Monday, May 30, 2022

Ramy Fahim's case: The Multi-layers of an Egyptian tragedy on American soil “Chapter one: Let it be the will of God”

It is out of the box now; it is not a secret. The lady minister admitted on Saturday and now it is the talk of the town openly.

Nabila Makram and Ramy Fahim
An old photo of Minister Nabila Makram
and her son Ramy Fahim from several
years ago 
Egypt’s Minister of emigration and Egyptian expatriates Nabila Makram announced on Saturday that her son was accused of murder in the United States and is currently standing a trial.

Yes, Minister Nabila Makram’s son eldest Ramy Hany Mounir Fahim has been charged with two counts of murder and is currently standing a trial in the United States.

“Let it be the will of God,” said the minister in her short statement adding that she and her family are going through a difficult time following the accusation of her son committing a murder crime in the United States.

“The court has not issued a final verdict yet.” She said adding that fulfilling her responsibilities as a minister in the Egyptian government does not contradict being a faithful mother who faces bravely her son’s plight.

“Regardless of the consequences, I am as a minister holds my full responsibility towards my position and demands of my work and I separate obviously between what is personal and what is public,” she said.

“As a mother, I ask you to pray for me and for my family in this ordeal and I pray with you for my son Ramy and for the victims who met their lord” Her statement read.

In a last plea to the media, the minister called it to be careful in what is published and to consider honesty and humanity in dealing with that ordeal that befell an Egyptian family waiting for a ruling that is still in the knowledge of the unseen and in the conscience of the judge.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Gamal Mubarak’s video: Myth and Reality

 Gamal Mubarak’s video is still making people in Egypt wondering what he wants.

For days now after its release it is still among the top trending topics in Egypt especially that many young Egyptians found it a good material for memes in addition it comes in time of an economic crisis as well as political desert literality in the country

Egyptians have not forgotten the Mubarak legacy which we still suffer from its repercussions.

Gamal Mubarak
Gamal Mubarak as appeared in his video. In the back , the photo of his father
former president Mubarak with his son Omar 

Now for the sake of truth and reality as well as young generations who consider the Mubaraks as victims of defamation campaigns or are simply amazed by Gamal Mubarak’s fluency in English, there are certain points I must clarify here as I worked on their cases and that file of their assets abroad for the past decade.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The return of Gamal Mubarak : More than clearing a name !?

 For the past 48 hours Egypt has not nothing to speak about except that sudden return of Gamal Mubarak on Tuesday. 

Egyptians have forgotten that on Thursday the Central Bank of Egypt's (CBE) Monetary Policies Committee (MPC) is going to convene mostly to raise once again the key interest rates and thus to devalue the Egyptian pound against the US dollar for the second time in less than 6 months. 

You can not blame then because Gamal Mubarak made a sudden reappearance in the most provoking way especially that we saw in Philippines how Bongbong Marcos , the son of the infamous dictator Ferdinand Marcos won the presidential elections in an ugly warning tale.

 In case you do not know Gamal Mubarak , the youngest son of late ousted Hosni Mubarak released a video statement allegedly to clear the name of his family following the decision of the General Court of the European Union to uphold its previous decision to unfreeze the Mubaraks' assets in Europe. 

You can watch here without translation because for some unknown reason to us , Gamal Mubarak decided to speak English in most of the video. He speaks nearly 17 minutes in English. 

In case you do not know Gamal Mubarak was among the main reasons why Egyptians revolted on 25 and 28 January 2011 leading to the ouster of his father and the fall of his regime. 

Gamal Mubarak was groomed to become the next president of Egypt after Hosni Mubarak. 

 I do not understand if this video is a message to the Egyptians or the World or the West or what. Does he try to impress that class of Egyptians who are always impressed by anyone who speaks English or French fluently !? 

Some say that he is just trying to find his way back to business and I do not know what kind of business or what businesses we are speaking about.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

She was Shireen Abu Akleh : Our friend from Palestine

I chose journalism to be close to people. It might not be easy to change the reality but at least I could bring their voice to the world. I am Shireen Abu Akleh.

Shireen Abu Akleh

I think if you follow the news internationally or regionally , you do not need to know whom I am speaking about. In case you do not know , I am speaking late Shireen Abu Akleh , the famous Al-Jazeera correspondent in Palestine who was killed in cold blood by reportedly Israeli occupation forces in occupied West Bank on Wednesday. 

Shireen Abu Akleh
Shireen Abu Akleh and pigeons of Palestine
 The crime made international headlines that turned in to international outcry and anger following the barbaric attack of Israeli occupation Forces on her popular funeral on Friday in occupied East Jerusalem.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The cold-blooded murder of icon journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Jenin : Her only crime was she was a Palestinian and a Journalist “Graphic”

It is the shock of the day.

In case you do not know, 51-years-old veteran journalist American-Palestinian Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by Israeli occupation forces according to her colleagues and mounted evidence earlier Wednesday Morning.

That shocking moment when Shireen Abu Akleh laid dead and beside her a shocked and  scared Shaza Hayanashia
That shocking moment when Shireen Abu Akleh laid dead and beside her a shocked and 
scared Shaza Hayanashia 

Abu Akleh informed Al-Jazeera Network that she was heading to Janin refugee camp at about 6.13 AM Doha local time because Israeli forces stormed Janin refugee camp again and there were clashes between the Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters once again.

For weeks if not months, Israeli forces have been storming areas endlessly in the occupied West bank killing and detaining Palestinians without accountability allegedly for fighting terrorism.

A veteran journalist who started her 25-years as a correspondent for Al-Jazeera Network, Shireen Abu Akleh went with a group of Palestinian journalists to enter the camp from an area near the Israeli forces.

She was an accredited journalist who wore the press vest and helmet when needed and when it was a must.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Kodak Agfa Presents : Egypt’s Spring Flowers Show 2022 in photos and video “Part-2”

First, Happy Easter, Happy Sham El-Nassim,  Happy Sinai Liberation Day, Happy May Day and Happy Eid Fitr😁😁

Second, in a sad turn of events, a fire erupted in Al-Orman botanical park, which is the oldest public park in Giza governorate on Monday. Al-Orman botanical park hosts Egypt’s Spring Flowers Show annually.

The Ministry of Agriculture spokesperson stated that the fire was put off and that it was a limited one and that it erupted in a waste area away from the rare plants and trees in the historical park.

I want to go again to check it.

Anyhow here is the second part of our tour of Egypt’s Spring Flowers Show in 2022 whether in photos or video.

Here is the first part of our tours in photos.

For our quick video tour and I hope my voice in Arabic is not annoying.

Now to the rest of our tour in photos.

It is time for our close-up shots

Inside Egypt's Spring Flowers show 2022
Cactus flowers 

Well , this is not a real macro-shot but still.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

#Coronavirus on the Nile : Covid-19 live coverage in Egypt and Arab world during May 2022

It is the third May under the coronavirus worldwide and there is a hope at least in our part of the world that it would be the last. Unlike the situation in Asia or Europe, there is a significant decline in Covid-19 cases recorded officially in Egypt and other countries in the Arab world.

Masked and unmasked Egyptians at the Flowers Spring Show 2022
Masked and unmasked Egyptians at the Flowers Spring Show 2022

It is not only the official numbers, we do not hear like before in our circles about new cases of coronavirus.

I hope that the coronavirus fades away and that we won’t get that wave of coronavirus in Asia.

Here is our Covid-19 live coverage for May 2022.