Friday, April 30, 2010
The Good , The Bad And The Ugly
The show aired a report by Ben Wedeman about Egypt and its unknown future after Mubarak , a short report but informative for the foreign viewers who do not know what is happening in the valley of the Nile. Gamila Ismail and Mohamed Kamal appeared in the report representing the opposition and the regime respectively.
The media in Egypt is insisting that it was a confrontation where as the two men did not confront each other ,ElBaradei spoke first and then Ahmed Ezz had his turn. Of course Ezz thought that he were on Arabic channel and demanded to fire back at ElBaradei but thank Goodness she stopped him. It was indirect confrontation to be accurate. Later in the show Amanpour hosted Saad El-Din Ibrahim.
Ketermaya,Street Justice Is Really Blind "NSFW"
Lebanese angry mob have killed a suspect of murder in the streets of Ketermaya ; an act recorded by video and photos that found their way in to the internet. I read about the terrible murder itself before and I was shocked with its gruesome detail : Two grandparents with their two grandchildren have been murdered in their house.
The crime is terrible by all measure as you can see without going in to further details. The Lebanese Police arrested a suspect in the murder , their 38 years old neighbor after 24 hours. After few hours of his arrest , the people of Ketermaya attacked and took the suspect while re-enactment of the terrible crime in to a quick public trial that made its sentence even without any further investigation or waiting for the DNA results. The angry locals of Ketermaya stubbed him to death then dragged his dead naked body through through out the town before hanging it in the center of the town.
Many people believe that he deserved it for what he had done , but what if he were innocent !!?? Yes the DNA results came proving that the suspect was actually the murderer but what if the results proving his innocence and not his guilt !!? We got that infamous incident Egyptian in Kuwait who was proved to be innocent after confessing under torture that he killed a Pakistani girl who is already alive !!!??
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Now The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Is Speaking !!
In a first reaction since the story found its way to mainstream international media , the ministry of foreign affairs and the Ambassador of Egypt in Nigeria denied any knowledge with that Nigerian senator who may have married a 13 years old Egyptian girl breaking the laws of both Egypt and Nigeria !! Our Ambassador stated that the embassy did not involve in that matter because that was an internal political issue in Nigeria and that this was the elections season there and that could be a rumor against the senate !!!
If you think that this is bad then you must hear what Dr.Mohammed Saber , the press and information officer at our embassy in Aubja said to Nigerian This Day Online :
We cannot take the girl away from where she is because no one has reported anything to us
Reactive as usual , so the embassy is not interested except if someone reports to them !! The senator and the girl's family could have broken the Egyptian law and they will stand still !! come on could not do they send the wife of the ambassador to meet the bride to know the truth !!??
As expected Egyptians should wonder if their ministry of foreign affairs and our ambassador should have kept silent in this tempest !!
From his side the Nigerian senator has denied that he married a 13 years old girl yet he did not reveal any more details about his Egyptian wife whether her age or how they were married.
Suzanne Mubarak , the first lady of Egypt has expressed her refusal for underage marriage and I believe that she worked hard along with minister Moshira Khateb to pass a law in the parliament against underage marriage.
Another thing I hate to say it but I believe I was the first one to brought up this issue in the Egyptian blogosphere thanks to a blogger friend in Germany still no one spoke about it except when BBC thankfully reported the matter , I do not say that Egyptian bloggers and journalists should follow my blog heavens forbid but I am speaking about a matter we should be keen about.
I do not care if he is a senator who claims to be the defender of Sharia where as he divorces women as he wants or not , I care for our law , I care for our people and for our girls.
Despite my disgust and hate to the Nasserite era , I wonder if this can happen during that era !!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Is This A New Policy You Will Adopt !!??
I hope that the sentence will not affect our relations with Hezbollah
Ahmed Abu El-Gait
28th of April 2010
This is how Ahmed Abu El-Gait our foreign minister commented on the court's sentence in the so-called Hezbollah trial cell. So now we have relations with Hezbollah !!?? Where were these relations last year when our regime used its media and its allies from the gulf to the ocean to attack Hezbollah !!
