Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2021 : Tale of King Mahorab “Three princes” Ep.23

Here we are on the 23rd night of our Radio Arabian Nights this year.
We will continue our tale for this year, the tale of King Mahorab
First of all, You can refresh your mind with what happened last night here.

It is the 23rd episode in our tale and the 545th night of our Egyptian Radio show.

You can listen to the episode after the break.

Zein Al Mallah goes to King Mahorab and tells the great news, she is pregnant and most probably it will be a boy.

Mahorab then hurries to Harut to get that medicine to stop his other two wives from bearing children.

He goes to Nour Al-Sabah who has a surprise for him, she is pregnant too !!

Koranic Instruction by Turkish pioneer painter  Osman Hamdy Bey ( 1842-1910)
 Koranic Instruction by Turkish pioneer painter  Osman Hamdy Bey ( 1842-1910)

He moves to Zahrat Al-Bateh who also has another surprise or rather a shock for him, she is pregnant too !!

The medicine is no use and the King goes back to the Priest fuming with anger but wise Harut tells he should not be because it is fate.

“Who told you that they are all going to be boys, maybe they will be one boy and two girls,” Harut said.

Nine months go by and Zein Al Mallah gives birth to a beautiful baby boy and the king is happy.

The next day Nour Al-Sabah gives birth to another baby boy and Mahorab is disappointed.

The next day Zahrat Al Bateh gives birth to a third baby boy and Mahorab is shocked.

He goes back to Harut who tells one thing: Educate your boys, do not let them ignorant like your brothers and they won’t kill each other.

Mahorab follows the advice and day, months and years pass.

Tomorrow night inshallah we will know what the three princes do when they grow up.

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