This story is dedicated to all those who thought that our hero can be our next president after Mubarak !! "Thank God I never respect him at all"
Our story would never have been known if Tom Hanks had not decide to produce "Charlie's Wilson War" the film which now is on my " Films
I want to watch" list to see our hero . Our hero already had an infamous reputation in Egypt every body knows about ,this is just a new chapter in his book of scandals which prove that he did not deserve the position nor the respect that he was given and it makes me wonder about how valid his decisions in his very critical position in very critical time "late 1970s and early 1990s" were.
I expect that this will be the new 2008 Press talk for the next couple of weeks , already our hero was a hot meal for them in mid 1990s with scandals .
Before I will start our little X-file which is not a real X-file or enigma but more it will ask X-Questions I doubt that I will find answers for them any sooner ,I must clarify some points.
First Who is Charlie Wilson ??
He is not our hero but he is very special American personality in the world of international politics , Charles Nesbitt Wilson a former naval
officer and member for the democratic party in the House of the Representatives from 1973 to 1997 ,which is a very long time but do not surprise because this man was more than a representative , he led the American congress in supporting the CIA operation to support the Afghans in the their war against the Soviets ,the thing which is considered now by many as like fostering the new radical terrorism which would attack America decades later
You can know more about Charlie here
Currently there is a film nominated for several Golden Globes awards and expected to be nominated for the Oscars in the cinema about Charlie Wilson's war role based on a book with the same title where our little story is mentioned in details
Now to our little Story and our dirty X-File :
We are in 1980s I think ,Charlie had a very nice idea in his plan to support the mujahideen to convince the world that they did not get any foreign support by fighting with Soviet weapons claiming that the Afghans captured those weapons , from where they would get those Soviet weapons , no other Country except Egypt which had then warehouses of old Soviet Weapons , do not forget for whole two decades in 1950s and 1960s we used to have arms from the Soviets ,but now we were then and are now with the Americans
Charlie wanted Egypt to export those Soviet weapons to the Afghans ,he could go directly to the President , especially such important strategic decision must be taken by the President himself ,
I do not know if he were President Sadaat or Mubarak , but I think he was Mubarak , instead he went directly to the Defense Minister then Field Marshal Mohammed Abu Ghazala , and this is the "X" Part in our story Why he went to the defense minister and did not go to the President ,already I do not think this story happened in the time of President Sadaat because the man would have supported the Afghans immediately , already he was against the Soviet invasion , it can be in the time of Mubarak still the question why Charlie went to the minister and did not go the President for this strategic decision
Anyhow according to Charlie and his book he did not go and visit Abu Ghazla alone , but he took with him a friend , a friend from the lonely Star state , the divorced mother of two Carol Shannon , Shannon already had a relationship with Wilson during that time,still he did not introduce her to the Egyptian minister as his girl friend by as An American Belly Dancer ,oh Belly Dancer in the country of Belly Dancing ,just like selling water in the water carriers ally !! I think Wilson may have known Abu Ghazala before in order to come to his place as far as I understand with a female companion who had a very interesting object I will talk about it later , surely it
was not his office at the ministry because the visit sooner turned in to a party ,and this why I know that he knew him very very well before because he knew which path he would take in order to convince the man. Another vital proof to enforce this is the fact that Abu Ghazala used to be our Military attaché in Washington D.C in 1970s till the death of Defense minister Ahmed Badawy when he returned back home to replace him as the minister of Defense and military production in the late 1970s
And here is the juicy part in Charlie Wilson's war ,forget his affairs and concentrate to the following
Just like Salome danced naked in order to get the head of John ,
Carol danced with a sword to make the field Marshal agree to send the Soviet arms to the Afghans and believe me she did not strip completely like Salome but she knew very how to turn the Egyptian on, She used a sword and laid it flat on the defense minister's head then slid it toward the ear like she was going to cut it off. Then she ran the sword down his chest to his belt buckle !!
One dance to remember , already Carol remembers the incident till now and she remembers how the body guards hurried to get the sword from her hand but the minister who was very pleased said it was OKAY !!!!
Next day Charlie got a very big approval and the weapons went to the Afghans because Carol danced very well !!
Of course the wild imagination will make you wonder about how the
night was ended despite Carol did not mention that anything sexual happened afterwards but of course with the name of Abu Ghazala and surely the ghost of Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amar will make you think of that
Already in my dictionary Charles Wilson acted like a Pimp and Shannon was his prostitute he offered to the womanizer in the suite with my all respect, yes it is a dirty game but you have to name things with its right names
Al-Arabiya website which adores this kind of juicy sexy stories in order to defame Egypt contacted some figures Dr. Mahmoud El-Gama ,the Physician of President Sadaat and close friend and Nabil Sharaf El-Din, the pro-American journalist to ask them about the incident and the both denied it ,of course they said that it took place during Sadaat , but I do not think so ,it is much easier to throw to it to the dead man's era ,not a living man who is working as a President. Already I do not know who they are exactly to judge in such secret thing , El-Gama is not that close to the military institution and Sharaf El-Din was a small journalist then whether in time of Sadaat or early time of Mubarak !!!