In fact just from few hours ago Ahmed Ezz of NDP and one of the brains of NDP has just attacked Hezbollah and spoke about negatively on CNN !!??
I know that this is politics and clearly the Egyptian regime is getting closer to the Syrian regime again after taking a green light from the States or may by it is just a game the Egyptian regime playing with the States reminding the Americans that Egypt can return to that front concerning the succession and democratic reforms back in Cairo !!??
Anyhow I do not understand why Abu El-Gait suddenly admits that we have relations with Hezbollah !!?? This is an official recognition for Hezbollah in Egypt as far as I could tell.
May be I am missing something !!??
The Revolt of Necropolis
This is the result of appointing governors who do not know or understand or even care for the societies they will govern !! Most probably this will make headlines abroad after being twisted !!
Without any introduction the city of Akhmim in Sohag has seen a huge revolt if I may describe it when thousands "Some say 15,000" attacked everything represented the government including the security forces in the Upper Egyptian city. Of course the security forces had to defend themselves in the most expected way : Using tear gas bombs , ironically the security forces are very keen in the Upper Egypt not to use the same level of violence they use in Cairo or Delta as we are talking here about the Wild Wild Upper Egypt !!
The cause of this huge anger is that the governor of Sohag has banned any new burial activity in the old cemeteries beside ordering the transfer of those cemeteries from their current location at the ancient zone in the city to another new cemeteries at New Akhmim city.
As you can see in the city of Akhmim entry in Wikipedia , it is very ancient and full of historical treasures especially that there is a common belief that we know now as Akhimim is currently built upon another ancient city. It seems that the governorate sees the cemeteries have some sort of treasures beneath them and this is why the governor issued his orders.
Now the people there are extremely angry not because they are against the transfer itself but because of the following :
1) The government will not let the people own the new cemeteries but rather it will grant them usufruct rights to the new cemetery !!!!!!!!!!!!
2) The governor has exclude the Christian cemeteries from this decision , the thing which produced a sectarian tension ended by a sad scene : People attacked the archdiocese of Akhmim , this is so sad but I blame the governor for all this !!
Already Sohag has the worst record of sectarian tensions between Muslims and Egyptians in the history of the country from couple of years ago. Ironically just last night regime TV hostess Lamis El-Hadidy aired an episode from Sohag to show the harmony between Muslims and Christians !!
Back to the governor and his decision , I think Mohsen El-Namai should admit his mistake and correct it quickly as much as possible before turning the matter in to a real sectarian division like the one that happened from couple of years before.
The Clash Of The Titans , The Real Clash of The Titans
Yes Mohamed ElBaradei Vs. Ahmed Ezz , the clash of the real titans. According to Ibrahim this will be the last episode of Amanpour on CNN , of course I am surprised that Amnpour will end her CNN show speaking about Egypt as the American and the Western viewers may know ElBaradei but they do not know how evil is Egyptian Chucky aka Ahmed Ezz is !!??
Anyhow I am trying to get her schedule this week to know if she is going to host these Egyptians or not , already she hosted Amr Khalid last night.
The time is 9 PM Cairo Local time and the channel is CNN and you can watch live online here.
Spread the word ,it is the show that you want to see , man I want to see the facial expression of Amanpour when she hears the words of wisdom from the mouth of Ahmed Ezz himself !!I bet it will be one hell of expression just like that expression she showed when she sat down two minutes with Marina Abramović in her current exhibition "The Artist is present" !!
Is This The Best You Can Do !!??
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The Egyptian Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo 2010-Reuters |
Can somebody tell me how this design represents Egypt !!? With all our history and all our culture , this what will attract the visitors at the Shanghai World Expo to visit our Pavilion !!??
More than 190 countries are participating in this huge world event and this is how we will attract the visitors from all over the world not only China to visit our pavilion !! Look to other countries' pavilions and you will know what I mean.
