Remember Remember The 5th of September
In the 25th anniversary of the famous September arrests ,there had to be some new revelations and surprises to the Egyptian people about the famous incident that preceded the assassination of President El-Sadaat.At first I thought that the confession of Markham Mohamed Ahmed , the famous Journalist on how the lists were prepared was the bomb of the 25th anniversary already this confession led Ahmed to an investigation in the Journalists' syndication in Cairo according to this " English Translation" yet I was wrong ,the big surprise came in the last 5th of September last week in the Journalists Syndication there was a session about the famous arrests , the speakers were the ex- detainees from all Nasserites,Communists and Muslim brothers who were the majority of detainees whether in the September arrests or what followed President El-Sadaat's assassination. The big surprise was the accusation of Dr.Mohamed Habib, the current deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood guide or guru "don't know which word is suitable" to ex-General Fouad Alam , the ex-head of the National security investigation "This bureau follows the interior ministry, also I am sorry if this is the wrong translation" of murdering the famous MB leader Kamal El-Sananairy in November 1981.
A surprise the media found it so interesting to speak about because the ex-general Alam is a media superstar,after long history "bloody one too" in Interior ministry and security issue ,the man became a constant guest in News ,TV shows and talk show as a Security and terrorism expert ,to say the truth regardless of his history ,the man got some interesting and powerful opinion and theories in the current "War on Terrorism" I believe I spoke about several times.
Habib is accusing Alam of the murder of the MB leader famous Kamal El-Sananairy ,in the last few minutes I will explain to you more and more as in a neutral position ,I am not a MB ,sorry MS for sister ,neither a NDP gal
- First who was Kamal El-Sananairy in the first place?
Kamal El-Sananairy , a Muslim brother from the first early generation of MB , a co-MB to the famous controversial legendary Siad Kotub . El-Sananairy "1918-1981 " spent most of his life in political jails in Egypt . The first time was in 1955 ,in the famous MB trial in the Nasserite era ,a horrible unjust trial with lots of lies ,many MB were sentenced to death, he was among them ,yet for some reason I couldn't find in my readings he got away for it , unfortunately he escaped the death penalty yet he was forced to divorce his wife and his daughter died "according
But the Jails don't destroy the wells of the believers , The Islamic writer "Amina Kotub" the sister of famous "Siad Kotub" proposed to him in Jail while she had only 25 years old "yes as you read she proposed to him to marry him , I know it is strange ,it is very strange for an eastern girl ,also as Muslim sister not to mention the time in the 1950s" . He refused in the first but he agreed in the end, and thus the couple married in Jail yet the young bride had to wait for her groom and man for another 20 years to be free and live happily ever after ,as El-Sananairy was set free in year 1974 !! Already he passed the 55 years old in jail , but life never stops. in His new life El-Sananairy traveled a lot until his arrest again in 1978.
Here is his picture I found it in one of the Yahoo groups and I traced to find it directly linked to one of MB websites
"they got so many websites"
I don't know whether he was released again or not ,but I will presume so because in that old age he traveled to Afghanistan to fight the soviets to return back in Egypt and then to oppose camp David and President Sadaat and thus his name was in the famous September arrests and in the 4th of November the man died and his soul returned back to creator, the death reasons then officially was suicide , off the record between the MB he was killed.
On the 4th of November ,the death of Kamal El-Sananairy was announced, the cause of death was suicide according to the official reports and investigation of the Torah prison , the official report says that the man hanged himself in his cell according to this scenario "please use your imagination" he took off the bult of the dressing-gown "robe de chamber" and tied it around the toilet handle "as I understand" then he grabbed a chair and stood on it ,then he jumped and thus killed himself and the guards found him a dead body.
This is the official version of the story and his brother approved it
The MB got different version story,General Fouad Tawfik Alam ,the head of anti-Religious activities board [yes this was its name then!!] was interrogating Kamal himself in Torah during very aggressive cruel torture to him to get information about Afghanistan war [I read this story in El-Masryoon e-newspaper] when Alam lost his temper and strangled El-Sananairy by himself till the the man lost his life
This is the MB version of the story and they say that El-Sananairy brother was forced to accept it.
Of course Alam defended himself in Media and appeared in Night Talkshow "90 minutes" to defend himself, also he reported against Mohamed Habib to Deputy general. He says that he left the MB file in year 1980 in the National security as in a message to Daily "El-Masry El youm" Alam claimed that he met one of the leaders of MB in Germany after months of the incidents and he was Dr.Ali Gerasha ,and told him all about the suicide of El-Sananairy and the later believed him and even sent him a thanks letter !!!!!
Ironically councilor Gerasha himself denied the incident and called Alam to be liar
Not that only MB gave evidences to the world that make anyone suspect in the official version,for example the cells of Torah prison are very small , got no beds, and more important read carefully got no toilets or chairs at all !! Also the personal character of El-Sananairy as a very religious man contradicts the idea of Suicide ,as Suicide in prohibited in Islam and as a great sin as to be infidel.
Till now no one knows what this media war will end with or even when ??
Already the MB PM requested a Parliament investigation
Look I gave all the details and I tried to be as neutral as I can but before I say what I think
- In the article (55) of the Egyptian Constitution "The crime of torture is the only crime that doesn't discharge with seniority"
- This incident "if it is proved to be a murder" will be the first political assassination or murder in the era of President Mubarak "theoretically he wasn't in charge ,it was Sofi Abu Talab the head of Egyptian Parliament then".
Now to what yo si
yo si "I know in esponal" that Alam is a bloody bastard since the 1960s , his hands are not blood ,and God knows if this man really did something in his history that can be considered in the sake of Egypt , I know that if he killed this man or others ,God won't let him go easily whether in this life or after life ,and that the blood of this man would be a curse on him. I don't care much about Alam whom I believe is a strange sick person,in TV shows now he calls the same people of MB whom he personally supervised their tortures ,he calls blessings on their souls !!! I don't know how this person can sleep at night easily !!
But what I am really amazed is not Alam as much as MB ,why they suddenly decided to speak about this incident, why they exposed this crime now after 25 years , well my only guessing that may be because they got members in the Parliament but I am sorry to say that they are running behind a mirage if they think they will get Alam behind bar or even make him confess and regret like one them wrote
Was killed or killed himself ???
Logic speaks out loud there folks
P.S :I wrote this post from last week and I forgot to publish it , anyway I publish it now coz I am SO SICK
tags: Egyptian, Egypt, Middle East, 1980s, Democracy, freedom, Muslim Brotherhood, Islam