Still this story can find a place in the Egyptian mind to be accepted as reality even if it was not true due to his previous sex scandals
There were rumors in the Egyptian society saying that the man had an affair with an actress whom I will not say her name , but she is blonde and used to be a good will Ambassador for the UN ,I think the Egyptians and Arabs will know her ,the gentle man prefers them blonde !!!
Then came the big scandal that made him disappear from the public life till now : The Lucy Artin-Gate
Who is Lucy Artin ??
Lucy Artin is very beautiful sexy business woman and Socialite whose cousins are the famous Nelly and Labala the famous cinema stars , she is from an Armenian origin .
In 1993 Rosa-Youssef journalist then Wael El-Abrashi exposed in the
famous tabloid magazine that Lucy had relations with high profile personalities in Egypt including Abu-Ghazala and that she used this relation in order to win a dispute on a piece of land against her former husband.
According to the investigations ,there were taped calls between Artin and those officials including the field Marshal , the calls according to Al-Abrashi who had read the transcripts of the official investigation ,were sexually explicit in hard way that he had to remove the sexual terms when he published the exposé. Al-Abrashi says that honestly the man did not speak much and that Lucy did not speak so dirty with him still .. it is bad scandal
A Presidential Decree after this scandal came with a dismiss of his position in what was considered then the biggest corruption case in 25 years. Lucy became a star as the rule and a minister , a governor and other high profile officials were fired from service
The Lucy Artin-Gate reminded the Egyptians with the scandals of Field Marshal Amar in 1960s
Already you must know in the last Presidential elections the name of Abu-Ghazala came from ashes as a rival to Mubarak , some said that he is military and respected !! People and Press began to speak about a hidden war between them. Abu-Ghazala left his position in what some believed another chapter in the war between them , you see it is quite logic in a country like Egypt ruled by originally the army that the President gets rid from any figure in the army that has either a popularity or power enough to lead a coup against him , the golden lesson that was learned by Presidents Mubarak and Sadaat from the Nasser-Amar war and the price Egypt had paid because of it , President Sadaat got rid from El-Gamsi , President Mubarak got rid of Abu-Ghazala. Some people especially from the young generation who do not know him well believe that the former minister was removed because he is a Nasserite ,religious person who hates America ignoring the face he used to be our Military attaché in America and that Israel told Mubarak to get rid of him because he was re-building the Egyptian army !!?? already most of this talk is based more on the hate of Mubarak
Taken on the 6th of October 1981 minutes before President Sadaat's assassination in the military parade,vice president then and President Now Mubarak on the left hand of Sadaat and field Marshall Abu Ghazala on his right hand
The name of Abu-Ghazala appeared again in 2007 and this time in my opinion was worst than the Lucy Artin-gate because his name was included as a suspect in very high profile conspiracy theory in the
assassination of President Sadaat by President Sadaat' Nephew PM Talaat El-Sadat ; the accusation which led Talaat to a military jail for couple of months , seriously what Talaat had said can be logic and in a respectable country there should be more transparent international investigation because I am not convinced with official 1981 investigation honestly ,anyhow El-Sadat opened his fire on Abu-Ghazala and indirectly on Mubarak , He accused Abu-Ghazala of taking bribes in arm deals ,forget about Women and sex here are much more deadly accusation of murder and profiting in very important position
people I am not surprised with this scandal if it is true ,here we are not talking a honest straightforward man like field Marshal El-Gamsy or General Saad El-Shazaaly , this is a military man from the kind of field Marshal Amar ,the only difference is that the man knows more about War sciences than the later . The important Question in our case if this incident took place , we have to wonder on how many decisions were taken by this man when he was turned on , it is dangerous because this means from the late 1970s up to 1993 decisions of Abu-Ghazala were taken not for the national security sake but based on another calculations
I do need to say that there should be an investigation because this is what should happen in democratic country !!!
Of course the man will deny the incident in media , the pens will come and attack the film as Zionist attempts to defame the general of Yom Kippur war ... bla bla bla I bet Mustafa Bakery will defend him in advance
Surely the film which will be shown in Egypt starting next 18th of February 2008 will be censored , already in the states the director cut off the dance scene , I bet in Egypt they will either cut the part concerning Egypt or they will not show it simply
Please watch the film in the cinemas near and wait from it in his release worldwide, already it is Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts film ,nominated for several Golden Globes and surely will be nominated for the Oscars
The history channel will show a special documentary about the real life of Charlie Wilson including the incident on the 28th of December 2007 at 8 PM and it will be rewind at 2 PM GET I guess , unfortunately I do not have History channel on my Cable channels ,you can check it here
Please if you can watch , watch it ,come and tell me how it is and what exactly they are saying about the incident
Or you can pre-order it from now
Here is the book which includes the incident from , I will add it to my book store too
Technorati tags:
Charlie Wilson's war,
Charlie Wilson,
Abu Ghazala,
Carol Shannon,
national security,
Minister ofdefense,
Middle east,
North Africa,
Lucy Artian,
Sadaat assissnation,
Talaat El-Sadaat,