Here is the official website of the Shanghai World Expo.
By the way , do not you wonder like me when we will host World Expo in Egypt !!??
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Watch ElBaradei at Harvard Live
You can watch Dr. ElBaradei's lecture live at Harvard through this link below
Harvard University Institute of Politics - The Forum LIVE
The lecture will start at 6 PM EST which is at midnight tonight
Stay Away From Them Dr. ElBaradei
Saudi Arabia may seem to have joined Kuwait , Bahrain and UAE in the ElBaradei haters club as its authorities have blocked another ElBaradei website after its launch in less than 24 hours !!
Saudi Arabia has blocked the Egyptian association for change in the United States official website after its launch in less than 24 hours !! Before attacking Saudi Arabia and wondering why it blocked a website supporting change in Egypt where as the Egyptian regime itself has not blocked it yet !!??
Well may be there is political reason behind this and may be because there is a religious reason behind , yes religious reason could be behind it.
Well check this out :
This website is following the Quranists websites in the States.
This is the last thing Dr. ElBaradei needs in his campaign to change the constitution , already the man has suffered enough from the regime attacks that he is a secular working against Islam and Muslims so he would be associated with the Quranists !!
I hope someone pays attention to this because if the regime press knows about this , .. we know what will happen !!??
Monday, April 26, 2010
Eman Beibars Is An entrepreneur !!??
As you know the Obama administration is hosting the big economic summit "Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Islamic world" as if the Muslim world did not know the meaning of entrepreneurship until Obama came and said his famous speech in Cairo !!
There are businessmen and businesswomen participating in the big event from Egypt , among them the notorious Eman Beibars whose name was engraved in my memory after what happened from harassment against protesters in 2005 , I remember that Beibars was accused among other NDPians of organizing the attacks.
Back to the big summit in D.C , I do not know if the Obama administration is fooling itself or what as you can't have a real entrepreneurship in the Islamic world as long as it is ruled by corrupted regimes backed by the U.S administrations !!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mark Your Calendars For The 2nd of May
Mark your calendars for the 2nd of May because it is a date , a rendezvous for what it can be a history next Sunday.
If you are an Egyptian whether a blue-collar or white-collar , if you believe that it is unfair to have an official minimum wage LE35 for the past 26 years in 2010 , then please come and join other Egyptians on the 2nd May of 2010 at the sit-in and protest in front of the Egyptian Cabinet at Hussein Hegazy street. "You can see the address on the map below in the location feature"
Since 1984 the minimum wage in Egypt has been LE 35/$7 and only this year the administrative court has ordered the government to raise it and this is what many people want to raise the minimum wage in Egypt to LE1200.
The Religious Societies : The Druze
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Prophet Shoaib shrine no.2 at Tiberias |
It is not easy to speak about the Druze sect because simply since its founding in the middle ages in Egypt it considered secrecy as part of system becoming one of the most secret societies in history thanks to the rejection of other societies to them through time and also if we are speaking from a theological point of view , secrecy is taken from Shiite's Taqqiyya. People differ to identity the Druze as Muslim sect or as a separated religion , I believe they are more of sect that sprang from the Ismailism and due to political and geographical reasons it appears as a separate religion. Being supported by the controversial and ambiguous ruler Al-Hakim was enough
Happy Sinai Liberation Day
Happy Sinai liberation day to all of us and hopefully next year insh Allah everything will be safe and Sinai continues to be our land despite all the Israeli skimps to transfer the Gazans and the Palestinian refugees in to our land for parts of the Nakab desert.
Happy Sinai liberation Day
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Mubarak Speaks On Sinai Liberation Day
Mubarak had a busy morning earlier today. President Mubarak's annual Sinai liberation speech was aired on TV and aired but unlike every year this speech was different because it is his first speech since his return to Germany with all what is happening in Egypt.
