There are three Michaels in Lebanon currently so near to become the next president for the troubled state ,two of them are actually nearer from one to the Presidential palace
The three Michaels are :
- Michel Soliman , the current commander of the Lebanese army
- Michel Eddé ,the former Minister
- Michel Aoun , the famous politician, former commander of Lebanese army
I will start with Michael Eddé , the oldest one of them
Michel Eddé has a powerful position in Lebanon due to the fact he
was chosen surprisingly by Pope Sfir , the head of the Lebanese Maronite Church , as a moderate face all parties could accept him ,of course the only party accepted him were the Shiite parties presented in Nabieh Barry and Hezbollah. Of course the 14th of March refused him and some are saying that also Michael Oun also does not accept him , well surely it is obvious why; Oun wants it to himself , despite that Eddé lost in year 1989 his Syrian allies when he insisted that the Syrians should search for another solution than force to get rid from Oun ,the thing that costed him the chair of Presidency then
It was not the first he lost in it the presidency , he was going to be the president already in year 1982 yet the Israeli invasion to Beirut destroyed the opportunity . And that' was just another reason to make the Maronite hate the Israelis forever , already the man entered the political arena through his hate to Israel and Zionism and his support to the Palestinian cause since his youth
Eddé was born on the 16th of February 1928 , an Aquarius Maronite whom was raised in a conservative environment yet was impressed by Karl Marx to the degree that the media used to call him the "red Maronite"
The red Maronite was graduated from the law school in the Université Saint-Joseph, his class included late Lebanese presidents René Moawad and Elias Sarkis . His political life began as a student in 1947 when he participated in the protests against the Jewish state since that day he became a passionate about the Palestinian cause that turned him in to an expert and a historian for the Zionist movement exposing all the historical lies about Israel ,the man wrote several books about Israel history in the past and the present and you only have to know one of the titles of his books is "The temple of Herod or the temple of Solomon" , well for sure he is in the anti-Semites list and surely that another reason why America and Israel do no want him to be the president of Lebanon
Eddé was chosen as a minister for 5 times from years 1966 to 1996 in different cabinets , he refused to run for the parliament because he wanted to keep his independence.
Eddé was accused in the past decades to be from the supporters of Syria and Lahoud,yet from knowing his position from the Oun problem and also his welcome from the Syrian departure from Lebanon , I would Say that this accusation is not always true. Already he seems to put Lebanon first according to what he believes politically , Eddé believes in Pan Arabism , he is from that old school
He is married from a woman called Paula and he got from her 4 sons and a daughter. Already as it is the common in Lebanon , He comes from a political family. He currently own a publishing house "Société Générale de Presse et d'Édition" since year 1990 which publishes the third successful French daily newspaper in Lebanon " L'orient-le jour"
To Michel Aoun , the Lebanese Abdo Moshatak {1}
The General as his supporters like to call him
Here is his profile in English wikipedia , I am going to talk about him as Michel Eddé because there are English sources about not like Eddé's.
Yet I will say what I think about him Aoun is a dangerous kind of politicians , he wants to be the president by any possible way , he changes his political accordingly
Michel Aoun went to the American Congress in 2004 and testified against Syria then after the Syrian forces departure from Lebanon the man changed his political view 180 degrees and made alliance with the Pro-Syrian famous parties and leaders he used to call them names , the man justifies the change in his position to the fact that there is no need to become an enemy to Syria as long as they had withdrawn , of course he got a point
During the invasion of Lebanon in 1982, he shake hands with the Israelis and in 2006 his MPs in the Lebanese parliament questioned how dare the Lebanese defence minister gave his order to welcome
the Israeli soldiers in one of the southern village in that famous incident known as the tea party , of course I do not respect Aoun in 1982 nor Ahmed Fatafat Pasha in year 2006
Of course he made a strategic alliance with Hezbollah , creating a powerful Christian-Shiite alliance , despite the claims from the 14th of March that his influence in the Christian sect is decreasing , well this is what they wish for , anyhow his free patriotic movement is not playing in Lebanon for sure , by the way the official website for the movement till now is blocked in Syria till now
Aoun during the civil war while being a commander to the army fought almost all those war princes in the 14th of March and may be the man changes his political view yet he does not forget that and they do not forget that ,they hate the general so much and this is what I like about him
Already regardless of what he done in his exile the man since the return to Beirut gave great suggestions to save the country but no one wanted to listen
His relations with Hezbollah I guess is what actually makes the United States and France do not want him , this understanding sheet he demands all coming presidents to stick with it
Aoun is well known to his nervous behaviour ,already I can't forget how nervous he became when he came and his grand children started to cry because of the journalists , he simply yelled at the journalists!!
