As I promised here are my thought about Dr.Mohamed ElBaradei's return and his interview with Mona El-Shazely.
First of all I support this man in what he calls for , it is not about presidency and he made this crystal clear; he is speaking about a real political reform , a real change , a real
way to save this country from its doomed fate you and I know 100% that the mother of the world is heading to after 28 years of Mubarak's rule or rather after more than 50 years of the one man rule.
What ElBaradei wants is a new constitution , real democratic constitution chosen by the people for the people. He said that if the people want this , then they must work with him. He will not and he can't do it alone as long as the people are sitting on their asses as they have done for the rest 50 years. Let's be frank to change this regime for once and for all peacefully the people must get up and do something , they are the real power.
The people want to change but they are afraid and you should not blame them because this is an ancient Egyptian heritage to be submissive to the pharaoh and his regime since the dune of history. You should not blame them but rather you should encourage them to move like what they have done in their sudden revolts and uprisings. Do not spread this despair the Mubarak regime wants to have by being skeptical, again what he says is what we all say but thanks to his international status he is being heard more and he is being trusted more than all those fake and polluted big mouth politicians in Egypt with my all respect to them.
Those who says that he did not represent an electoral program has missed or rather did not understand what he is calling for exactly , it is not about the elections people it about a real drastic political reform to revive Egypt again.
Second of all I do not think that Mona El-Shazely was that bad or that vile as the press across the Arab world has been describing her."In Egypt, in Lebanon and in Algeria too"
Mona was more than professional in that interview and as someone who used to watch her since her days in ART I know that this interview is a remark of its own in her career. Mona unlike Amr Adib respects and supports ElBaradei even if she does not show it due to the undemocratic conditions in the country and also her professionalism that forces her to be neutral. Already I would not be happy if she appeared interviewing ElBaradei as if 10 years old fan were interviewing Miley Cyrus aka Hanna Montana. As an interviewer she should be neutral and also she should be the devil advocate in order to show the real views of her guest and how he thinks especially that this guest is ready to rule this country , Egypt. Questions need to be harsh when you interview someone like ElBaradei with what he says and wants to achieve.
Mona was not part of the regime in that episode with my all due respect , I know that many people do not like her "I do not know why' , I know that she had her ups "Khamini and Mahitir Mohamed..etc" and downs "Haifa Wahby and Ahmed Ezz" , Mona was doing her job as it should.
Already it did not matter how aggressive El-Shazely questions were because our man was the man and he answered all questions in our minds.
Back to the guest , well ElBaradei managed in this episode to win hearts and minds of millions of Egypt . Those who did not know who he was , knew who he is and what he says , those who were skeptical now believe him and those who supported him before started to act even virtually online more frankly
In the past 72 hours after the interview the main unofficial ElBaradei group went from 70,000 members to 110,360 members "Wednesday , 24 February 2010 @11: Cairo Local time" taking in consideration there are two million Egyptians on the face book. You may consider it nothing as a virtual activism but let's remember that this virtual activism brought to us the 6th of April Youth.
ElBaradei's battle is not with Mubarak but rather with a whole regime , a whole system , the same system his father fought till death since the revolution. Mubarak is the evolution of Nasser's regime , no wonder he is still using the same men who were raised in that regime like Safwat El-Sharif and Kamal El-Shazely not to mention Mustafa El-Faky and Ali El-Din Halal this besides Fouad Allam too !!
The lack of democracy in time of Nasser is forcing us to pay up till now and this has to be stopped for the sake of our children and their future , at least if we try and fail ,they will not blame us like we are doing with our parents ; who knows may be they will continue in what we have started and succeed. The key is to start from now. Do Not kill the hope but encourage it till it becomes a reality.
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