Mubarak thanked the Egyptian people for their kind and supportive feelings during his sickness and he also reminded them that their arm forces are their protective shield as it is the custom in the Sinai liberation speech just like the 6th October speech and the the 23rd July speech !!
And because he can't ignore the elephant at the room , he hinted and reminded his follow Egyptians all what Egypt sees from political movement now is the result of his initiative in 2005 warning that the destiny of nations is not made by slogans and uncalculated steps !!!!!
Of course the last part is about Dr.ElBaradei. I want to comment on the points above :
1// We want to change his 2005 initiative
2//For 30 years and before them another 20 years we live according to slogans and uncalculated steps sending us to both wars and poverty and according to the facts and indicators that we are going down not up , I think it will not harm to move behind the slogans and uncalculated steps of ElBaradei.
You can watch the video of the speech blow and read its transcript in English has not been added to the Egypt State information website yet !!
Another NDP MP !!
You read about Hamida and El-Kasas , you also read about El-Gol but now you will see and hear the famous NDP MP , former Police general Nabil Luka !!
This is a confrontation between Luka ,the hardliner defender of the regime and Rageb Hamida , the so-called opposition MP from one side and Political activists like Gamila Ismail, Janet Abdel Allim and blogger Abdel Rahman Fares in the first part of the show and American Journalist Sally Beach, Asama Abdel Mahfouz and Safaa Sultan from another side plus Sawt El-Oma Journalist Ahmed Abu Al-Khair . Janet and Fares were among the people who were abducted and abused by the police forces on the last 6th of April in a disgusting way, I did not sleep easily the night I saw Janet speaking about how she was abused by the policewomen or how the policemen took off Fares' pants.
It is not translated but you do not need a translation as the body language and his loud voice are enough to show what we are dealing with !!
May Be He Is Your Father But Not My Father
Mubarak is the father of all Egyptians whether Muslims or Christians or Jews.
Weinstein |
Besides the usual hypocrisy all religions and sects representatives must show as a sign of complete obedience to Mubarak , I believe this feature has been published to prove that Al Ahram is not anti-Semitic after what it was published about Youssef Darwish and the warning the famous and old newspaper has received from the Journalists syndication.
Back to the season of Mubarak's fatherhood to the Egyptian people , this week's issue from Sawt Al Oma we find the head of the Plymouth Brethren in Egypt says that the followers of the Church will elect Mubarak because he is father of all Egyptians !! The Plymouth Brethren according to its official portal has 265 followers in Egypt which is a very small number but still big comparing to the Egyptian Jews. FYI the Egyptian Orthodox Church does not consider them Christians by the way.
Friday, April 23, 2010
When They Tell The …To Swear
In a very exposed move the youth of NDP wore T-Shirts with "Welcome Gamal Mubarak and companions" !! Is this how they will compete with the stylish Mohamed ElBaradei's T-shirt !!??
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Welcome Gamal by Sherif El-Dib for Youm7 |
In a theatrical scene similar to the Nazi Party oath scene the NDP members led by Gamal Mubarak have sworn in front of God that they will choose the best and fair candidates in the coming elections !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all swearing in front of God is a very high oath in Islam , the highest in Islam which the Muslim should not use except in a very critical situations like being a witness in a trial where he should not lie.
Second , I believe Gamal and gang are using religion again in a very dangerous game.
Third there is a famous Egyptian proverb that says :
They told the thief to swear that he did not steal and he said to himself : I get away with it !!Gamal spoke about his father health , the Nile river share issue and democracy as usual.
Now I heard a strange rumor that Gamal Mubarak came on a private jet that landed in a military airport !!!! It does not matter that he came on a private jet , it is something expected from him especially that he does not take trains like the rest of us but landing at a military airport does matter , why on earth a military airport would allow a private jet to land if it were not for emergency reasons.
Anyhow GM can visit NDP HQs all over the country and the result is the same just like putting a lipstick on a pig .