Anyhow good luck to Aoun ,as he will have to wait more and more to become a president and who knows !!?? May be in the end he will become the president one day
To the third Michel of them and the luckiest one of all ,as he seems to be so close to the Presidential palace more than ever .
The new comer General Michel Soliman , the commander of the Lebanese army
This man came to the spot light during the Nahr El-Bard river camp military camp ,as he orchastered the whole thing in a way that impressed the different parties
Michel Soliman is another moderate excellent solution as the man
did not work in the political arena before , got no enemies or friends ,got no past experiences with those and these
Soliman was born on 21th of January 1948 "I can't believe two Aquarius men in the list !!" He is currently 59 years old ,married and got three children
His resume includes the following after graduation from the war school in 1971 :
- In 1973 ,he headed the intelligence sector in Mount Lebanon "and do not ask me how in less than two years ,because the intelligence in Lebanon is quite different than ours"
- In 1979, he became Secretariat-General in the army Headquarter
- In 1991, he became Colonel of Staff and appointed as the Commandment of the Mount Lebanon region
- In 1996 , he was promoted to the rank of General of staff and was appointed as the commander of the 6th infantry brigade
- In 1998, he was promoted to the rank of General, and was appointed as the Armed Forces Commander as a successor to Emile Lahoud
Believe or not Soliman is our Egyptian bet in this Lebanese race,oh yes Egypt is trying to get back to Lebanon after a long time of absence and after Saudi Arabia became the first Arab country in Lebanon.
Egypt is trying by all suitable to regain its positions already this is from Gamal Mubarak moves to win more acceptances from the people , it is not bad move . First of all they changed the Ambassador ,second they began to be involved more and more , yes they are more closer to the 14th of March but not so close like Saudi
Egypt prefers him because he is a military man and it is easy for us to deal with the military man
Egypt prefers him because he is not from the 14th of March group whom are more controlled by Saudi Arabia
Now Soliman must be thankful for this support because it turned out
the Egyptian role is not completely dead , Egypt made Saudi Arabia accept the man and the KSA used its magic with its partners the 14th of March ,believe or not the 14th of March now is welcoming the general to become the next president
Just after one session between the Saudi Ambassador and Samir Geagea !!
Yet this does not mean that he is a pro-American man because Nabieh Barry and those behind from Hezbollah welcomed him since day one , also Michel Aoun ,after all his military man who should have worked under his command
By the way as far as I know the Lebanese file in Egypt is from the reasonability of General Omar Soliman
By the way Syria welcomes any of these gentle men
- Michael Eddé's profile in Hayat Daily newspaper : The Zionism chaser "in Arabic"
- Michael Eddé 's profile in French Wikipedia
- {1} Abdo Moshatak is an Egyptian comic cartoon character that was created by Ahmed Ragab and Mustafa Hussein in Al-Akhabr Newspaper , the person who will die and get an official position whether a president or a prime minister ,he is always waiting , he became a part of our Egyptian vocabulary to describe this kind of personality
Technorati tags:
Middle east,
South of Lebanon,
14th of March,
Saudi Arabia,
Michel Aoun,
Michel Soliman,
Michel Edde,
Lebanese Presidents