Welcome to the 2020 edition of Egyptian Chronicles' Movers and Shakers.
Here is my list of those I believe that have been the shakers and movers of 2020.
I started writing down this post at 2:44 PM, yet once again my epic procrastination and being burned out for the year rules.
It is not procrastination, more than it is being burned out between work and anxiety this year.
I guess this year one must be thankful for because it taught us that there are some fundamental things we took for granted but we learned in 2020 about their importance above them health, freedom of movement and family.
That tiny virus coming from China’s Wahun turned the world upside and down and it will take a lot to recover.
We are still on a verge of a new world that is shaping as a result of the economic and political consequences and repercussions of that pandemic.
I feel sorry for everyone who lost a relative or a friend in this pandemic. I feel sorry for everyone who lost his or her job or business because of this pandemic.
Hopefully inshallah 2021 will be better.
Now enough of that wise talk and let’s go to our movers and shakers
This is not the list of the top people but rather those who made an impact whether positive or negative based on my own views
This list is without any order.
These names were the ones that came into my mind in those few hours.
Locally :
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Nadeen Ashraf, Mayar Sherif, Hala Zayed and Afsha |
- Egypt’s Health sector workers: The current frontline protecting millions of Egyptians despite we are not the richest country in the world. Egypt’s Health sector lost more nearly 300 people from doctors, nurses, physicians and administrators and they are still standing up as much as they can. This year we know first-hand that the health sector is truly part of our national security.
- Egyptian Medical Syndicate: For defending the rights of Doctors’ long lost financial rights and speaking up despite the attacks and accusations.
- Egypt’s Health Minister Hala Zayed: A year to remember for Zayed who will not forget 2020 by all measures. I do not have doubt in my mind that when she swore in as a minister, she did not imagine things would turn like this and her ministry would be in the focus. I am waiting for her memories already.
- Egypt’s Education Minister Tarek Shawky: Usually the ministers of education in Egypt are under fire but this man is under double fire with his plan to upgrade the education system “The ultimate dream of every education minister in Egypt since I was a student” or his decisions to continue study in schools despite coronavirus “a decision which is always cancelled by a presidential directive to save the days and kids winning the hearts of the concerned parents. Shawky Vs. Mommies are still on.FYI, he may not be in the upcoming cabinet