Saving The Bacha Boys
Honestly I did not plan to start my day watching a very disturbing clip from a documentary about the Bacha Bazi or the dancing boys in Afghanistan. As you can see in the Wikipedia entry the Bacha boys are underage male sex workers in central Asia. It is disgusting and sad by all measures , I do not know where the UNCEF is from all this , the education of Afghani girls is not enough I am afraid. Already I searched at the UNCEF website and all I found was a thoughtful wish that this ugly system would end from 2008 !!??
Warning : the content is graphic and disturbing.
El-Kasass Vs. Gamila
You can watch the segment below , it was only one hour and it was enough.
The Sudden Visit
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Abdullah II and Mubarak |
Of course in Tel Aviv things were different , this incident happened right after that warning Israel issued from couple of days before to its citizens to evacuate Sinai because something bad is going to happen especially with the bad memory of the Dahab blast. Now the Israelis believe their government knows everything !!
People are alarmed somehow in Cairo because many people are heading to Sinai this weekend as Sunday is an official holiday in our calendar under the name of Sinai Liberation day !! It is ironic , is not it !!?
On the National TV the Egyptian authorities have denied that the Israeli claims saying that it came from Jordan and the governor of South Sinai is insisting that technically any rocket can't be launched from Sinai to that location in Eilat and I believe the governor because he is a military man in the first place.
Of course according to Camp David Sinai is classified in to three zones where the army can't exist at the third zone which is on Aqaba Zone.
I do not have any idea actually and I will not accept the terrorism theories in Sinai.
FYI we have exactly 31 days and the emergency law will have to be extended again if Mubarak wants to continue ruling !!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Religious Societies : The Copts
Al Jazeera Documentary produced a series called "The Religious societies" which discusses religions and their societies across the globe mainly in the East. Insh Allah I will share with you every week an episode discussing a specific religious society. The documentary in nearly one hour quickly discusses the history of the religion , its customs and traditions and the current status of its followers. I saw similar shows in Discovery channel and National geographic yet this is the first time I see something like that on Arabic channel.
This week we will start with the Copts in Egypt , the largest and oldest Christian group in the Middle East.
Egyptian X-File : The Bribe Of Corrupted MR. X
There is a public demand now that the Egyptian government should reveal the name of that governmental official who took bribes from Daimler , it is a normal demand especially that other countries have done this and Daimler confused that it is guilty but up till now the government is acting as if there is nothing !!
The American justice department stated that it can't reveal the name of that official except by the request of the Egyptian government and up till now contrary to the claims of the minister Rashid of trade and industry that the U.S must disclose the bribe case info , the Egyptian government has not demanded the announcement of this official publicly.
According to the revealed information in our local media the bribe was related to the spare parts used in automobiles manufactured in the factories owned by the states , it has nothing to do with the consumer sector. This is what was revealed or to be allowed but I am afraid there is more as according to the summary of action presented by the U.S securities and exchange commission against Daimler AG as we find the following in pages 7 and 8 :
Daimler, for example, maintained a TPA called "Consulting Egypt" for the
benefit of a senior official of a government-owned factory that purchased Daimler chassis and parts and assembled and sold personnel carriers to the Egyptian Army. From 1998 to 2004, Daimler paid the official through credits to the TPA 1,123,224 Deutsche Mark ("DM") and later €322,101 to secure the sale of vehicle chassis and fire trucks to the factory.
We can get a lot of clues from that tiny paragraph in order to reach to our corrupted MR.X :
1//That "government owned factory" that purchased Daimler Chassis and fire trucks in order to sell it later to the Egyptian army is none other than a factory from the military production factories which follow the ministry of military production !!
2// If it is really a factorys that follow the military production ,then it is easy to guess which one it is ; already we have a factory that sells chassis and fire trucks , through the official website of the ministry we can find that the "ETP" produces fire trucks but for civilian use according to its profile , of course let's agree that these factories were made in 1950s to serve the army first then they started to serve the civilian market so most probably it is the "ETP" , someone was or is corrupted there.
