On Saturday, Cairo is on a date with one unique procession.
Cairo will witness a parade of 22 ancient Egyptian Kings and Queens as they or rather their mummies are being transferred from the Egyptian Museum of Cairo in Downtown’s Tahrir Square to the Newly inaugurated The National Egyptian Civilization Museum “NECM” in Old Cairo’s Fustat.
They are transferred to a new home
They are going to a new home now after more than 100 years in The Egyptian Museum of Cairo as it is undergoing a huge renovation project sponsored by the EU and a bunch of European museums above them the British Museum.
The Mummies are reportedly to receive better and advanced care in the NECM because that care can’t be provided in the Tahrir Museum with its old structure.
The parade will take place at Sunset, at about 6 PM and it will take only 45 minutes but it will be a procession to be remembered. It will start at the renovated Tahrir square.
The Tahrir square after renovation "Egyptian Cabinet" |
Those kings and queens from the Modern Kingdom's 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th dynasties were discovered in the 19th and early 20th centuries at the Valley of the Kings in Luxor.
They are: King Seqenenre Taa , Queen Ahmose Neferati,King Amenhotep I, Queen Merit Amun, King Thutmose I, King Thutmose II, Queen Hatshepsut, King Thutmose III, King Amenhotep II, King Thutmose IV, King Amenhotep III, Queen Tiye, King Seti I, King Rameses II, King Merenpath, King Seti II, King Siptah, King Ramesses III, King Ramesses V, King Ramses IV, King Ramses VI, Ramesses IX
The mummies of the 18 kings and 4 queens will be carried on special vehicles with their names inscribed on them.