Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Fire Season : The Central auditing organization !!

There was bad news yesterday that there was a fire at the central auditing organization in Cairo and there was a distributing rumor that accompanied the news : Dr. Gawdet El-Malt has resigned and the army has sealed the building for further notice.

Well here is exactly what happened : There was a fire at one of the rooms of the central auditing organization that could have destroyed the whole building that contains thousands of files that incriminate the Mubarak regime and many businessmen in corruption scandals. The central is from our important official monitoring and supervision authorities in the country.

El-Malt who is widely respected in the society did not resign but he closed the building till it has enough security to protect it and protect its employees. In a tough statement El-Malt accused members of the counter revolution of being behind the fire and these strange protests in front of the building prior to the fire attacking his integrity.

Dr. Gawdet El-Malt and his assistant received threats including death threats directly and asked for more security on the very important building and yet nobody was interested despite the important role of Dr. El-Malt and CAO currently plays in restoring our stolen wealth. I do not know why the army has not protected this building as it should , I consider that building not less important our Egyptian museum , if it were up to me I would send immediately a 777 or 999 special force to protect it 24/7.

Anyhow the good news El-Malt vowed not to stop his role in fighting corruption and the CAO will continue in presenting reports to the general prosecutor office.

Speaking about fire and shredding season in the country people in Alexandria speak about strange thing happening at its infamous state security HQ . Since the morning eye witnesses say huge amount of documents being transferred from the HQ to unknown place !!?

Also in Misr Al Gadida eye witnesses say that there was allegedly huge paper shredding process taking place at Alaa Mubarak’s office , I do not know that he had an office in Misr Al Gadia.

It is not the role of the army I am afraid , it is the role of the police as well and this is why the police force should return back to the street and to do their bloody job !!


  1. Actually the Police has a hand in shredding documents in several ministries and especially state security related..they are very likely the culprits behind those fires

  2. موسم الحرائق:الجهاز المركزي للمحاسبات!!

    انتشرت أخبار سيئة بالأمس أن حريقا قد اندلع في مبنى الجهاز المركزي للمحاسبات بالقاهرة و انتشرت معها شائعة بأن الدكتور جودت الملط قد استقال و أن الجيش أغلق المبنى إلى حين إشعار آخر
    لكن الحقيقة أن ما حدث كالآني:الحريق اندلع في أحد غرف الجهاز و القريبة من غرفة الكهرباء الرئيسية، والتي كان من الممكن أن تتسبب في تدمير المبنى بأكمله لو طالته.. و هو المبنى الذي يحتوي على الآلاف من الملفات و الوثائق التي تدين نظام مبارك و الكثيرين من رجال الأعمال في وقائع فساد متعددة.و هذا الجهاز من أهم السلطات الرقابية في الدولة المصرية.

    و الدكتور الملط و هو من الشخصيات التي لها احترامها في المجتمع، لم يستقل من منصبه.. و إنما أغلق المبنى حتى تتوافر قوات أمنية كافية لتأمينه و تأمين موظفيه. و في بيان حاد له اتهم الدكتور الملط عناصر الثورة المضادة بأنهم هم المتسببون في الحريق و التظاهرات المريبة أمام المبنى قبيل وقوع الحريق و التي تشكك في نزاهته.


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