3// This happened from 1998 to 2004 , which means it happened during three cabinets considering the fact we do not know when the bribes had stopped in 2004 as Ahmed Nazif formed his first cabinet in July 2004. This corrupted official had served for sure in both El-Ganzoury and Abid's cabinet. He served under the two ministers of state for military productions : El-Gamrawy "During El-Ganzoury's cabint" and Mashal "During Abid and Nazif cabinets" accordingly.
I do not understand why the government does not request officially the name of that corrupted person ,we got a corrupted person who is dangerous on our national security that does not give a damn on the supplies he uses in vehicles to be used by the Egyptian army ,our army !!?? Regardless of the brand , he took a bribe for God sake next thing he would sell our secrets and please do not underestimate this. Already taking accepting to take a bribe from one company means that he did it before and knew the roles of the game.
Of course may be because this scandal is indirectly related to the army the regime is afraid to reveal more about for fear it would open Pandora's box of the army and its taboos. Still I must confess I like how the people spoke about the scandal as something expected from this government and this regime attacking the government for its silence when the whole world is speaking
I hope that the Military intelligence gets this corrupted person, in fact may be they got him from day one , I do not think that they did not read that report which is everywhere online.
You can read the complete report below , unfortunately you will not find of MR. X's name in it.
Mubarak Meets A Real Sick Man
Mubarak met today Qaddafi who is real sick man , I hope it was a short meeting because a man recovering from a surgery like Mubarak should not stay too long with Qaddafi ,it is too harmful to his health !!
By the way there is unconfirmed news that there will be a historical summit tomorrow between the real leading trio of the Arab world "Egypt,Saudi Arabia and Syria" in Sharm El-Sheikh after long cold war between Egypt and Syria. Despite we all hope for this summit to happen yet I do not know if Mubarak is really ready physically to attend such important meeting.
An Annual Warning Or a Precaution !!??
Israel has issued a warning to its citizens to evacuate Sinai immediately for fear of terrorist attacks , it is not the first time nor the last especially in April after the 2006 Dahab bombing but this year we have to wonder if it has to do with the President's health !!??
Do not be surprised , the President is in Sharm El-Sheikh and seems to rest there for more time , Israel may have or may not some int'l about his health and is worried about its citizens that if something happens to him ,they would be hurt !!??
May be I am mixing things up and it is just a bad memory from the bombing at Dahab !!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Meet Judge Mawla
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Judge Hany Mawla |
Mawla has become one of the distinguished personalities in the history of Arab Americans and Muslim Americans not to mention the Egyptian Americans.
Judge Mawla's parents had left Egypt when he was only 2 years old.He studied law at Rutgers University and Seton Hall university. He has practiced law since 1999 when he was admitted to the NJ bar.Before becoming a judge , he was a partner in Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP. He is also a commissioner in NJ civil rights commission.
Judge Mawla as I could see has been active in clarifying all the misunderstanding about Islam and the Arabs giving leactures about Sharia and so on.
I am so proud of Mawla , a new achievement for the decedents of the pharaohs in the new World :)
I wish that he will be a fair judge , a real fair judge because this is one hell of challenge
All Versus The Mubaraks
I have been waiting for this interview since ElBaradei had announced it in his twitter account. The interview is included in this analysis by Christopher Dickey for Non Egyptians which surely will be translated and published in our press as if there is something in it we do not know. To be honest I like its headline : One Versus the Mubaraks , of course it would be more realistic if it were All Versus The Mubarak.
Now I did not follow much Dr. ElBaradei's news because I felt that I was showering you with his news too often but I can't keep myself now.
As you know ElBaradei is currently in the States where he will give a lecture about Nukes at Harvard and at the same time he is going to meet with the Egyptian community Boston , which is great. Already the regime did not stop talking about secret talks between ElBaradei and the American administration despite the denials of the later , of course nobody is asking about Gamal Mubarak's secret visits to the States nor his talks with the different administrations !!
The National front for Change has official branches in Europe , the Egyptian regime can stalk the Egyptians in the Gulf but can't do it in Europe or the States.
