Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Coronavirus on the Nile: Egypt’s COVID-19 October numbers in Graph

his is the time of our monthly post about the coronavirus pandemic and its numbers in graphs.

Here is our October's post based on the official numbers released daily by the Egyptian Health Ministry.

First of all, this month witnessed the start of the academic year in Egypt’s schools and universities.

Second of all, the month witnesses also serious warnings from government officials and WHO officials that Egypt may witness a peak in the cases in the upcoming weeks.

A girl wearing a mask in Cairo in Downtown Cairo "Reuters"
A girl wearing a mask in Cairo in Downtown Cairo "Reuters"

Nevertheless, the official numbers were steady and did not exceed 200 cases per day.

Two important notes here :

To the good news, the daily number of full recovered patients.

There is a decline in the number of full recovered patients comparing to September and I do not know why nobody is speaking about that.

Moving to the daily fatalities.

There was a decline in the daily number of fatalities comparing to September.

The number did not exceed 20 per day and sometimes it went as low as 6.

Those are the number of October, till we meet next month inshallah.

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