jamal Khashoggi’s body?
It is unclear if those 18 suspects included the 15 alleged suspects Turkish and US press spoke about in their leaks in the past 17 days or not. The only thing we know that those 18 suspects were being investigated.
Farewell Jamal, he said his word and walked away graphic
A popular one in the Arab world |
The statement is also an insult to human intelligence as it belittles the murder of a Saudi citizen , a human being describing it in a cold bold as a “fist fight” !!
18 suspects or 15 one of them having a fist fight with a man in his late 50s inside the consulate and nobody is stopping them from the guards or officials !! This is a consulate not an alley in Istanbul !!
Anyhow that statement was just the beginning of more mid-night royal orders issued from the Kingdom made at Washington local time if I may say.
King Salman issued a royal decree to found a committee headed by his son, Crown prince Mohamed Bin Salman
aka MBS to restructure the General intelligence presidency.
That Royal decree issued in the Midnight comes as King Salman who has got a comeback
relieved deputy president of General intelligence and former Saudi armed spokesperson Ahmed Assiri of his post along
with three other top Saudi General intelligence officials.
Needless to say, you do not need to be a Saudi internal affairs experts to know that we are in front a scapegoating process where big names in the General intelligence service as well MBS’ close advisers sacrifice themselves so MBS can get away from that crime.
Ironically, back in the Mideast, thanks to Saudi Whistleblowers like
Mujtahidd gave very close details on how MBS will get away with it.
They even mentioned the name of Assiri especially too.
Sadly enough, I remember how MBS
sat with Bloomberg reporters and told them in Riyadh that Gamal Khashoggi left the consulate.