Now when Dr. ElBaradei returns back home ,he will visit insh Allah Upper Egypt , I am happy they chose Upper Egypt at the front , of course I hope that the front thinks about the personal safety of the man as I just fear that heavens forbid an idiot like El-Gol hires a thug like El-Kamoni to harm ElBaradei in order to please the regime !! Do not underestimate the stupidity of these creatures in NDP ,they are dangerous in their stupidity !!
The Honorable MP
It used to be the parliament of gentlemen and pashas

Here are the MPs of sectarian tensions , here are the MPs of Samiha2 , here are the MPs of drugs , here are the MPs of gambling.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Iceland Volcano Ashes To Nile Valley
Now already if you live in Cairo today ,then you have noticed that the weather has been awkward so I do not know if this has to do with the volcano ashes.
Just in case please keep your sun glasses with you , of course we have survived the black cloud and thank God we got immunity !!
The weather conditions will be unstable in the coming 48 hours. Strangely these ashes will help to reduce the weather temperature !!
Now here are couple of links related to the volcano which has become the second famous thing in the world from Iceland after Bijork !! You can find fearful and breathe taking photos and videos.
Two Men And Another Two Men
It was unusual scene but it could be more unusual if all those people who said on the Facebook in "free the Nile group" they would participate in the protest did actually show up but thanks to another two idiot men in the parliament who called the police to use live ammunition against protesters they were afraid to participate !!!
I really respect and support the first two men who showed a lot of responsibility and understanding and I believe we should do like them , we should protest as people considering the fact that the ministry of Foreign affairs and the ministry of irrigation and water resources have failed to reach a solution that suit every country on the Nile banks for God sake !!!!
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Free the Nile by Ali Shabaan |
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Free Nile , Do not listen to Israel by Heba Khalifa |
Suicide Caught On Tape
There is a video circulating on the web for a Young Saudi who committed Suicide in Cairo from couple of weeks ago. The young man jumped from the ninth floor despite the pleas of the people down not to do so. I will not go in to the background of this sorrowful incident because it does not matter now as the man is dead.
I watched the video on YouTube ,it was shot by a mobile phone by someone from the neighborhood as I could tell from the dialogue. The people were extremely terrified and screaming after he jumped to his death , it is just the type of video you do not want actually to see on YouTube. I just wonder what happened to the Egyptians , instead of recording this video why did not anyone for real tried to save this young man , the pleas were not enough I am afraid !! Those people could have tried to find some kind blanket or cloth in order to save him like firefighters !!?
Already I do not understand why someone would upload it to the YouTube in the first place with no consideration to the family and friends of that young man. I really apologize to the family of that troubled young man.
What happened to the Egyptians !!??
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Old Man And Presidential Elections
In order to deny the French leaks that Mubarak is still sick and in no status for meetings , the Egyptian President's schedule is full this week with meetings. President Mubarak since yesterday began a series of meetings with other Arab leaders from kings and Presidents . He started with the Yemeni President Ali Saleh and today he met Mahmoud Abbas and later this week I suppose he would meet with Basher Al-Assad to break the thick ice between Cairo and Damascus.
I stop at the photos from his meetings with Abbas and anyone can notice how much weight he has lost after the surgery or surgeries. Age has attacked Mubarak at last unmercifully and neither make up nor Photoshop can fight it back anymore ; in fact it does not matter for those in the Presidency to show him as he is to prove that he is alive ,this is more important now.
It will be an insult to himself if he wants to run in Presidential 2011.
By the way where is that so-called reshuffle !!?? As I expected just a test balloon
ElBaradei Did Talk About Gaza
I do not know why on earth the Palestinian media information center claims that it made an interview with the man where as his campaign has denied it, not to mention he himself since having a twitter account was clear on which newspapers and TV channels he spoke to.
Dr. ElBaradei's position from Gaza was clear since the war when he refused to appear on BBC after refusing to air the Gaza aid call.
