Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2022: Tale of Al-Ashkeef “Meeting prince charming” Ep.12

Ramadan Kareem

Here is our 12th night of Ramadan Arabian nights.

First, I must apologize but there are few minutes of tonight’s episode that are not clear.

One Thousand and One Nights TV series "1989"

You can refresh your memory and listen to last night’s episode.

Now, here is the 12th episode of our tale tonight. It was episode no.594 of our favourite show.

Prince Negm El-Din goes and tells his sister Sabah about how the prince from that prophecy showed up and wants her hand in marriage. Sabah is happy and is ready to meet this prince.

They meet at the court and Sabah agrees to marry Prince Krawan.

Krawan presents another box of jewels to the princess as a gift.

They go to celebrate the new engagement at the Grand temple, and everybody is happy but …

Here is the 12th episode of the tale televised.

Tomorrow inshallah we will know what happened to the newly engaged couple.

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