Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Sikhs in Afghanistan

I did not know that there is a Sikh minority in Afghanistan except only today from Al Jazeera news report.

Watch the video below "Unfortunately it is in Arabic"

The agony of the Sikh community in Kandahar


The Sikhs were brought to Afghanistan through the British where they lived for decades , of curse things became bad during the wars against the Soviet then things moved from bad to worse during the Taliban, they put a huge hope that things get better after the fall of the Taliban yet it went from worse to the worst.

After years of being famous merchants with commercial centers in Kandahar , the Sikhs began to lose their shops and centers during the so-called democratic era following the fall of the Taliban rule and the invasion of Afghanistan after too many hopes and false promises.

More the Sikhs have left to India and to Pakistan during the past years after the invasion selling their shops and homes where they worked and lived for decades. According to Wikipedia there are currently 2000 Sikhs in the country and they are decreasing.

So how things got better for real in Afghanistan !!??


  1. Actually the Sikh Empire at it's height stretched from what is now Delhi to Kabul and also included Kashmir. This would explain why there are Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan today, despite the falling numbers. There is a large Afghan Sikh community in West London, fluent in many languages.

  2. Jesus Bless Sikh's
    So Humble people very nice people.


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