ElBaradei has been clear since day one about the Palestinian cause not to mention that this is the student of late minister Ismail Fahmi. Denying this interview does not harm him as much it harms the Palestinian information center.
I do not understand why this information center following Hamas fabricates such interview but I understand that I respect ElBaradei more for admitting that it was a false one despite such interview can give him a huge popularity over Mubarak's regime which is regarded as accomplice not only in Egypt but worldwide with Israel in the illegal Gaza siege.
I do not think that ElBaradei and his campaign denied this interview for sake of America and Israel, with my all due respect the man's history in the IAEA is enough as far as I could see.
Let The Revolution Start Then
Live ammunition !!?? well if they want live ammunition , then they want a revolution and the question now : Are they ready for one !!? Because the people are really ready for revolution ,they are fed up and can't take it anymore.
Of course both men along with other NDP MPs were competing on calling the 6th April youth all kinds of names including traitors !!
This is a normal thing from the NDP and its men or rather the regime and its men , just watch MP Nabil Luka or general Abdel Fatah Omar and you will know what I mean. Of course because I do care for my dears I do not recommend watching or reading statements for Ahmed Ezz …..
We are not China nor Syria with my all respect to both Chinese and dear Syrians but enough is enough .
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Breaking News : Another Expected Reshuffle !!
Remember this rumor about the expected reshuffle , well guess what it has surfaced again today but there is a little change in it :
In the coming hours Egypt will have a ministerial reshuffle where it has become a fact that prime minister Ahmed Nazif will join the former prime ministers club and the coming prime minister of Egypt will be businessman and minister of housing Ahmed Al-Magharbi !!!!!!!!
Ahmed Al-Magharbi has got a Saudi passport !!
Al-Magharbi has been expected to be sacked off the ministry in that reshuffle. I can't say anything except that choosing this man as a prime minister of Egypt will make things go from worse to worst !!
We will see after few hours if it is just a test balloon or is bad reality we have either to cope with or fight !!
Where Is Our Egyptian Embassy in Nigera !!??
A Nigerian senator marries a 13 years old Egyptian girl !!?? The Nigerian website seemed to be angry and they have to be so but what about the Egyptian embassy in Nigeria !!??
They are for sure monitoring all the Nigerian Press and have read this news in the press. I hope they understand that this little girl is not Fathia Nkrumah for god sake , she is just a child who is married to a foreign man because of money.
This marriage is illegal in Egypt and is already fought by the government.
I wonder what Moshira Khateb thinks of this!!??
The Syrian School
BBC Four aired last February a series from 5 episodes about four Syrian schools but believe me the documentary is far from education , it is more about the socioeconomic and political changes in Syria. It is narrated by Khalid Abdullah , his voice is great I must say.
Each episode covers a certain group of students in Damascus , here is a synopsis about each episode in BBC websites :
Here is the first episode : Changing school
Unfriendly Fire !!
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Basma |
It is very insulting on many levels because El-Sadany attacking not only Basma but many Egyptians who have got Jewish grandparents and parents like for instance the minister of Oil Sameh Fahmi !!
But let's be honest here Ola does not mean any insult to Fahmi or another regime's men with Jewish roots but she meant deliberately to insult Basma Ahmed in particular.
Basma was among the Egyptian artists delegation that went to meet Mohamed ElBaradei last month and signed the change statement , this is the whole thing as simple as that.
Of course because El-Sadany had evil intention ,the magic turned on the magician as it turned out Basma's grandfather was not any Egyptian Jew , he was the patriot anti-Zionist Youssef Darwish !!!!
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Basma and ElBaradei ( |
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Youssef Darwish |
It is insulting because Ola El-Sadany as writer in the cinema page knows very well that many Egyptian Jews had contributed a lot to our Egyptian cinema like for instance Nagwa Salem and Nagma Ibrahim. "I know there are others but I can't remember them"
Ola El-Sadany is an example of a regime writer who does not read but only writes by the command of the regime.