This stand in is dedicated to express our refusal to the false lies Al Gomhouria and Al Messa have been spreading lies about Khaled Said , his family , his murder and all those who tried to restore his rights thanks to the disgusting Op-eds of Mohamed Ali Ibrahim and Khaled Emam, it is enough that Al Gomhouria was the first one to call Khaled "The Martyr of cannabis"
Before appointed the new chief in editor of Al Gomhouria , Mohamed Ali Ibrahim was unknown to the Egyptian people but now thanks to his
As I hinted above this is the first public act of its kind against an Egyptian newspaper since publishing the original "The Egyptian Chronicles" by the order of Mohamed Ali Pasha.
I do not know if Mohamed Ali Ibrahim has watched yesterday episode from Gaber Al-Karmoty's show "headline" to see the worms in the meat before defending the government blindly as usual in his daily columns.
Here is the address of Al Gomhouria or to be precise the Tahrir publishing house is : 115 Ramses street , Cairo
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You can take the metro to Orabi station where from there you can
You can't missed its building , it is huge ugly one made like an open book !!??
FYI the former chief in editor of Al Gomhouria Dr. Samir Rageb had Jacuzzi in his office , already I do not think that Anna Wintour of Vogue has a Jacuzzi in her office !!??
Again this is the first time something like this happens in Egypt and I hope that tomorrow people will be encouraged and show in order to send strong message not to Ibrahim but to those who appointed him.
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